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Everything posted by looma

  1. How do you think I felt I was caught totaly off gaurd and I just had: 1 hot dog w/ sauerkraut and mustard 1 with chili 1 with mustard and onions
  2. I just saw that, He's a Geek!! Lukey, this picture you sent me is disgusting!!!
  3. :laugh: Your to funny. I agree this is entertaining but people really get out of control its so funny.
  4. So Lukey Who are you voting for?
  5. Whats up dog, just went to JJ's with randouch and puffed a little boogs. veranos was closed. These geeks should save the drama for their mamas:laugh:
  6. I think all of you are a bunch of losers. You guys/gals have way to much time on your hands. PLEASE GO BACK TO WORK, this is why our economy sucks!! and my votes go toooo............. 1.) Saleen ----- (any guy that puts a picture of a mustang under his name is queer) 2.) Who ever those two queers were that wore matching blue armani headbands, they also get my vote. 3.) Anyone that lives in South Jersey - Your queer too. PEACE GEEKS
  7. Yeah I hear ya, GO COWBOYS!! I don't think I'm gonna do anything tonight, I got an early day tommorrow, I'm gonna try and bang a couple bitches in the wedding party. LOL I was with artie a total of 2 hours yesterday, I thought I was gonna kill him he is out of control. well you gotta catch the bus so I'll talk to you later. Peace call me
  8. Whats up jigga, I'm about to toke a bonski. You got plans for tonight? I got that corney ass wedding tommorrow. I'm supposed to go paint balling on Sunday with evil jav, johnny face, nubac and who ever else. You down?
  9. FU to the camel jockeys that terrorized our country. FU to my parents who together made me look like a camel jockey and now I get dirty looks from my own people!!!!!! whats up lukey
  10. I'm down for Sunday. John since your incharge give me a call and let me know some details. Peace, I gotta go to a food show and I'm baked so thats twice the pleasure. Loomalamon
  11. I agree with everyone who says we shouldn't backlash against people in our own country. This is exactly what bin laden wants. He wants us to change the way we AMERICANS live our lives. He wants us to have to live looking over our shoulders. we should try to live a normal life. fly when you need to fly and BUY AMERICAN STOCKS. we need to come together as one. and with the support of the world we shall overcome terrorism. In regards to the cnn comment I really don't think that cnn would show old footage of people dancing in "paki-stank". Whats his face the leader of "paki-stank" even comented on the footage saying that it was just a small group of people cheering. The one thing we should worry about are the people that a cheering in our own UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. Imediatelly after the attacks on the U.S. groups of camel jockeys gathered in passiac to cheer the attacks. WE SHOULD NOT ALLOW PEOPLE TO CHEER HERE IN THE U.S.!! Just the other day another camel jockey was caught in his office cheering in front of his other AMERICAN co workers. He was fired from his job and the FBI was notified and it turned out this guy had an expired visa and the INS deported his ASS. YEAH!! HU - RA!! WE WILL WIN!! I hope they build another two buildings. Maybe a big HUGE!! monument of two real big middle fingers with two big AMERICAN FLAGS flying on it, pointing towards af - fucking - stanker - hoe - stan and the rest of those dirty swamp ass terrorists F-U YOU ARE ABOUT THE WITNESS THE STRENGTH OF THE AMERICAN PEOPLE BE WARE!!
  12. FU To the bouncer at Temps that threw my boy out on Sunday Night and ruined my night. FU To my accountant who fucked up my books so much that now I'm working my ASS OFF!! FU To my parents who come home from 3 month vacation and now I cant smoke bones in the basement.
  13. Call me again my phone has bad signal in my office
  14. I'm always hiring. To bad its sales and recruiting
  15. My wifes fingers are like stuffed sausages. OUCH!!!
  16. A Big FU to my wife who tried to stick three of her fingers up my ass last night during our love making sesion and now I can barely sit down. FU BITCH!!
  17. Jav, You went alone? Whats the deal with that? I'm going with the wife this week. Did you smoke before you went?
  18. The Natural Usaual Suspects Beverly Hills Cop 1 Duece Bigalow Indiana Jones Rocky II Amatuer TEEN PORN That Movie with Julia Roberts and the English dude that got caught with the hooker in LA.
  19. Call me on my cell. Everyone else should stop being nosey:laugh:
  20. Lukey, You were at merge friday? How was it? Chino's comming over to smoke a blunt with his broken sholder.
  21. Topps in East Newark is the best hands down, Tick Tock is okay but that dinning room is to LOUD!! and TIGHT!! WHATS UP LUKEY!! call me at the office
  22. Who's Blazzing up?? I'M DOWN!! Jav, I'm home, I might be able to do something tonight. Call me as soon as you get home. PEACE
  23. LOL We gotta get together. JAV CALL MY CELL YOU JOHNNNY!!!
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