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Clubplanet Nightlife Community


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Everything posted by bless88

  1. audiogalaxy is by far the best......hands down.....
  2. thanks......... much appreciated
  3. anyone heard of 8 1/2'S???? how about crowns???
  4. i would never do that...... i'm not that type of guy..
  5. i didn't mean for it to sound arrogant.... if it came off that way then my bad.....i was just kiddin around.....sorry
  6. whatever, relax woman all i'm saying is grant hill is no longer on the pistons if you want to get all uptight and be a bitch about it so be it.....
  7. ummmmmmmmmmmm get your facts str8 before you tell me to stfu.
  8. uuuuuuuuuuuuummmmmmmmmmmmm... grant hill has been on the orlando magic for over a year now....
  9. wtf???????? it's not on ag??? what's it under???
  10. what's it under on ag???? i can'y find it!!!! i want it now!!!!!!
  11. it's not that bad.....after all it is the poor man's coke.....
  12. yup they're right....don't know what the fuck i was thinking with chantal......anyway it's still a phat song.... peace..
  13. it's not on audiogalaxy.......damn.........!!!!
  14. props to you bro... that shit is pretty hot...
  15. is it -chantal- the realm??? if it's not, i know the song youe asking about...pretty phat.
  16. i think it's actually pretty fuckin hilarious.....
  17. this kid is just simply a fucking tool.......i've never seen someone like this on these boards.....grow up....
  18. could be, i have it... i'll check.... i thought it was newer than that though....thanks for the reply...
  19. i know it's not much..... but my boy keeps naggin me to get this song.....all he can tell me is that the word "everyday and i'm feelin the same way"..........you peeps are nasty at id ing songs.....so hook me up if possible. he says he heard it out for the last couple of weeks so it can't be that old.......i don't think anyway.....i know he heard eddie baez spin it also ....if that helps...thanks
  20. i agree with xbebekiss and ripped..... i drink redbull and vodka all the fucking time when i'm out....not to mention almost everytime i go into work i dreak at least one... i swear i'm addicted to the shit.....anyway, when i drink it with vodka, i never get a hangover, and i can drink alot.....and i don't feel nearly as fucked up as if i would be if i were drinking vodka& oj ....or whatever.......the shit straightens me right out.......and by the way the fact that these people collapsed and died is definetly not a direct result of redbull...
  21. uuuuuummmmmmmmmmmmm........... that story just got me fucking rock hard....
  22. yes it was freesom... the source i got the name from seems to have given me the wrong spelling..hmmmmm..... anyway thanks alot bro, peace.
  23. sweet. i have tried audiogalaxy... but couldn't find it there...and i'll try napster..but i think it's down from all that copyright bullshit....if i get it i'll let you know...thanks for lookin out.
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