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Everything posted by bless88

  1. yo saleen.....go to eb and play the x box... it's really not that good....and for the price.....forget it..!!!! by the way grand theft auto 3 for ps2 is PHAT!!!!
  2. whoa tranza... a jp track that you can't id?? is there a blue moon or something??:
  3. skate or die lol,,, :laugh: i rmember playing that game.....
  4. yo grind session was way better....the levels were much much better.....it was way more user friendly.....and wasn't so awkward....imo, hawk was ok, 2 was good, 3 should be the best....but how can you honestly say that the graphics for hawk are better?? also the moves for grind session were better.....
  5. digital7.....r u serious??!!! acosta is nasty.......so go laugh your ass off somewhere else......chump:mad:
  6. ha that games phat........but honestly grind session was waaaaayyyy better imo of course......
  7. hmmmm what about kazaa? lol:D
  8. thanks for trying....but i'm very familiar with awake....it's my favorite of his albums..... it's not any of them on there.......i think it was a newer song....it's funny cause i was so sure that i would remember how it went when i was in the club.......but then when i woke up the next afternoon...i couldn't remember....damnit!!!!!! thanx anyways....
  9. the one with the girl is the aramis mix....but that's not it either....damn!!!!
  10. nope not it either........that one is a guy's voice.....i appreciate you trying to help me though......
  11. oh yeah....wakeup thanx for tryin....but it wasn't emotions...i have that song....i can't remember what she was saying....shitshitshit:
  12. i've seen him twice in the last couple of weeks....the first time was at the palace(tilt) in boston.......the second was last night at metropolis in providence... last night he was off the hizzy......next week at metropolis it's scot project....can't wait for that ....whew!!!!
  13. ok i saw him last night...phat....anyway he played a song that had a girl vocal...she was talking...not singing....and said something along the lines of time and space, or space and time.....this sucks cause i can't really remember....even though last night i said the line over and over in my head and told myself i would remember...fuck!!!
  14. yes.....finally.....thanks bro........
  15. go to- www.cracks.am ........then dl it....and in your files you will have something that says key generator.....it will say generate, press this and you will get a # write it down, and when you go into your trial version of mixmeister, it will say type in key # ...type the number you wrote down and it should work......get back to me if you have any problems or if this doesn't make sense....peace
  16. i've noticed this too....fuckin blows....now what!!????
  17. ah....i see...i will try that later.....and i hope it works too...it should, thanks a lot bro...peace:cool:
  18. sorry that didn't make much sense did it??? anyway i want to be able to have a continuous mix....but i also want to be able to skip a couple of songs if i want ....is this possible with mixmeister and adaptec?
  19. ok i have adaptec....and i need to find out where the "disk at once selection thing is....?? anyone??? if i list the export as sperate tracks will selecting disk at once enable me to be able to skip songs, but still have a continuous mix???? help please!!??
  20. no shit....the same thing happened to me!!!
  21. ok let's hear it......how was exit last night...phat i'm sure, my sorry rhode island ass couldn't make it...had to work on saturday, fuckin blows.....as it is i only get to the city a couple of times a year, but it's always a phatty time...fuck i wish i went!!! anyway, how was vicious??? let me know peeps!!!! thanks;)
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