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Clubplanet Nightlife Community


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Everything posted by trancerxn112

  1. Top Ten Signs You've Seen the `Star Wars' Movies Too Many Times 10. Your poodles are named "C," "3," "P" and "O" 9. You won't sleep with your wife unless she says, "Help me, Obi Wan, you're my only hope" 8. You spent $10,000 trying to Rogaine yourself into Chewbacca 7. You're continually stunned when the President makes major decisions without consulting Mark Hamill 6. Your favorite pickup line: "Would you like to handle my light saber?" 5. You keep referring to your lawn mower as "that crazy droid" 4. You spend most of your days trying to use "the Force" to open a can of pears 3. You once saw an eggplant that looked kind of like Darth Vader and almost had a heart attack 2. Your sex life is strictly "Han Solo," if you know what I mean 1. You like Yoda so much, you voted for Ross Perot
  2. best scene ever... the part right before they push Luke into that desert thing... he signals for R2 to pop the light saber up does a 180 grabs onto the plan uses a force jump grabs the saber and cuts those 2 guys and proceeds to deflect the blaster shots... drool...
  3. the doughboy is dead... i loved that little shit!
  4. the screen name is SmarterChild that guys a fawkin loser hes always online...
  5. Bones... you gotta help me... that bitch from Nigel 7 gave me Bulfolian Clap...!!
  6. mentioning a nuclear attack after 9/11 was the same as saying after someone dies their family will make funeral arrangements... theres always the possibility of an attack because of the magnitude of damage a nuclear blast would do in a highly populated area... ur just bringing to light peoples deep dark fear and saying this is how we can avoid it and saying the most outlandish things yould have better luck posting your ideas on the Arkansas board...
  7. We were all newbies at one time... actually i was born a god so i dont know anything about that!
  8. Anyone notice how those kids that you called "Retards" or more politically correct "Mentally Limited" kids were always packing the Superman like strength...
  9. haha she rides the short bus... i knew it... damn special kids that explains her immense strength so that she lifted me up with one hand shes like the Tyson of special people!
  10. i thought it was pretty funny lol
  11. thats not true i know a spanish girl that looks asian lol
  12. i can stick my head out the window if i want a roller coaster but ill go lol...
  13. California Roll or Shrimp Tempura Roll!
  14. Yoooooooo wtf man Bra is my shitttttt!
  15. You are a Rabbit! It's always the quiet ones... You may act innocent and sweet on the outside - but that's just a ploy. You're normally well up for it and are eager to experiment - anyhow, anywhere, everywhere! You're not much of a sucker for romance, when you're partner gets too soppy - it's a hoppity, skippity jump into bed with the next suitable candidate!
  16. do you guys even remember what you said?!!! I remember them taping and you guys were fucking plastered...
  17. i wouldnt... crazy girl tried to push me off the stage!
  18. wow this is so depressing... i just wanna add something... buildings are buildings... weither its the street corner deli or the empire state building... you guys have completely forgotten about the thousands of people who lost their lives that day... within a few seconds all those voices were suddenly quieted like candles blown out by the wind... a billboard at grandcentral caught my eye the other day "The most victims of the WTC were nowhere near them." Sad but true ...
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