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Everything posted by frenchbread

  1. haven't actually seen it... but read about it more than once... can't move huh?...classic case of the couch lock... that means you're smoking some indica my friend...
  2. see siceone... i told you cheney was still getting money from haliburton... didn't believe me... no....conspiracy theory...whoooooo....
  3. see...i'm not going to do that...or at least i mean to not do that (i can't predict the future...i know, i know...or can i?...) "pan frances" lol...that's funny... i'll correct you...but don't take it bad though...i just figure, you might as well write it correctly: 'pain français"...
  4. i agree with you and that's sad... other nations have overcome that, but this country seems to be so hypocritical about drugs...it's such a political goldmine (see infinite source of self-righteousness...that plus it's so profitable)... sadly, i don't think so...i mean look at how open the sixties' generation was about drug...hasn't translated at all... lol... that's funny... what's even funnier is that some people think that... seriously... same as always in our u.s. of a. though: people in power banking on myths, and complete misinformation of the public... but that's a whole other story...
  5. good background info vicman... it looks like it was both democrats and republicans... in any case... i'm still interested to hear some feedback to my question...so: <bump>
  6. to quote what siceone said before you: "rome wasn't built in a day"... no wmd's found yet... and iraqi's don't exactly have freedom right now either... sure you saw some people dancing around and laughing... and i will be happy for them when they get freedom too, but they're not there yet... baghdad hasn't quite become mr roger's neighbourhood yet... lootings, revenge killings(civilians on civilians), armed fighting... just like you don't want gmcookny to jump to conclusions about the wmd's just yet, i think we should have the same attitude about the "freedom" of the iraqi people too... it's not there just yet...(i'm not saying that it won't come though...i sure hope it does)... you can't treat one side of it one way, and the other a different way...
  7. see this is a perfect example of what i have posted many times, about the fact that a lot of peope here would have me lumped in with liberals or democrats, or "comies" just because i think this war is illegal... i completely disagree with the rave act...so i disagree with the people pushing it... but in any case, this country has always had a very bad attitude towards drugs, and an even worse policy to regulate them... i don't think that this can be blamed solely on the democrats or on the republicans... not that i am trying to defend either... i just think that our country's dealings with drugs has always been wrong and very hypocritical... this is just one more installement in our fundamentally flawed drug policy... and for all the people here that support our current administration and use psychotropic substances, how do you reconcile your support of this administration, and its radical views on drugs (john walters, john ashcroft...)... and especially the last campaign "if you do drugs, you support terrorism"... i'm just curious... so for the paranoid ones out there, please don't take it as a personal attack... like i said, i'm just curious...
  8. lollol... calm down there starvingartist... you again jumped the gun, and took everything the wrong way... what i said was refering to the original post and noting that "all you see here in the states [in the media] is people laughing and dancing in the streets [of baghdad]"...(i even quoted raver_mania...go back and look at my post)... raver_mania was giving a "dose of reality" by showing one of the bad side of this conflict that is not shown in the media... and i was just agreeing with him that "here in the states, all you see is people laughing and dancing" as opposed to the people described in his post, suffering and dying... why do you take everything so personnally?... and i am not anti-american...i am american... i know there are many people that are anti-war and that protested in the streets...i am one of them right here in beautiful nyc...
  9. mmhmmm...maaaayybee... but then why bring it to the middle east?...
  10. isn't the war just about over????... now why would they do something like that?... i wonder...
  11. lol... :rofl::rofl::rofl: that's good man... my favourites have to be (in no particular order): ERNEST HEMINGWAY VOLTAIRE BILL GATES ALBERT EINSTEIN
  12. i agree with you... all you see here in the states is people laughing...dancing... they don't talk about the casualties... everytime, a tv station, news building, or hospital is hit it's a "deplorable mistake"... but best of all i think is how personally some people took your post... i think that in itself is quite revelatory...
  13. "i said nytimes not latimes...boo hoo hoo"... did i ever said you were talking about the l.a. times?... i'm giving you an example of how pushing this "pro-gov't is the only way" is dangerous and translates into immediate false information... just forget it man...
  14. exacty my point... they will feed whatever the mass wants to hear as long as it ensures better ratings than the next network... example: msnbc hiring mike savage to try to pick up the extreme right viewers from fox...here are some of savage's most notable comments: "We need racist stereotypes right now of our enemy in order to encourage our warriors to kill the enemy," (San Francisco Chronicle, 2/6/03) Speaking about kids killed by guns, he said, "They're not kids, they're ghetto slime... they're the same kids that are in Sierra Leone toting AK47s." (Savage World, 5/15/00) so the result is exactly what i am pointing out... for ratings, the media is willing to do anything... in the case of l.a. times, compromise and falsify information... and what's the best way to look 100% "patriotic" in times of war (at least here in the u.s.)?... that's right... support your gov't...
  15. and here's about the great unbiased media... front page photo of the l.a. times was touched up to make things look more dramatic... now why would they do that?... p.s.: lucky he some people caught that, otherwise he'd still have his job...i wonder
  16. i didn't call him any names now did i?... i just said he was talking out of his ass... as for you... seems like you also need to go read the res1441... because wether you like it or not, the res doesn't grant authority to the u.s. to attack iraq(why do you think bush was trying to pass another resolution)... so the war is not legal... and again your words not mine:"and some american companies will get some big contracts..." so that in itself is incentive enough... let's just hope that no other country thinks to do that... because what do you know, they might bomb us to oblivion under the pretext that we're ready for their way...and then they will make much money rebuilding our country... but you see nothing wrong with that right?...
  17. and again... i NEVER argued that the iraqi wouldn't be better off without hussein... you guys are so dense... how many times do i need to tell you?... i dare you to quote me saying that it wouldn't be good for the iraqi to be liberated from hussein... this is getting old... i am telling you that this war is illegal...it's wrongly conducted, and our gov't are just using this as a reason to go there... they couldn't care less about the iraqi people...(obivously...dumping bombs with 120 meters blast radius in urban area to do surgical bombing...... you just roll everything altogether so that you can justify our gov't's action... are you sure you don't actually work for the gov't?...
  18. what a piece of work... first you say: but then turns out you're talking out of your ASS...what a surprise... so you act like you know, and then turn around and ask for the resolution... what a joke... :laugh::laugh: don't act like you know about something when you haven't even looked at it yourself... stop acting like a fox proxie and start thinking on your own... here's the url: http://ods-dds-ny.un.org/doc/UNDOC/GEN/N02/682/26/PDF/N0268226.pdf (can't attach files to pm's)...
  19. right you're realistic, therefore you can tell what a whole country is thinking... uh huh...you're sane...not delusional...noooo...
  20. and for your info... you're wrong again... shows how much you know... res1441, does not give authority to any country to attack iraq... it doesn't not even specify "the serious consequences" iraq would have to face... that's the job of the security council to decide what and when.. i have it if you want, i can mail it to you... u.s. most certainly did not enforce res1441: we did not have the authority from the u.n. council... as usual talking out of your ASS...
  21. damn...do i need to spell it out for you?... media owned by 6 people... very easy for the gov't to control...all you gotta do is be friends with 6 people some way or another... oh wait...oh the guy that owns fox is one of bush's best friend... no...that couldn't be why fox is the most pro-war of all chanels... you're wrong again...i do listen to everything...i then do my own synthesis... i don't think it's all conspiracy... i even watch fox in small doses... and in this case (the palestine hotel incident), i took in the governement's info: "it was a mistake...we [thought we] were under sniper and rocket fire"... plenty of independant journalists that were there and that come from all parts of the world (both inside and outside the hotel): "there was no sniper...very calm...we saw the tank take aim...then wait a good 2 minutes...then fired"... then there's the video... i took in all the info, and can safely say that they fired intentionally and not in self defense... and top of that this comes at the same time that they bomb "by accident" (again) 2 tv stations... meanwhile, the military say they found a barrel with something in it and you all shout "see they have wmd's...told you...see..."... then the next day, the military retracts and says it was pesticide... so what were you saying?...
  22. couldn't have said it better... :clap2::clap2::clap2:
  23. i don't know about others, but as far as i'm concerned, you are a bunch of hypocrite: number of times i insulted somebody: 0 number of time i got insulted: countless so come on... i want the longest list you can come up with...
  24. yes illegal... but it seems you didn't know that... yea let's us go to iraq and say: "we are breaking u.n. rules to make sure that you follow them"... real genius i tell you, real genius...
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