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About phrozenmercuri

  • Birthday 06/27/1983

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  1. hey guys and gals, or gals and guys, whatever u prefer. Hey thanks, I'll be sure to knock her off.. No not that way, you know what I mean for you pervs out there. yea, thanks again. Peace.
  2. Hey ladies and fellas! I'm asking you all who know the NYC area pretty well. I got a really gorgeous date this week. I'm just wondering where are some good spots to go and check out? Oh yea for a really good night walk, where would u go in NYC? One more thing, it may seem pretty stupid, but would u eat first and then party or vice-versa( I mean bringing a date along u know). Anyway, Thanks all. PEace!
  3. I'm just wondering how is "Fun" in Chinatown? Is it all that it's cracked out to be? I mean Clubplanet.com posts a decent review, but I'm just wonderng what the pros think.. your input is appreciated. P E A C E!
  4. Question for u all, for those that have been to "Fun" on Madison, what do you think about it? Clubplanet gives a review and all, but I figure I'd rather take it from the pros...Anyway, your input is appreciated. P E A C E.
  5. it costs too fucking much to go to exit, oh yea its starting to suck now with all the afterprommers and shit.
  6. shoot first ask questions later... -Navy Seals
  7. it shoulda been more like last year, where the gurls get nearly rapped and stripped of all their dignity...but unfortunately alot of cops and shit
  8. I dunno about the bridgeview club, but where's an 18 year old to go in NYC?
  9. I'd hit all them broads from destiny's child Michelle, Kelly, and Biance. Once you go black you never go back.. oo that coochie would be nice. Cause I'm a survivor and bootylicious
  10. what is this hooking up thing? How does it work wit you all? For me, the shit just happens i grab the gurl by the hips or somethin and then do my thang, hows that work for ya'll?
  11. u know, hooking up to me means fucking and shit, I don't know what exactly the deal is... but too me that's a great euphemism at its finest. Instead of fucking, we're hooking up
  12. I seriously wanna fuck right now... when i hit that coochie i want it to get wet and i want to make her cum, maybe i'll be sensual about it too... who knows.
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