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Everything posted by jerrycxtacy

  1. who ever said u had to be the spelling bee champion to post on CP???
  2. glad to hear you had a great time!! but how do u feel about 5'10'' 165... lol
  3. yeah i heard that florida was the place to be this year, everyone said cancun was dead!
  4. metro's coat check is pretty beat too!! .. the line gets friggin huuuge!
  5. we are 100% legal. dork! haha! broke ass toilet bowl manager... lol
  6. he was the head toilet bowl cleaner that is!! lol :laugh: i guess the $2.50 an hour just didnt cut it for him anymore!! :laugh: so hes here to hate!! lol haha
  7. the only good friday night party SF has was back in 2000.. It was packed for more than a year! then everyoen got greedy and shit happened...!!! i like the way u think jack!!!! there should be more promoters that think that way!
  8. u deffinatly are funny bro!! first off, i run the parties there.. i pretty much put MS in place, with some help from a few good people i know.. not for nothing, but ur nothing in my eyes.. like who would actually listen to someone stupid enough to say a dumb comment like that, and somone with only 2 posts anyways!!.. u know NOTHING about manhattan streets i can tell!!! i guess ur just upset cause u got the boot.. obviously u werent good enough for the place.. haha now thats funny! im there every night practically bro, why dont u show ur face.. be a fuckin man!!! say it to my face... but not over the comp!!! i hate people like u! hater!! :laugh: grow up!
  9. hater! :laugh: you must really hate to see people succeed!! hahaha feg! look at it now!!! hahahahahahha u make me laugh!! let me guess.. did u flip teh burgers or were u the frie guy?? haha!
  10. dont lie Z.. i caught u there last friday!!! lol
  11. yeah that was teh saturday night party! the tuesday wit tsettos and wednesday wit mendez i heard was off the hook... couldnt even walk!! :D
  12. Anyone Going???? Is The Comp List In Effect?!?!?
  13. bri, u knopw damn well ur ass will be there.. every time i go, which is alot.. your always there!! dont fool yourself!! lol justin...ill try to stop down tonight.. if i dont, my boy fisnik will be down there doing some business... peace!!
  14. life is teh biggest and newest club in cancun.. my boy artie ran the party this year with djs denny tsettos & andrew mendez.. on tuesday for the sex-foam party he said that they fit over 3500 people in there on there, and wednesday andrew spun for the mardi gras party.. he said u couldnt even move.. lauren musta been there on a bad night!!
  15. Are your for it, or against it? If u ask me, i said Nuke them fuckers! IRAQ:biggun:
  16. im here... thankfully the weather is nice!
  17. Possibly for good this time!!! Supposivly because of the past friday party.. a bunch of kids got arested and now there in court once again!! anyways i guess we'll ahve to see...
  18. hahaha i hear that in indiana or someplace in the us.. they stopped calling French Fries, French Fries... There Now Called Freedom Fries.. lol
  19. dani, i see u all the time @ metro.. u dont know what i look like do you??????
  20. im not blaming it on you bro.. at all!! im just saying, for someone like me that goes to every tanning salon/gym/university ect. in the north jersey area promoting my own parties.. i never see any euro flyers.. just a little advice cuz, take a day off of work, and just promote the shit out of your party... trust me.. it does work!!! main thing is to get the word out.. once the people start talking about it, ull have no problems packing the place! good luck!
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