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Everything posted by shroomy

  1. Can't you read? Go away! I just needed to upload a pic so I could show someone else. But since you came this far.. check out my ideal bike
  2. shroomy

    A Thought...

    Actually it could easily work, but with one big caveot. It would have to model it self after some of the after hours or swinger clubs. i.e no alcohol would be sold, but you would be allowed to byob and keep it behind the bar. Of course set ups would be supplied. That would allow you to close when ever you wanted, you wouldn't need a liquor license and thus the cost and headaches that go allong with one. Obviously the sponsor thing would have to be relaxed until it really got rolling (so to speak) I think it would have the best chance marketing itself as an afterhours place first, then slowly expand the hours as it became more popular. Plus that would make it easier to get a quality DJ(s) sign me up pod.
  3. Don't feel bad patrick, johnny13 only gets that sort of attention because of his blatant "I just came out of the closet" look. Plus, if you grab first, and they grab back, it doesnt really count
  4. No it is normally $20 but more when they bring in a name DJ. Usually $40 or so.
  5. Touch and Pearl are nice but a bit $$$ Hell, I always have fun just walking around Lincoln Rd Mall and picking out one of the 100 places there.
  6. OK vaughanz, You talked me into giving it one more shot. I'll probably will swing by for a few hours. BTW what is the $$$? Gotta at least meet some of the northern CP folks (esp. you S5...)
  7. kind of dark industrial place, only two rooms, causual attire btw is on the linner photos for Oakies last CD
  8. OK girls, here is a question for you. Is an unknown guy grabbing your ass ever a good thing? Or guys, has grabbing someone’s ass ever worked as a hook up for you? I mean really. I have had two horrible situations started by some asshole grabbing the ass of one of the girls I have been with. Both times the whole night was ruined (along with my new shirt one of the times) I guess I’m at a total loss to even understand why the fuck someone would do such a thing. It’s not sexy, its not clever, its just fucking stupid. Where the hell did it start? And another question for you ladies, if something like that happened to you with your boyfriend, would you expect him to say something? Stick up for you? Or would you prefer to handle it yourself? And boys, if it was your girl or even a girl friend, what do you do? BTW one of the times I got in the only bar fight I’ve ever been in, and the girl thought I was prince fucking charming. The other time, we just exchanged words, and the girl thought I was just a fucking neanderthal who treated women like possessions (and we weren’t even dating!) that represented my honor. To me, it wasn’t even (much) about the women at all. It was just telling someone I didn’t like their actions, like if they were pissing on the dance floor.
  9. The sort answer is no. There is a finite amount of seratonin in your brain and it takes about 2 weeks to get back to pre roll amounts. So no matter what you brain just doesn't have the stores of seratonin to dump the second night. Not that its a bad time, just never the same as the night before. But I guess, if you took a half the first night and 2 the second night it would about equal out. btw... thats why god made other drugs besides E!!!
  10. The chance of you finding mescaline is about the same as Anna Kourinkova knocking on my door looking for a date. Unless of course it is as peyote or san pedro catcus. And don't give me that I got a mesc pill shit. A oral dose of pure mesc w/o binders to press it into a pill is at least 300mg, add binders and thats a big fucking pill. It was something else!
  11. shroomy

    worth a laugh!

    According to a story in the Everett, Washington, Herald, police stopped a man walking naked in public. When asked by police why he was strolling au naturel, he replied "Because I feel like it." When asked what he did for a living, he replied that he grew marijuana. He then asked the police for assistance in harvesting the crop. full story here :confused:
  12. can I come just wearing mud??? Thats my normal burning man outfit.
  13. shroomy

    hello buddies

    I don't think there is a person alive who has been to Ibiza and doesnt agree that it is the coolest place on earth. Young, old, hippies and socalites all love Ibiza... and for good reason. btw My email is listed, but couldn't you save a bit of time by just posting it? Say hi, to Nino at Pacha for me! Where else can a guy who looks like santa claus be a clubbing celebrity?
  14. yeah.. more chill and less snobish... that describes Radius to a Tee. :laugh: I think they have a sign above the door. "No fake tits, no service!" the guys just have to have their vehicle registration stapled to the back of their shirt so the girls can see what kind of car they drive. Fortunately they repealed the manditory gold necklace rule for men.
  15. I want to know two things 1) where the hell did he get all those drugs? 2) why was he not arrested for publicly giving them to others? and BTW according to the latest economist 40% of heroin users are addicted 80% of nicotine users are addicted 15% of cocaine users are addicted There were more, Ill try to find the mag for all of them
  16. shroomy

    The dirt on "Liquid"

    Power 96... why am I not supprised?
  17. If they are white they are pretty good.
  18. Hey .. thats me, lets get together.
  19. johnny13 & everyone else, please click here to see my response.
  20. shroomy

    Studio 54

    Hey pod, the good thing about being a good person is you make loyal friends in a short period of time, friends who would be happy to break ignorant prepubescent assholes in half, if you just said the word. look at me 2 posts about violence in 2 days, what’s this place coming to? PLUR ... and all that crap
  21. shroomy

    Paul Van Dyk

    Wow, and I just found out Im single this weekend. (Wife is heading home to Detroit) Great time for a CP meet up.
  22. vaughanz, to answer your question, Not only would I go see Kleinenberg, I would even go see Wyatt if it was a different weekend. --- but then I'd bitch about the crowd afterwards! I just wanted to comment on what a cheesy crowd Radius gets. Its the price they pay for their Boca location. (BTW unfortunately I live about 3 miles from Radius - but not in Boca!) and don't take it so personally, I dislike Space and keep bitching about them too (while still going) and dannyj.. yeah I guess they were twisted up a bit. Sometimes I have a tendency to rip arms off first (figuratively...usually,) and make sure I understood correctly second On a side note, I actually did see Wyatt in San Francisco one time and he seemed pretty "fun" for lack of a better word, and worked the crowd pretty well, and considering that I came directly from a Phish concert to his house oriented music is quite an accomplishment. (he is black right?? I'm pretty sure it was him) I always liked DJ's who use the mic and interact with the crowd. But then again, I not a music bigot/connoisseur. The set is as good as the time I have. Thats why Europe will always leave the State in the dust when it comes to crowds, they are there to have fun first, not critique the DJ. The DJ doesn't have to drag the crowd along, just lead them.
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