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Everything posted by bouncyboy

  1. not quite sure I understand what you are asking?? are you talking about the PF's, tommy is bringing a bunch Saturday, so we should be good to go... ------------------ AOL IM BouncyBy
  2. Don't worry B2B I will most likely be alone too. Bmitch, that was a bitch move..... you beeeeeoooooottttttcccchhhh B2B, don't worry, I'll kick his ass for ya... ------------------ AOL IM BouncyBy
  3. B2B, I put a guest with everyone, just in case someone decides to go that isn't on the list. I probably won't be bringing anyone either, but hey it's good to have the extra slots... ------------------ AOL IM BouncyBy
  4. B2B, I put a guest with everyone, just in case someone decides to go that isn't on the list. I probably won't be bringing anyone either, but hey it's good to have the extra slots... ------------------ AOL IM BouncyBy
  5. B2B, don't worry about it. What is the regular cover there anyway? 15$ or something? ------------------ AOL IM BouncyBy
  6. Cool, anyone else?? ------------------ AOL IM BouncyBy
  7. B2B, there is a difference between air conditioning and a trickle of cold air coming out of one ceiling vent. It's a damn sauna in there. The only place that is cool is right in front of the fan, or right under that one trickling vent. But there is nothing wrong with sacrificing a few pounds of waterweight to the sweat gods in good fun. ------------------ AOL IM BouncyBy
  8. B2B, what do you have against Techno?? You are planning on coming out with us at least one night this weekend right? PF's are in the works... ------------------ AOL IM BouncyBy
  9. B2B, what do you have against Techno?? You are planning on coming out with us at least one night this weekend right? PF's are in the works... ------------------ AOL IM BouncyBy
  10. BMitch and everyone else. The Mad Thinker is going to be at Zentra again this Friday. Anyone who has ever heard him will know that he lays down some phat sets. Good House, DNB, Jungle... just a Friday Option since Zentra is a pretty laid back place on Friday. Saturday, yeah it's sounding like nocturnal so far. I guess we will play it by ear, the week is still young. ------------------ AOL IM BouncyBy
  11. I don't think I will make the Detroit one. Defenately the Chicago one though. Not a huge enough fan of Teneglia to head all the way to Detroit to see him spin for 8 hours. Let me in on the Details for Chicago and I am there. ------------------ AOL IM BouncyBy
  12. man, I have never had the pleasure. I have heard that most girls hate it? Are they just full of shit? They say that it is too painfull. ------------------ AOL IM BouncyBy
  13. My parents pretty much know the entire thing. But I was raised by a hippie and a disco bunny, so they really don't say anything about any of it. ------------------ AOL IM BouncyBy
  14. Well it looks like we all want to go out Saturday night. Who is ready??? 1. We go to Nocturnal Early, 10-11'ish, then 2. We head to RedNo at around 1-2'ish... sounds like a plan to me.. Nocturnal <A HREF="http://www.clubplanet.com/guestlists/" TARGET="_blank"> Guestlist</A> ? www.clubnocturnal.com there is a <A HREF="http://www.clubplanet.com/guestlists/" TARGET="_blank"> guestlist</A> online. Or let me know and there is this person I know that works there that can get us on another list. RedNo <A HREF="http://www.clubplanet.com/guestlists/" TARGET="_blank"> guestlist</A> ?? Late night, B2B can you cover that again? Or did you wear out your door excuses? ------------------ AOL IM BouncyBy
  15. This calls for a meetup thread..... ------------------ AOL IM BouncyBy
  16. Kim, I am prettier then you and you know it. Just admit it, it will be a lot easier for you to accept that way. Don't fight it. JK B2B, that PF thing will be taken care of. I think Bmitch and I are going to hit Nocturnal and then RedNo on Saturday, so we can meetup before hand if you want. Email me and let me know. ------------------ AOL IM BouncyBy
  17. Liar, you don't know how to take it easy you crazy brit... You are going to end up getting annihilated... Have fun though. I'm still broke so Thursday is out of the question. But Saturday it's on. PF's anyone???? ------------------ AOL IM BouncyBy
  18. Trance, you better watch that predrinking thing. Remember what happened the last time?? I think you went to your car and died or something. and B2B, I do not look like her, I am much prettier... j/k Kimmy... ------------------ AOL IM BouncyBy
  19. Maybe some of your beotch ass is rubbing off or something. Shit I better wash it away.. ------------------ AOL IM BouncyBy
  20. RedNo and every other club in Chicago. Especially with the humidity we are having lately. WE WANT AIR!!!!!! ------------------ AOL IM BouncyBy
  21. B2B you finally got that to work? Rock on. Now we know to head to RedNo with you. ------------------ AOL IM BouncyBy
  22. I think the information provided by that link is pretty bland. There really aren't that many details as to what kind of party this is going to be, or am I just looking in the wrong place? Trust me I am always looking for something new to do, but without details it's pretty chancey to just run over there. ------------------ AOL IM BouncyBy
  23. I had the honor of picking bmitch up at the airport yesterday, and judging by the looks of him, and the crackling in his voice, combined with the constant sucking of the inhaler, I would say it was safe to say that our Brian had himself a blast. Bmitch, when are we going to see some pictures, (no need to sort out the embarrassing ones, those are the best kind)?????? ------------------ AOL IM BouncyBy
  24. wombat, how was the trip man? We have to get together maybe next weekend. Tell B2B I'm sorry I couldn't hook him up this weekend, but shit's been dry lately. I'll defenately get hooked up again in about a week. ------------------ AOL IM BouncyBy
  25. I never really enjoyed the high from pot. Always found it pretty boring. Therefor I never had a problem saying no to pot. ------------------ AOL IM BouncyBy
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