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Everything posted by bouncyboy

  1. What a coincidence, that is my favorite sport too... And man can I hock some mean ones.... ------------------ AOL IM BouncyBy
  2. B2B, sounds good to me. I will give you a call tomorrow night after I get home from work to make defenate plans. Transit it is... ------------------ AOL IM BouncyBy
  3. B2B, the transit thing sounds good if you are up for it. What kind of music/scene is your friend into? ------------------ AOL IM BouncyBy
  4. Good Idea Kimmy.... Really good idea... ------------------ AOL IM BouncyBy
  5. I have 1 girl that sits next to me and calls her husband pookie on the phone all day. Another women who messes up my name with everyone else's that sits within earshot.. A guy that can't do anything without asking a question to confirm how. A woman that literally throws a hissy fit if you walk away with her pen accidentaly. Another girl who is on personal calls all day and then expects help from everyone when the day is coming to an end. B2B, you may work in the maddest place, but I defenately have the Laziest and Dumbest award to my office. ------------------ AOL IM BouncyBy
  6. bouncyboy


    the music might have sucked at RedNo, but the place was packed, I was wasted and I had a good time. A bunch of us were there. Kim B2B Bmitch Tranceaction all showed, which made the night a success. Anyone planning on going to PVD on the 08/09? ------------------ AOL IM BouncyBy
  7. bouncyboy

    The Taste

    B2B, I sent you an email with my address, I gave you my work email and my home. You can reach me easier from 8:30-5 m-f at work and then at home anyother time. ------------------ AOL IM BouncyBy
  8. bouncyboy

    The Taste

    Kimberly, I know you were talking about hitting the taste tonight for a little while, but if you look out your window it isn't lookin too good. Maybe we should grab a bite to eat and then head to Crobar.... screw the taste in the rain. ------------------ AOL IM BouncyBy
  9. Tommy, I don't think I could miss your big ass anywhere. I'll be at Crobar tonight, see you there. Kim, I don't even want to talk about how wasted we were. B2B, come on man, at least stop up for a few drinks??? Ya damn bloody wanka!!!! ------------------ AOL IM BouncyBy
  10. Der, send an email to Karma_Reunion@hotmail.com they want the names in this format Last, First, Email Address you can put up to ten people. See you tonight... ------------------ AOL IM BouncyBy
  11. B2B, you mean you don't remember that fight you got into??? You beat up half the club... man it was insane.. jk So when are we doing it all again?? I plan on going to the Karma reunion tomorrow night at Crobar, but hitting Rive Gauche from 10-11:30 for free drinks first. Interested??? ------------------ AOL IM BouncyBy
  12. Trance, are you hitting the Karma reunion tomorrow night? I know that I will be there, I think Diesel is going. Not sure who else though. I honestly don't think that Crobar will close any time soon, but you may be right, she could be preparing for the eventual close. ------------------ AOL IM BouncyBy
  13. B2B, I think we might have figured out who was spinning, but the mind gets cloudy after 5 bottles of Moet.. man did I have a good time even though the music was crappy... ------------------ AOL IM BouncyBy
  14. Was reading some posts on Chicago Fusion's site and read that Psycho Bitch is going to be spinning at Nocturnal on the 3rd... With Curt Caris, DVS and some other guy. What does everyone think of this, and don't worry, I can handle opinions better then some other people ie. Kim... kidding Kim, I'm just being my smart ass self. ------------------ AOL IM BouncyBy
  15. I know crabass, calm down. And quit being such a smart ass. No one likes a girl that talks too much.... jk ------------------ AOL IM BouncyBy
  16. Tommy, me, Kim, B2B, Bmitch, Tranceaction were all at RedNo almost all night. We were downstairs until about 1:30 and then we were upstairs for a little while. I have to agree that the music wasn't too hot. Where were you at. I walked around looking for you a couple of times. ------------------ AOL IM BouncyBy
  17. Kim, you asked for opinions and people gave them.. If you are going to start a topic to ask for opinions be ready to hear all types of opinions, Ideas, and theories on the subject you posted... ------------------ AOL IM BouncyBy
  18. B2B, me and Bmitch will see you at Farenheit at 8:30... everyone else, see you later. ------------------ AOL IM BouncyBy
  19. B2B, I emailed you my number. Give me a call and we can figure something out. ------------------ AOL IM BouncyBy
  20. What about Farenheit??? anyone know where it is?? I heard it's a cool lounge/bar/restaraunt type place?? b2b, email me your number bouncyby@aol.com ------------------ AOL IM BouncyBy
  21. Mr. Penis??? Why don't you put it under bloody wanker you crazy brit?? I say make it for 8, I think Tommy (Diesel) said he might show up, and My Roommate might just come, so make it for eight just to be safe... ------------------ AOL IM BouncyBy
  22. 8:30 is cool for me... see ya there. B2B who's name are you putting the reservation under?? ------------------ AOL IM BouncyBy
  23. and what does it look like we are doing? I think everyone here is expressing their opinions. Everyone has a semi different view on the subject and we are discussing it. What is your opinion??? ------------------ AOL IM BouncyBy
  24. it's better then nothing is correct. It's all we have other then sending to dancesafe. It will however detect DXM, and the color change will help to determine how much of the pill is actually MDMA or MDA. I bought one of those tests about a year ago, just to see if it worked and you would be surprised. ------------------ AOL IM BouncyBy
  25. I think B2B was talking about testing stations at clubs? I know that there are people at raves that tested drugs, but those are illegal raves, therefor no authorities know that there is drug use going on. Like B2B said the UK and other parts of Europe don't condone drug use, but their laws are a little more lenient then ours. Like I said, if you are worried about what you are getting, buy an EZ Test, or send one of your pills into dancesafe and wait for it to be posted. I personally get mine from a very reliable source, and have not to date had one single problem with quality. So I will stick to the same source. That is probably the best way to stay safe next to testing. ------------------ AOL IM BouncyBy
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