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Everything posted by bmw4jay

  1. You got that shit right...TIESTO is the fukin man! Not too many know his style well though. I seen him in toronto last year....sik.
  2. Tell Will I'll see him there...."Its time for the Revolution".....
  3. Whatever floats your boat....jus don't forget the TRUE reason you go out for. For me...its simple. All in the sig baby..
  4. bmw4jay

    How to tan?

    I used to. But my boy lost a $4000 a week modeling contract with an agency because he got really tan in the winter(from salon). He lost so much work because it looked so fake. That kinda made me stop, plus, in the long run your skin gets leathery if your're not careful. To each is own though, and I love tan girls:D
  5. Oh My!! That "Days Go By" mix is insane. Hell yeh
  6. Not for me, but my boy is sellin "Blue Notes", blue with a music note on em. Say they're best hes seen in a while. I wouldn't know though.
  7. I dont know what Tony was thinkin on that track, but the "Rhythm" was not ready on that track.
  8. Sorry guys. I only have it on CD and don't burn/rip songs on the computer. My boy gets em and sends em to me on CD. I'll see if he can post it up though.
  9. I just don't prefer the music there. Most of it I've already heard or is gonna be overplayed. I had a blast when I went there, but it wasn't because the music. It was because I was with my friends. Now I changed it up a bit. Whatever floats your boat:)
  10. Abyss is the only place I'll go to in NJ. Everywhere else is lacking in one way or another, whether its the music or the crowd. Plus you can't beat gettin in free there and Dimitry buyin drinks all nite! Now thats how NJ should be. Plus Santana droppin the ill beats. Can't go wrong with it, in my opinion. But to each is own.. :D
  11. If most of you are going to hear Jess Folker, than you all have issues!! :laugh: Denny Tsettos is the main attraction here. Fukin Newbies! I will be at Abyss, that 18 for guys shit is absurd, no matter where you go.
  12. Yeh, hot track. Had it for about a month now though. HH is steppin it up a notch.
  13. TIESTO is such an amazing DJ. I love how he's expanding. Too bad WORLD has that sloppy system though. I will be there, and already got my tix, thanks. Should be another sick time with TIESTO.
  14. I know that the copy most have is that sloppy one made in SF, but can anyone ID any of the vocals. I need it for a class. Thanks
  15. ANYONE?? This track is hot, and I need to know what it is. Any help again, even guesses are appreciated! Thanks u all:D
  16. Yes Mike, you are a man of your word:D Excellent selection, and can't wait to hear the next 1. I copied it and its floatin around my school! Nice style on the tables;) Peas!
  17. The "turn off the lights" mix is by dataluxe. Very hot track. As for the Mary J remix, I believe that it was a Superchumbo project. Not sure on that though. Could be Hex Hector. :D
  18. I hear this song all the time when I go out, first time was at SF. Richie dropped it at 12:55 xactly! It has a guy vocal that fades away over time...It was like 2 songs before "Right on time". Guy voice...low and changes it up. might say somethin like "they DANCE to my SONG.." PLEASE ID!!! I know the description is vague, but thats the time when he played it. THANKS!
  19. How bout "I love You" by Creamer & K ? Gotta love the part where it goes " oh......" then drops into the bass.
  20. Only Howells sounds like Howells!! I listen to his live sets over and over and over....See you all Saturday, I guess. I really don't know many of you.
  21. Hmmm...this place gonna be any good? Who's spinning there? Might as well post it now while this thread is eye-appealing!
  22. Send Me an Angel - (Ravelab mix) Sweet Dreams - DT Precious Moment - Tall Paul remix? Show me - Cover Girls Running - Information Society These seem to keep popping up everywhere I go:rolleyes:
  23. No argument here. There other track "waiting" and Crystal Method? mix of "murder" aint shabby either. I LOVE YOU = sick beat.
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