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Everything posted by bmw4jay

  1. Absolutely the most annoying thing to be asked in a club...or.."Are you ready to leave yet?!"..
  2. Decent DJs in there...nice lookin place...but Ive been there a couple times now and nothing but trashy people!!..No hotties(except the ones we brought;))...That place has potential, but needs a better lookin crowd...
  3. Sorry...I just am readin this post now(Sunday)...thanks though We'll do some shots in the summer....its coming!!
  4. 1. I don't worship anyone 2. I go out to meet new people too, and am very social and pretty much well liked 3. Music is the main reason I go out, not to meet girls. I know plenty. Although I meet a new one almost every time I go out 4. I am straight..... 5. :bigfinger:........
  5. Sure...You probably thoguht I meant Denny Tsettos too instead of Danny Tenaglia........RS = Richie Santana....
  6. How could you be from Jersey and not know one of the top resident DJs at one of NJ's better clubs?? ....I guess some people don't get out too much....
  7. Well, Like I said earlier, we were broken up in September...when I went back to school. We talked occasionaly, but she was tryin to get settled at her school so we talked less. But then she called me on Christmas at like 9:00 at nite and wanted to see me..so she came over (I was home for the holidays)...and even know we were both dating other people, we got back in our "groove"..sex that is ...We just wernt ready to be without each other completely at that point...And then we did the same thing this past summer...Like I said, its a pretty crazy relationship...But now it's changing because I kinda like my new girl a lot and dont wanna risk hurting her or messing up a good thing...
  8. Good look..I'm feelin it....He's so consistent...
  9. I know......What is this "might" all about ?
  10. As long as he's not in SF Saturdays I'll be fine ...and that aint gonna happen...AS for WORLD, who cares? Wack crowd and shitty sound system...... ...< DRAPER >
  11. Sweet....I WONDER when I am gonna leave..6,8,12?..Remember that girl that kept askin us WHAT EXACTLY IS SPECIAL K?..I'll never forget WHAT YOU DID TO ME that one time....It was soo sick...the crowd movin to the beats...I could see it IN YOUR EYES....Thats how you WERQ IT...Everybody loves a CROWDPLEASER......there was absolutely no DRAMA ON THE DANCEFLOOR...but there was some ECSTASY....and the guy behind the booth kept sayin I AM YOUR DJ....
  12. OMG......I was just saying how people should know certain names......I wasnt ranking the DJs..Richie is not bad at all...and a good guy...I hate it when people turn threads into a "He sucks...this guys so much better" battle....Take your own advice...Get a clue...
  13. Why are you on a board like clubplanet if you don't know simple names in the scene??....Everyone should know who JP,DT,JV,RS etc etc....This amazes me
  14. Dreamers - Music Makers(Junior Vasquez is dreaming mix)
  15. I love that track...brings back some memories of the summer. I actually met that girl thats in that commercial, the passenger dancing......"you....leave me when Im at my worst..feelin as if Ive been cursed"....Sick track
  16. ...You suck...This song is good, but it is gettin played. It was good over a month ago...Now it's still good, just not as good. Have a nice day...
  17. Very Solid list....yummy.......That Rauhofer mis of "Can't get you out of my Head" is bananas!!!
  18. I prefer a 50/50 Spygirl combo...chilling and partying .... Good company is closer than you think
  19. I dated this girl for about 2 1/2 years. We ended when were both goin to school far from each other,on good terms though. We are still friends, and dating other people, but still really care for each other. If it's meant to be(as she says it is) it will all work out in the end, ya know. As for know, we talk a lot, hang out, and occasionaly still hook up. It's a relationship I love and hate at the same time, but at least it's still a realtionship........Most girls I date though dont like hearing about this particular "girlfriend" of mine...
  20. ....Thats what I'm sayin...
  21. Yeh...good as expected....It's one of those CDs you can just play all day..
  22. ...Welcome to New York!...That happens outside of almost every club in the city....A SF type of crew...thats classic. I'm just curious: Your name states that you are "kandyraver"...I thought DT couldnt stand "ravers" and glowsticks??...I hope u wernt the kid ravin' like a fool all night ....Whatever, Be Yourself.
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