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Everything posted by stonedcl

  1. Your fuckin stupid, becuz of your people I have to worry bout my back in my country. So what if this country is run by your people, dont mean we gotta suck Isrials DICK and watch our back cuz your GREEDY people.. 90% of the world population hates USA, why? Forign policies, our support of Isrial.. What does Isrial give us in return , nuttin except the deaths on 9/11.. At least the muslim states supply us with oil!
  2. Mothafucker,why must I spell everything correct on a message board? I dont give a flying fuck what you think/say about me, stop tring to get off the subject you shady mofo
  3. Yeah OK... 1 jew dies in suicide bombing its all over the Media, yet the Isrialy army (paid for by us) marches into a refugee camp a kills hundreds and we hear nothing about it.. Give them there land back and they will stop the suicide bombings, how else are they suppose to fight when they got no army/military/air force, when the jews have a better air force then us! DUde do you watch video from over there, Palistines are throwing rocks at the isrial military while they are pumping rounds in a semi automatic at them.. and you want us to pity the jews, common, put YOURSELF IN THEIR SHOES THEN TALK SHIT! They got a fucking kerfew in there own towns!!
  4. You've made a strong case to get rid of welfare.....
  5. I'm actully going to gamble to AC after work thursday.. If im up I will check it out, where is he spinning?
  6. LOL Keep listening to Properganda ... Read the BBC news asshole.. We give Isrial more cash then all the arab nations combined.. Get your facks strait and stop listeing to the News!
  7. Get a brook or a low fade so it looks clean..
  8. I have some T-shirts I wanna shrink, 100% Cotton, how do I go about that? I just wanna shrink them a little. Also can you shrink a silk shirt?
  9. <----------Only Sensi Seed... Once in awile kind budz... NO SWAG!!!!!!
  10. Yeah she is right, I dunno know about you guys but Metro and Joeys is 10 min from my house so Im strait in the winter.. How bout the clubs that close for the summer and open for Winter...Tequilla Joes ....LOL That place is a Freak show!
  11. Dont pay over $50... That shit keep me good 4 times, I cant take over 20 and not puke or get sick, so I dont do over 2w/o time realease
  12. I got 1 great connect that hooks it up $15 for a 40, but they only get once in awile, my other $25 for a 40 but I dont really fuck w/it no more, only when I get a migraine.
  13. Blooklyn..LOL..low fade?
  14. Z-Caverichee (sp) MC HAmmer pants!
  15. I personally never played football so I would not wear linebacker pants..
  16. Shameless Propaganda.. The US media is full of it, you should know that by now!
  17. Shameless Propaganda.. The US media is full of it, you should know that by now!
  18. Shameless Propaganda.. The US media is full of it, you should know that by now!
  19. Nice..... You mind me asking where in Europe you are from? <------Polska here!
  20. I guess I keep meeting childish women then...
  21. But if you call the girl the next day she gonna think you sweat her, and not be as interested. The longer the guy waits the better, cuz Girls seem to like guys that seem not intersested in them more then guys that are interested in them.
  22. I think there is a 3 day rule in effect!
  23. NO one said Metro Fridays? I am acctully looking foward to those, they were off the hook last winter! Ice fishing... Skiing/Snowboading.. Snow...I love snow after a phat blunt of the RAW!!
  24. All I know is welfare is poorly run.. There was this women who made up she hade like 96 kids and was getting $100,000+ a year and the gonverment took like 7 years to catch on.. This bitch almost made a million off our tax dollars.. Abolish the system or fix it!
  25. <--------feet as hand...... <---------DOnt spin......
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