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Everything posted by airatomic

  1. yea it is an awesome track...first heard it on the macguyver set...insane
  2. nu-nrg - energizer (A1 mix)
  3. i hope this is all true...but wouldnt that mean that VICIOUS has to open for DRAPER?? not to compare skills or anything...but imho it should be the other way around, vicious should be the only dj on the main floor unless MAD MYLES drops by...ooooh gaaawd i wish that happend.....
  4. i definitely agree that we shouldnt send ground troops into afghanistan as it will turn into another vietnam...on the other hand, we gotta keep in mind that as snappy said, US provided weapons to afghanistan to fight the russians, without anyone's support, they will fall...but i still wouldnt wanna see american soldiers die needlessly
  5. Hennes & Cold - The Second Trip Beam & Cyrus - Thunder in Paradise Scot Project - Overdrive Dj Vortex - Incoming (Arome rmx) DJ Vortex and Arpa's Dream - Time To Go 4 Navigators feat. DJ Vortex - Ketamine (IF ANYONE HAS FULL VERSION PLZZZZZ SEND!!!) Felx Da Housecat - Silver Screen Shower Scene Cosmic Gate - Exploration of Space Cosmic Gate - Running out of Yime Sirrow - Der Bohrer Dj Vortex and Arpa's Dream - Swagmen Atomic Alliance vs. Trance Generators - Rock To Da Beat (Trance generators rmx) Mad Myles - Adrenaline Mad Myles - Psycho Train Mad Myles - Good & Evil The New Frontier - MusicaChe Domina Vicious - Pfeifenalarm (balloon rmx) Elastica - The Test HyperTraxx - Paranoid (SHWARZE PUPPEN RMX) What The Derb Eddie Baez - Imagine ATB - Let You Go (airscape) DJ Macguyver - Do You DJ Macguyver - Angel in the darkness Vaio - Rapture (deep dish) Jana - more than life Dj Tiest vs. Kosheen - Hide U on Flight 643 Aubrey - Standing Still DAMN LONG LIST....
  6. gooooooooooooooorgeous:eek: :eek:
  7. my best friend goes to a different skool than me and he told me that when a teacher announced that the wtc is under attack and a plane crashed into it, a kid behind him actually raised his hand and asked "r there any casualties?" WTF KIND OF A QUESTION IS THAT??? how much more ignorant can u get!
  8. my moms friend's husband works in the wtc on the 84th floor he was late for his train in staten island by one minute and as a result he missed the ferry. he took the next one and just as that ferry was coming in, the crash happened. if he actually got on his train in that one minute and made it to the ferry earlier, he could have came in half an hour early...and died. just think about how much that minute can save a life of a person
  9. From: ernie@ernieshouseofwhoopass.com (Ernie's House of Whoopass!) To: blademan23@aol.com To: blademan23@aol.com What can I say? I actually took this Tuesday morning off work, so that I could take my car in to get it's 5000 mile service. Traffic was a exceptionally bad, so I was flipping through the radio stations trying to find something to listen to. It seemed every station was talking and talking and talking about mundane crap as many morning radio stations often do. I finally settled on one and began to settle into the fact that I'd be creeping through traffic for the next hour. Then the morning show host mentioned how a co worker was running into the station... it seemd a plane had crashed into the World Trade Center. Ha, I thought. Another bonehead tourist plane probably. The old building can take it, I thought. I remember reading that back in 19'some'odd when an Army Air Corp bomber crashed into the Empire State building in dense fog. Darwinism, I thought. They finally got around to playing a few songs, which was a welcome break from the talking I had previous mentioned. Then the host breaks into music, right in the middle of a song, and states that a second plane had crashed into the World Trade Center also. At this point, I got angry. How dare they publicize such a stupid prank? How dare they? This isn't funny. This is horrible. I was actually contemplating picking up my cell phone and calling in to bitch someone out. And the thought occured to me... check another station. So I did. And they were talking about it too. And so was another. And another. This was for real. I arrived at the dealership and there, in the customer lounge, were salesman, customers, managers, mechanics and receptionists all gathered around the television. There was an image of the peak of the World Trade Center Towers. There was a lot of smoke. People in the room were talking about terror and tragedy. After a few seconds later, the news media replayed footage of the second plane impact. I remember thinking that since he impacted the corner of the second tower, it looks like the guy missed his mark. I was somehow almost grateful. Imagine the loss of life if the whole fucking tower had come down in the impact. We, a group of stunned and horrified people with only our American blood as a common thread, watched for a while longer. The coffee machine remained untouched. People were glued to the TV. Footage of victims and the rescue qorkers assisting them began to make their way around to the news media. Then the news broadcaster said they the windows in the building he was in shook. He heard a bang. He looked out of his window and saw people running away from the Pentagon. Hmmm. A car bombing maybe? Christ there's going to be a few hundred people killed in this attack, I thought. Then the unthinkable happened. Right in the middle of Peter Jenning's sentence, right before my very eyes, the burning hulk that was once one of the two World Tarde Center Towers, collapsed. Right before my very fucking eyes. There was dust, a mushroom cloud of it and the top of the tower just disappeared into it. It almost looked like it had been imploded, like you see on the Learning Channel late at night sometimes. It was gone, just like that. I can't imagine how many people died, right before my very fucking eyes. I turned to the gentleman sitting next to me, "is this really happening?" I asked. We were all stunned to find that one of the pilots of the hijacked planes lives in Dracut, Massachusetts. That's two towns over from where I live. Surely the other one can't fall too. The media said that plane was much smaller, and it hit so much higher up. It can take the hit I thought. It'll be okay. But I was wrong. Before too long, that tower collapsed too, killing with it not only the few thousand unfortunate sould still trapped inside but probably hundreds of rescue workers trying to aid the victims of the first crash. It's radio attenna on top dipped a bit, wavered left, and then too cascaded in a monster cloud of dust. And the news confirmed another plane had crashed into the Pentagon. I guess it wasn't a carbomb after all. Now all the airports are closed. And the railways. And they say another plane just crashed near Pittsburg. There is speculation that it didn't crash at all, but was rather shot down by Air Force fighters after the plane refused to respond to communication attempts and was headed directly towards Camp David. God bless their souls. I fear the final body count in this whole ordeal, which in my uneducated estimates will climb into the tens of thousands. Speculation is abound as to who is the root of all evil. The usual suspects turn up, as one might imagine. The news media is going through extraordinary steps of political correctness to not suggest any one of them is more or less likely to be the mastermind behind it, so as not to offend anyone. Fuck that. We all know who is behind it. That tall, skinny, limping fuckhead Osama bin Laden. I know it, you know it, we all know it so let's cut to the fucking chase. Some people say this is a time for restraint. I again reiterate my words of wisdom of, Fuck that. This is NOT a time for restraint. Restraint was yesterday. Today is a time for action. A time for downright coldhearted asskicking revenge. A time for retaliation justified ten thousand times. A time for stealth bombers and tomahawk missiles. A time for napalm. This is not a time for politicians to use words like 'dispicable' or 'cowardly'. I want them to use words like, "Yeah we found out who it was, and we kicked their fucking ass. We bombed them, we watched their families burn to death, watched their houses burn to the ground, and then I went and pissed on their ashes." I do not want my government to give a measured calculated response. Fuck that. I want them to react in a furious rage blinded by the visions of burned bodies on the streets of an American city and bomb any fucking person or persons or foreign government that ever did, does, or we suspect every will coordinate a terrorist attack again my beloved United States of America. Ladies and gentlemen, let us launch a handful of nukes and teach these Middle Eastern fucks what it's really like to experience hell on earth. And to you Osama bin Laden, I tell you this... I may be stunned, I may be angry, I may be shocked, but I am NOT terrified. No, I drove home from my job today, which closed early, and I drove through McDonalds and got a super sized Big Mac extra value meal. Business as usual. I continued on home, parked my car, and turned on my big fucking 65" television with which to watch the news. I am proud to say I am from Massachusetts and my Governor had the courage and wisdom to keep our voting polls open. Americans may grieve today, but we will excercise our right to vote and continue on our lives. And one day, one day very soon, either I or another of my countrymen will slip the blade of a knife into your belly and twist it. We will watch as the energies of life slowly drain from your body. And then just before you die, I will place my mouth over yours, I will suck out your last breath and I will eat it. Gotta go, have to give blood. God bless America. Glad you're safe SantaSam.
  10. i go to skool 2 blocks away and my mom works in building 7 (which is now on fire and about to collapse) omfg i have never seen so much smoke in my life. sitting in class, hear BOOM and the next thing u know, wtx has a hole in it, 15 min later, the other building has a hole in it...then u hear pentagon is attacked, than wtc collapses!!! imagine how many fucken ppl died. i cant believe me and my mom actually found each other outside, both our buildings were evacuated. fucken palestinians must pay, bush cant give an adress that just says "the war on terrorism continues". and the worst part is those bastards r fucken celebrating on their streets right now. we gotta bomb their dirty asses to the ground. this shit got me so pissed off, i thought i would never say this but...this calls for a war
  11. Daniele Mondello - Diabolic DJ Vortex - Runabout Catscan - Exploded Vein Da Boy Tommy - Jetlag Meghara - The Meghara The New Frontier - Musica Che Domina Kai Tracid - Too Many Times That song on the Macguyver mix that starts at 26:30 and another one that starts around the 50th minute wit a HOTT beat
  12. music is my only drug!! ahh who am i kidding...BUMP BUMP K-HOLE...KETAMINA!!! combined wit a pill...that shit blows me away....
  13. 1. That song from the MacGuyver "Spirit Within" set that starts around 26:30 2. S.O.D. - State Control 3. Vicious - Pfeifenalarm (DJ Balloon rmx) 4. The New Frontier - Musica Che Domina 5. Marc Acardipane - Intruder
  14. yea rob, u were amazing wit those photons, i was buggin out like crazy. great chillin wit u now that we've met for the second time. had a great time...VICIOUS IS GOD and it was nice to meet new ppl from the board like pangelid, bigpoppanills, seeing xtcgirlie again, court877 and "sarzh"?? (please correct me if i spelled his name wrong). all in all it was a great fucken night, what a way to end the summer:cool:
  15. i am gonna go see Vicious on fri at SF, but then my friend invited me to a rave on sat nite and i wanna go, the problem is i dont know if rolling two nights in a row is a good idea (not to mention i gotta go to work on sun morning). does ur second roll feel MUCH worse than ur first one? i dunno what to do... :confused:
  16. Vicious - Pfeifenalarm (dj ballon mix) Pietro in da house - Big Muscles The Beholder - Frequency Attack Cosmosonic - Alpha DJ Pure - My Definition
  17. i am there...but i think the second meetup at 3:30 is too early, make it 4:30, cuz once JV starts tearing shit up (which should be round 2:30) not a lot of ppl will want to leave the dance floor after just an hour
  18. hmmm...i "think" i heard u say the same thing 2 weeks ago but dont believe u ever made it to that spot...we'll see bout this friday PS. pozvoni mne esli est' vremya
  19. i thought macguyver was gonna be at SF on the 2nd? or have the plans changed?
  20. this mix is soooo sick!! does anyone have the track listing??
  21. Amber Michaels ....she is soooo hotttt
  22. how do i get to view the old locker? cuz every time i enter it brings me to locker 2? and the old locker had more songs...email wit info plz...Airatomic@aol.com
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