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Everything posted by mungo

  1. What a relief!! It is totally fake. Check this site out: http://urbanlegends.about.com/library/weekly/aa072301a.htm
  2. This has got to be one of the most disgusting things I've ever seen. I hope it's not real. Isn't there a law against this or something?
  3. . . . and without a decent job.
  4. I hope its 21+ Lounging area. No asshole bouncers pleaze. Don't keep people waiting on line for 2 hours to get in. I think some clubs think it makes their place look better, but frankly, it just pisses me off and makes me wanna go home. Nick Warren would be a good idea. But Ferry Corsten or Carl Cox would be a *great* idea. I'd be up in there every week for either of those two.
  5. Yes, the popups do suck, but it's not my site.
  6. Check out this website. You know all those sites like facethejury amihotornor, and flyguycrew, well, here's the best of them all. Rate my . . . .
  7. Girly, you're arguing with a minor.
  8. Check it out, esp if you're a war/action Buff, it runs till 5:00pm. I saw it a few days ago. Has interviews with the real rangers and the real bad guys.
  9. How many guests can be brought into the vip room? And do line privileges apply to guests of a cardholder? Is there a limit on number? And will all this info be communicated to security. Security often has a habit of doing their own thing. I just want to be clear about all this so I don't end up looking like a dunce if I go with friends that have cards.
  10. Amen! As I said in another post, if you don't like a certain poster, change your settings to put them on *ignore*. You don't ever have to view their posts again. It's great, I have used it. Recently, too many people on this board have been drinking that Hate-or-ade. I could care less what nnjguy posts as a sig; and if he, or risingstar or magilicuti wants to inflate their pictures so they are three pages long, I could still care less. Let's chill out with the hating, please. Most people yapping wouldn't do it if they were confronted with the person they are yapping about. Let's kill this topic and move on.
  11. Happy birthday scrub. haha j/k You better get your ass out the house this weekend. No more, "I'm too busy." If you have time to post, you can make time to come out. You're gonna go to Roxy, SF or both, and that's that!
  12. Glow, Eddie, Blondy, you were all ADORABLE.
  13. Would you feel the same way if someone was very overweight and *gasp* ugly and posted their pic in their sig? Would they be conceited? If someone's sig bothers you just use the ignore function, that way you can't view their posts. Many people don't mind what you're complaining about. If the problem is that people have sigs that are too big, then there are many, many culprits on this board. Doesn't bother me though; live and let live.
  14. That is good picture quality. Eddie since when did you start wearing glasses? hehe:)
  15. Time has never put a dead man on the cover of its magazine, which is why they never put Hitler on the cover. Maybe the uncertainty over Bin Laden's death made them balk at putting him on the cover in addition to the other factors: public outrage, etc. If it's not Bin Laden, it should not be Giuliani. It should be BUSH. He's the one who's led the country through this war, he's the one with sky high approval ratings, he is the commander-in-chief that's responsible for the destruction of al Qaeda in Afghanistan and the Taliban and the bringing about of an Afghanistan where women aren't persecuted. Sure he may not have been involved in the nitty gritty of planning this war, but the President always has the final say on major actions of the military. So what if he was the Person of the Year last year. He should have been selected again this year.
  16. Are there any stores in the city from which I can buy those laser-like photon beams?
  17. :laugh: :laugh: This thread should be renamed the "Vodkaredbull photo gallery". Where are all the other male hotties? C'mon, start posting.
  18. Nice pic vixen!!! :-)~ Are you into girls? [This message has been edited by mungo (edited 06-10-2001).]
  19. I haven't been there, but here they look like their having a good time... http://www.ibiza-private.com/ibiza_e/
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