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Clubplanet Nightlife Community


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Everything posted by johnnyblackroc

  1. do i have to remove it from your mom's basement or is it in your uncle's garage...........ZEEK!
  2. My barber is the BOMB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  3. Hey newbie, try SPELLCHECK, I hear it's off the hook!!!!
  4. [quote name=barbiegirl, FU to ever leaving the country period !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! other than that - GOD BLESS AMERICA and people who speak ENGLISH !! have a great weekend everyone !! try ARUBA next time
  5. He'sss baaaaack!!!!! My long overdue weekly F U is starting again: my one and only F U is to my boss for not letting me switch out of work Sunday night b/c he wants to go to the SURF CLUB too. p.s. welcome back to the GREENROOM team CEEOTTER
  6. Sorry but I couldn't return your e-mail from ARUBA
  7. Gonna be even BETTER...I am running a party on Monday night's with a soon to be announced DJ...I'll let you know.
  8. I guess the liver is feeling better?
  9. Breakfast FREE Miller Lites $1 Cover charge at the BAMBOO $20 Seeing KOSTA drown in a shot of BADDA BING....PRICELESS see you Saturday
  10. I'll be at the big bar downstairs for St. Patty's day. When you come in next week, I'll give you my business card for the Spring and when my summer cards are in, you'll get one of those too......PEACE
  11. I know I've been silent for months or even years now. BUT finally, J B R has come back to CLUBPLANET........I will start the F U every Friday so old schoolers beware. In closing, here's a message i received from the ONE and ONLY KOSTAP............ """"last time i hung out with you i ended up in the hospital with a liver problem from excessive drinking...not to mention i almost drowned...and i wasnt even at the beach....i was at the bar with my face in a drink...LOL...i guess we'll do st patty's together!!!!!!! """" Can summer be far behind???? I'll let you know!!!!!!!!!
  12. I better see you that day cosmic....It's been too long!
  13. Unfortunnately there will be no D J JBR this year cigs
  14. went out with CIGS and his boy toy but he never spent a dime.......Yo CIGS is he your BOYYYY or boy? Anyhow, congrats to EMMITT and COSMIC for getting the deal sealed..........luv YA CEEOTTER for life and CIGS just kidding
  15. It was MOET and you broke it with the soda gun......There will be napkins and water and MOET and Gran Ma and Johnny Black.......All the big names will be with me. Will CIGS, EMMITT, COSMIC or SPYGIRL sjow ther faces for the finale?????
  16. FU to the mexican food I had last night that is making my stomach feel like the freat storm FU to NICBES for thinking she can out last me Sunday FU to CIGS just because
  17. Quite possibly the funniest thing ever written on this board!
  18. You and D'Jais better I hope I don't bring 100% and it has nothing to do with her, it's my job....who am I kidding ofcourse it's her and my friends have started calling me whippy j/k where's your house this year
  19. Working at 7pm this week.....next week is definetly 50% a maybe
  20. Had to go there, didn't ya.....It's all good, just trying to bring some levity back to this dreary place! I have a wager with NICBES that she doesn't survive the olympics and make it to tempts with me. What da ya think?
  21. Napkin Toss CEEOTTER opens at $ -450 and KOSTA P at $ +390 Water Throw KOSTA P $ - 170 CEEOTTER $ +140 Shots CEEOTTER over/under 16 KOSTA P over/under 14 All wagers accepted
  22. We all know who would win the gold here but who could challenge me for the silver?
  23. Took off for the olympics....See you on Sunday and beeee afraid, be very afraid!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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