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Everything posted by bigmahs

  1. These mutha fuckers I sware I would love to ring one of these camel jockey's necks
  2. So why should the remains of the people who committed these terrible acts be treated humanely?
  3. Is blowing your self up or sneeking into a village with a AK lIKE dNICE SAID GOOD WAY TO NEGOTIATE
  4. Damned if you do damned if you don't sister!
  5. You are correct in stating that both sides are going thru very tough times. I was addressing the statement Ms. Khatib noted, “Respect of the living also includes respect for the dead. The bodies should be buried respectfully and quickly. Parents of Palestinian combatants should not be collectively punished. Regardless of HOW or WHY people die, mothers should be able to visit their children’s graves.” Mr. Khatib is descibing the people who commited a homicide bombing. The palestinian people are in charge of their own destiny. When the bombings stop what happens? The Isreali's loosen the curfews or reduce the control. It's when the bombing start the Isrealis take control of cities again. In 1994 Arafat refused the sweetest deal and now the burdon is on him!
  6. Okay Meathead , "Ms. Khatib noted, “Respect of the living also includes respect for the dead. The bodies should be buried respectfully and quickly. Parents of Palestinian combatants should not be collectively punished. Regardless of HOW or WHY people die, mothers should be able to visit their children’s graves.” If this statement doesn't describe sympathy for these terrorists what does "How or Why people die." The father of a suicide bomber who is asked about what is son did "I wish I had ten just like him" Why is he proud xeno why? You my freind are in the dark to think these animals deserve anything.
  7. When is Steve Lawler playing at the conference???
  8. I am all for freedom to say anything that's what makes america great. This is diffrent. The evidence is there the final resolution stateS that material breach means war.
  9. :clap: If you are looking for a cat fish you go to a lake. You are looking for terrorists you are looking at men of middle eastern decent sad but VERY true!
  10. I am getting on the ferry this morning holding a newspaper with the front page PROOF and you got three guys handing out flyers for a peace rally. I find it ironic how a a person who stands in front of an entrance to a ferry that boats people to an island where the most horrific act of violence and terror took place don't see what we are up against. And still after Colin Powell showed the evidence that the Iraqi's are defiant , hidding WMD, harboring Al Qaeda in Bahgdad and after 12 years of defiance people are aginst conflict. I told this guy what is your peace rally going to do when they set a dirty bomb off in times square or when my family get's anthrax or worse small pox? huh What is your little flier going to do when millions of americans die and we scratch our heads saying we should of or could of. I'll say it again OUR president told us a long time ago that this war will be long. God Bless AMERICA
  11. I make you sick??? what's wrong with you? You are sticken up for people who walked into a public place and blew up innocent civilians. I do care if innocent people die that's why for punishment for your so called martyrs they should definetley not be buried properly, they are a disgrace to mankind Also I am glad every time they level a house of the families who coward son walked into a pizza parlor with a bomb belt. Greiving families??? They would rather except the 25 grand from the Saudi's or our freind Saddam then to have there children live goes to show you who really is greedy in this world.
  12. you got lunatics blowing themselves up daily over there and I got promblems???????? You have to seriously sit down with yourself and really understand the situation I repeat............. People are blowing themselves up!!!!
  13. They should hang them from every street corner in Isreal. Why do they care aren't they in heaven with 100 virgins:mad:
  14. "IF YOU HURT THEM THEY WILL HURT YOU BACK" We are defending ourselves. It sounds like you think we will deserved it??
  15. he is ruthless. Tony sounded like he really put some effort in the post and igloo comes along and SMASHES him. I don't know if Igloo can be mod because it would be like having Bill O'reilly as a mod lol
  16. It's almost like you wan't something to happen!
  17. All those years in that jail rotted his brain. US doesn't care about human rights HORSE SHIT!!! They voted for libya to head rhe human rights commitee even more horse shit. People are just nuts with no sense of reasoning. Where was mandela condemming the terrorists attacks on Sept 12th or even any of the muslim clerics of these rogue regimes. I wish for a second that the people who are in the middle east were in lets say Australia and not so close to the rest of the CIVILIZED world.
  18. Bro you are crazy!!! Affirmative action is right???? A black guy can score less on an entry exam and get the city job or go to a college easier then a white kid is just horse shit!!! This affimative action is bullshit. Blacks and minorities always complain that they don't get enough. I am not racists but just looking at the workforce at many companies has majority of blacks working this is okay if they are qualified for the job but to get hired because they are black is just wrong. The tax cut went to people who pay taxes did you work?? The deficit is caused by the increase in spending for defense post 911. And Iraq not being a threat is dellusional seriously you lefties don't get it about the economy- no clue about national security- In the dark! Blame the republicans for democratic feet dragging - Always on Point!
  19. You don't beleive that. I just laid out all the progress he has done.
  20. 1) Put a 1.7 trillion dollar tax cut ie. 300 check you received last year. Also proposing another tax bill to put money back into the american peoples hands where it belongs. 2) education reform 3) Showed great leadership after the 911 Attacks. Mobilized a 80 country coalition against terrorists 4) Got the United nations to do something about the defiance from the Iraqi regime. It was Cliton in 98 who stood by and watched the inspectors get booted from the country. The main reason Bush is not liked by Dem's is his adminisration gets things done period. It's almost jealousy Excellent speaker maybe not but so far a Great President!!!!
  21. The myth that Reagen was responsible for the deficit is false it started with Ford and Carter years. Reagan wanted increased spending in defense and cut in other areas due to the cold war and Star Wars program. The sites below show the positive impact the tax cuts did to the economy. http://reagan.webteamone.com/reagan_budgets.html http://reagan.webteamone.com/reagan_budgets.html
  22. Reaganomics is completeley diffrent. Tax cuts puts money back into the consumer's hands which is 2/3rds of the economy.
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