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Everything posted by DETROIT

  1. anyone getting a shore house? I'll be on 18th in Belmar
  2. Yeah, especially with summer ending, i could do that shit all day man.
  3. is he pulling a headpusher?
  4. nobody's posting, i'm gonna go hang out at the cp arcade for a while
  5. LMAO! Roxy has better fire escapes and safety precautions than most other clubs in NYC......just because you dont like the space because its not trendy enough, dont say it's an accident waiting to happen. LMAO
  6. Yeah, but NYC girls suck, they think they are so tough, they would prolly call the cops and shit, but it would be maaaaaad fun!
  7. siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiick FEEL THE DRUUUUUUUUUUUUUUMS!
  8. Biggest waste of bandwith EVER!
  9. But the bump board is still here :( :( damn!
  10. so there is a new dance music station in NYC, or is it in Miami?
  11. the set posted in this topic is part 2 of the set, here are the other parts, I uploaded them to megaupload.com part 1: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=01K9R4B0 part 3: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=04MI710E part 4: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=04FWOONY Enjoy !!!
  12. lesser extent how can you compare the resources of a poor, violent city to those of the federal government? FEMA is there for a reason, to take charge. Mayor's wernt running the show during the floods of 92, or 9/11 or Oklahoma City........and your rhetoric is just as partisan, but makes less sense.
  13. Love the way that the morons at fox news are trying to take the blame OFF the federal government by repeating every hour that maybe it was the democartic mayor and governors fault for not evacuating people fast enough and that the federal government was in the right you had Nagin screaming on TV that babies were dying while Bush and Chertoff were sitting in their air conditioned offices in DC. Much like 9/11, you will never forget Bush's 8 years in office......we are living witnesses to the WORST president and presidency in the history of the united states. It is truly and utterly amazing and astonishing. We will be telling our grandkids that we were alive for the bush administration.
  14. Everyone knows thats Sweet Lisa! Geez!
  15. Do a bump for hump day!
  16. LMAO. you still didnt say why what he does is wrong, other than that "back in the day" he would be shot. way to advocate totally unnessecary violence.
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