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Clubplanet Nightlife Community


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Everything posted by nycsexkitten

  1. hehe.... did the hottie girl you saw have wings? because im an angel baby
  2. SF didnt have a board before? ive been posting on there since May
  3. you went two weeks ago, for the wet party? i was there
  4. that's cool. yea he's a nice guy, i dont know him THAT well but from what i do know he seems chill. havent seen him around tho ?
  5. ive tried e with stackers, xenadrine and ripped fuel. take the legal ones first b/c they keep you up and get u amped... i havent dropped dead, just be careful tho
  6. lol, yess i actually do know him. i was mangled at SF last summer, for one of the theme parties, maybe the thong party? anyway i was up in the dj booth watching JP and he was there, kinda talked a while and hung out there. lost touch later. you know him i guess?
  7. not really by choice, i live with the rents for now. but yea, i live and work right off route 36. its decent in the summer, but winter is brutal. im trying to transfer to FIT so hopefully i'll get outta this town sooner or later
  8. mine is December 21st, 1980. kinda sucks being so close to christmas and all.... the whole birthday/slash/christmas present thing. but o well. at least i'll be 21 on a FRIDAY
  9. yep... i went to the thong party, the underwear party and the S&M party last summer. all of them were good, and yes, you get SF panties
  10. i like both, but i love little kitties.... i have my kitty Skunky (he's black w. a white belly and paws with a little white line down his face, like a skunk)
  11. hey hey hey !!! i thought people could voice their opinions, calmmmmm yourself. if you disagree with someone, so be it. dont be gettin' all fiesty
  12. well thank you and yes ive heard about twirl. do you know a guy named Thorin Aelio? i used to know him back in the day and i was supossed to stop by there for his bday last year. and here, this ones just for you
  13. yeaa i smoke started just smoking at clubs and when i drank, then i started smoking at work to get cigerette breaks, then when i was stressed, then BOOM.
  14. thank u but i already have a thursday spot that isnt as far away.. but im not saying i wont try it out one time
  15. wed-nes-day is def. a mile marker in the week b/c now there are actually things to do when u get home from work ughh mondays and tuesday suck (especially if you're too far from anything decent like china club or even joeys in clifton)
  16. you guys are chill, im happy b/c i guess i got the wrong impression when i first started posting. I'm from Monmouth County (Atlantic Highlands, dont worry no one else has ever heard of it either) and ive been going clubbing in the city for about 3 years... ive hit all the major spots, there are still a few i wanna get to. and hey... if you guys get bored, you can IM me on my AIM name - AhHuhhhhh (i picked that b/c i say ahhuhh really cute ttyl
  17. yea ive got the same kinda deal... i have my list of things to do, and as long as they're done by 5, im golden. so i sit at my little desk at my little computer and type away and i look like im being productive (shhh) btw where you from in jersey?
  18. hehehe, i know the feeling. i havent been half as productive since the summer started....
  19. yea, college IDs wont work at clubs, maybe a few college bars... your best bet would be to borrow someones license or if you can get someones birth certificate and social securtiy card, go to the dmv and get a duplicate license with your face on it... (shh i didnt tell you that)
  20. yess i know what you mean, i was posting on the sf board to pass time before. im def. liking this better...
  21. hey i gotta dumb question... is that picture really you where the avatar is? and if it is, howd you do that?
  22. check out little miss rachel... she rules all the boards dontcha?
  23. yea, i do recognize your name but i havent seen you post too often there... i was amazed when i saw there were 88 members signed on when i got on today, thats crazyyyyy at sf there are maybe 5-10
  24. sounds good does anyone post pics on this board? b/c ive got in bunch just in case you kids are out, you can recognize me and say hello
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