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Everything posted by Felix_Leiter

  1. actually the thread was copied before djjon entered the thread
  2. you're the one that keeps whining! im simply enjoying the laughs
  3. no offense but i think you are hurting your cause more than you know
  4. i see your point.. but then again im sure you dont shit where you eat and then complain about it when you are called out on it..and you are an asshole since you dont return pms
  5. obviously she still has some hatred towards him.. thats why i sort of believe her.. and even knowing that there is some truth to it makes gabo that much more of a dick.. i just dont understand why you would take his side when clearly she was the victim here.
  6. here comes fred wilson with the play by play..get rejected from any more parties freddy??
  7. no offense but your comments are pretty dull themselves.. just sayin
  8. what Cper were you seeing at the time?
  9. why you involving me now.. must i unleash my wrath on you again?
  10. only broken record here was the record you broke for meeting girls over the internet..
  11. :laugh: oh snap.. that was a while ago..
  12. like i said.. since you have clearly been so defensive.. there is some truth behind this.. last time i checked - you were the one that has tried to hook up with like every girl that has ever posted here.. obviously you have some type of issues going on..she came back cause she was bored.. like most people that post here.. not everyone takes CP seriously like you do.
  13. asshole? i am simply having fun on a club messageboard which serves for entertainment.you're the one that took advantage of some girl, owes her money, and almost let her OD..and totally dicked her out.. i think YOU would be the asshole in this equation.
  14. a simple opinion from a simple man O'Reilly rocks!
  15. you're dad is pretty unique.. last time i checked most people dont watch things they hate
  16. you said that even the KKK had an audience.. sure.. they did..but my point is look at the numbers O Reilly does.. clearly he is doing something right and not just a "pundit" when he has so many viewers watching him..
  17. he is aggressive.. thats what i love about him but at the same time he debates.. anyone can have an audience.. but not as big as O Reilly's if he clearly was just a pundit..
  18. spew opinions? like you are clearly doing about O'Reilly? you are acting like a so called pundit too..point is. he wouldnt be as successful as he is if anything you said held to be true
  19. no i dont..but in fairness please name me one news journalist who you feel isnt full of shit
  20. please elaborate oh wise ("weyes") one
  21. i wasnt attempting to be funny actually.. just saying..sort of like when you post " " im sure you dont do that to be funny..right? and your so called fact is more an opinion
  22. this thread will become a 40 pager! congrats x
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