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Clubplanet Nightlife Community


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Everything posted by tottallyoff

  1. I always thought the the leps was attracting the best and the upcoming. I dont know about everybody else.
  2. Have to work on saturday. Cant. There will be other times.
  3. same thing happened to me. I got a ticket going 92 in a 65 around exit 24 on 87 north. I got to the court. The officer reduced the fine to $65 for illigal parking (?). nopoints. Just had to be there at 830am. Anyway. Congrats.
  4. HAHA! I wonder if they made him set up his equipment to prove that it works. Just like they make you turn on the laptop.
  5. Dude. May be I want to read 20 different posts about the same thing. Tiesto deserves only the best around this board:puke:
  6. whatever. its alcohol, right?
  7. http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=2526986624&category=14986&rd=1
  8. I got that book from UK amazon yesterday. I cant put it down. Its good. it covers everything from balancing your tome arm to signing a contract. Regarding taste - everyone should have their own before even picking up a needle or a record. What was amasing to me - the shipment tok 2 days from some butthole town in UK and my check take 7-10 days sent from cali. WTF?
  9. Is it possible that you have one of those inetrnet clocks that makes your computer clock lag behind?
  10. did you know that jason jollins is going to be on the main floor also?
  11. Hernan plays it dark. Just like I like it. I think its like 10 before midnight and 15 after (correct me if I am wrong)
  12. So what now? How long before they are revoking every club's cabaret license?
  13. got mine in 28. There is an underlying database with possible relations. If it doesnt guess, it stores the new relationship in the database and assigned the final value to it for a future use.
  14. it all depends on how much you want to spend. can you be a little bit more specific?
  15. Yeah. I just found out my self. Its not even out in US. the only one that is going to be out is the new version of it. I dont even know if its the same thing.
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