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Everything posted by darlok

  1. darlok


    Ur confused bro. Darlok "What's the difference between a corpse and you? THe corpse cheated u by avoiding misery" Darlok aka Robert
  2. darlok


    I hate repetitive posts so I'll sum everything up. I might've went a lil overboard arguin with u ppl. Wasn't an argument from my end. Know only that my purpose here was to show ppl that life is diff than they perceive it. I understand some are already married with kids or in fresh relationships and are stickin up for what they have. It's okay for u to be Defensive; I would've done the same thing if i was in ur shoes. Btw, I dont' want ppl to Follow everything i said. That's nonsense!! Just Relate to it and try not to neglect it for everything I have said is the Truth.. Darlok What's the difference between a corpse and u? The corpse cheated u by avoiding misery, yet u are 1 in the same" Robert
  3. darlok


    Listen lady.. What do u not understand? Re read my posts and point out the things you want, dont have and are jealous of. Where did i lie? And I'm angry at ur incompetence to recognize the Truth after I laid it right in front of ur eyes. Darlok
  4. darlok


    Christ would never talk down to ppl? Wtf do u think Tubby did when he called everyone SATAn's kids? U were 2 f*ckin ignorant to understand anything he said. Heh.
  5. darlok


    Phatty... after 2004 whip out ur Tannin lotion and get urself a good set of shades bro.
  6. darlok


    Far from a prophet and ur ignorant.. Would it matter if i told the truth to ppl in real life? I will.. in due time. U will see me before 2004 starts. Not on the net. Dar
  7. darlok


    Pride in what? The Truth and LOVE? i take full pride in that! What are u proud of? Lust?
  8. darlok


    I'm happy for u... Tell me how ur life is 3 1/2 yrs from now, assuming u'll get to live that long. As for me knowin about God... Well, let me tell u something. There was only 1 person in the Universe and beyond that knew/will know him better than I do. Cya ;0 And phatty.. this topic will be deleted. Unfortunately.. The ppl who will remember some of these words are blessed. The ppl who remember but choose to forget cursed.
  9. darlok


    *wipes sweat off his forehead* *SIGH* HOPELESS
  10. darlok


    I did, 2000 yrs ago. I am a lil angry and pissed off because u ppl are walkin corpses
  11. darlok


    It said Good bye to u long time ago Flip
  12. darlok


    Themrs.. U wouldn't know what happiness was if it manifested itself in front of u and slapped u in the face. I thought he was a she.. lol... but he's in a big shithole. Just because he has kids doesn't mean he's happy. Look at the pimples on his face. Stress causes those. Look on the inside not the outside. Dar
  13. darlok


    U read the posts.. Why don't u tell me what they're about? If you think religion u guys are dumber than i f8ckin Thought.. *SIGH* Themrs.. have u ever heard a religion sermon or whatnot? Do a f*ckin comparson. I'm addressin real life issues!!! Darlok
  14. darlok


    I'm attackin u ? WTF?? *scratchin his head* Uhmm.. Lady, u sure have issues. Talk to a friend or a parent or someone; just get some help. Me angry?? At what? I'm just a lil depressed that "normal girls" are Extinct like the f*ckin dinosaurs. As for cheap laugh.. It's what ppl do right after they tool ya. Enjoy your misery Darlok
  15. darlok


    It's just that unlike you.. I have enough Willpower/self worth/common sense To say NO
  16. darlok


    Shorty, how old are u ? Didn't u say me say that the only diff between me and u or anyone else is the fact that i came into realization of God's Love? Btw.. the day u changed ur philosopy on life was the day u succumbed to a filthy whorish society, and ur so called "FUN" is a delusion. Heh. Darlok "A Girl is HOT before sex; but become CUTE right after; until the man's sperm replenishes, then she is HOT again" True or no? My definition of HOT/CUTE ehehe Btw.. Flip.. I can get more p*ssy in reality than u can get d*ck in ur imagination.
  17. darlok


    The search for God began since life began. U can't find Love with logic or research.. The day someone does and can prove GOD is the day this world will cease to exist. It's such a simple thing to find 2 Everyone is always lookin... Darlok You ppl don't know how lucky u are to read this. There aren't many ppl who can break this down into such simplicity your average idiot wouldn't have a problems understanding. But if u disagree, try reading some books on spirituality. All are confusing and misleading and loaded with such difficult terms that u'd have a harder time defining them in dictionaries than actually enjoying the readin .. Or better yet, drop into a church for a priest/rabbi lecture. U have no clue as to WTF he's talkin about.. I sure as hell don't. Everything has to have an arm and a leg.
  18. darlok


    U don't know because u don't have what I described. Some ppl are closer to finding it than others. Some are just lost and will be until they die. And yea, I know long posts do suck. That was my 1st on this message board OOps
  19. darlok


    y? because I said Amen? and that there's hope for humanity after all? Lol... Weyes what you failed to notice is that all my posts are based on something called the MORAL IMPERATIVE. U do know the definition of that don't u ? and all i did was support it with LOVE. Seems like u haven't seen a hard headed christiain.. They'll try to sell u a bible and a T shirt that says "Christiains for Jesus" and after that, try to convert u to a blind Faith which they have no clue about. Or go on the internet and try arguin with one.. They'll spam u with QUOTEs from the bible.. Morons. Darlok Btw.. the whole bible is actually 32 pages of either Matthew/Mark/Luke chapters.. Chapters by either of these ppl teach the moral imperative. That is the WHOLE BIBLE... Such a big fat book, yet can be summarized into any of these 32-35 pages. Everything aside those pages is boring and useless.
  20. NOTE to ALL: Don't go down on sexxybabyd unless you want ur face to look like Freddy Kruegers. B*tch squirts Acid like that Reptile dude from Mortal Kombat.
  21. Some trippy sh*t Jerzeygirl.... Ghosts are nothing to be afraid of though.. They are "unclean spirits" Usually hang around ppl you have a "BAD VIBE" toward. Unseen, yet u can see them.. They pollute households where anger/hate reside. Darlok
  22. darlok


    Sh*t I'm replyin to my own posts.. *SIGH* U know.. The hardest thing a person can do in life is be PATIENT and WAIT for that perfect someone... It is especially hard while watching ppl around (friends) having fun and being in in all these marvelous relationships This really sucks because u get jealous of what other ppl have. And why shouldn't u be happy as they are?? WTF GIVES?? Well.. I tell u the truth that.. What the other ppl have is PAIN/STRESS/Misery which hasnt manifested itself in their relationship, Yet. It will, in time and your gonna be the 1st person they're gonna come cryin to:( Hmm.. U know... the worst thing a person can do in life is make a MISTAKE... We all make them; some bigger than others.. but everyone strives to avoid them, especially in a relationship!!) Memories of f*cked up relationships carry SCARS which are next to impossible to forgive/forget and always remain a burden on the soul Ppl see 10 feet ahead, instead of lookin 10000. *SIGH* There will be a time in ur life when u do decide to marry, and the worst thing of ALL is finding out that your spouse cheated on u couple of yrs into a relationship. When that happens u will see something in yourself which is more EVIL Than the F*CKIN DEVIL HIMSELF. Then u shall look back on ur life and say to urself.. MY GOD, where did i go wrong?? :( If I could only turn back the time, I would've made a better choice. Btw the day this happens your life is officially OVER. Actually it's already over when u "SUSPECT" something... (-- what kinda life or even a relationship is that.. ?? Most wise/older ppl nowadays would tell u they would GIVE EVERYTHING if they could turn back the time. Ask ur parents.. It's not so they can be young/healthy again. The real reason for their answer is to "Amend the mistakes they made in the past" and the Greatest mistake they would wanna change, even though they will NEVER admit to u, (how can they?? your their offspring)!!! is (diff wife/hubby) Darlok "Because I live, u should know the end is coming"
  23. darlok


    Elemntx what do they say about tears of blood gashin down from ur eyes?
  24. darlok


    Btw... see.. I bet most ppl here would assume i'm some f8ckin Bishop or some priest tryin to lecture them but not soo.. Hell.. i'm a normal person who probably cusses more than most.. am attracted to hot chicks like a magnet. Just because I know these things doesn't make me Diff from anyone here. Nope.. the only difference that separates me from most ppl here is that I"VE REALIZED that God Loves me and I know where to draw the f*ckin line in all circumstances. When a person learns to know GOD (NOTTTTTTT Through organized religion) (--That's BS... Anyway, when a person learns to know GOD.. NOTHING really changes in his life.. It's not like he prays day and night.... HELL F*ckin NO!! U do not need to pray at all nor read any books, not even the bible!! Nothing really changes. It's just that you don't cheapen yourself.. and u can spot a liar/faker from a mile away. And in the advance stages u can read them like a f*ckin book. Ur are like superman/superwoman.. and an animal at that 2. LOL.. Imagine unleashing the FULL POWER Of your animal savage beast sex starved self durin sex (what u now have is 1/10 of it) with the perfect image of your mate. U NEVER STOP F*CKIN!!! U NEVER GET BORED and u could go on forever.. Not 2 or 10 mins. There is no such thing as "ENOUGH" for guys or girls... U just don't know what ur missin out on Darlok "Because I LIVE, u know the end is coming"
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