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Everything posted by darlok

  1. U will if you start hangin out with SexxybabyD... She's got so many varieties of tannin lotion that after usin em... Affirmitive action would help u land a job
  2. BBoom.. Major Tan bro.. U look like casper... while ur at it tell moms not to cut ur hair no more. SHe's doin a louzy job. Yousuck is just a fag.. plain and simple. Bkrlynzzfinest. with luck, could get laid faster than Bboom with a prostitue. Just clean ur belly button, it stinks worse than ur ass. Sexybeautiful. Crest whitening strips and a quick + or - checkup at ur nearet clinic Bootylicious.. Seek psychological help.. U look like ur on a brink of death. Davespaa.. get rid of the headband and stop using ur moms lipstick. Smokesum is cool Lowball is cool Sexxybabyd.. Use Proactive more frequently.
  3. Hey Sexxybadd.. U should be prayin your still alive... If it was a Nuclear powerplant.. u wouldn't have to worry about spendin $ in tannin salons
  4. Lost flock of sheep without a shepard in darkness desperately tryin to get home. It was ironic how everyone was lookin for the LIGHT.. LOL I was crackin up like a madman.. ;0 Unfortunately naughtybabe.. this is nothin to what's comin Darlok "Because I live, you should know the end is coming"
  5. LOL.. hahahaha.. Only thing that i'm pissed at is gettin abused by HOT girls u can only dream about. Lol..
  6. Love is all around you. It is an invisible entity that wants to enter directly into your heart, dwell there for OO and never ever leave!! but before it can enter ur heart it must be sure that "YOU CRAVE it and want it iNSIDE just as much" It wants to form a MUTUAL Relationship. 50/50 It tests you everyday.. But the greatest test, the deciding factor whether it will enter in ur heart or not comes in a relationship. See.. when boy meets girl and before they decide to do anything serious one of them decides to WAIT without rushing in. The person who waited just invited this ENTITITY (LOVE) to come into his heart and give him the answer he/she is lookin for. This answer comes at a terrible price U undergo transformation!! HATE/ Misery/Pain/happiness all surfaces from ur heart as (LOVE inside u) shows you all the burdens you carried from previous lifetimes that u aren't/weren't aware of. U might even go psychotic temporarily. Anyway.. after all this happens... at the end. u'll come to learn forgiveness and Love again. U and your other perfect half will ATTRACT like a F*CKIN MAGNET (on a SOUL LVL) not with the mind. Picture yourself as a Magnet without a Charge. Picture your mate as another piece of magnet without a Charge U are opposites yet u don't attract because u lack the Energy. This energy is LOVE/GOD. Darlok BTW.. Love comes to those who want it. Not the ppl who are just lookin for a quick f*ck. Purpose of life is to go thrugh suffering because until u know what pain is u will never know happiness.
  7. *nods* spirutuality is a part of everyones life. It evolves within a person through daily life.
  8. I just wanted for ppl to change because when shit hits the fan ur all f*cked. .. When a person opens his heart Death does not phase him anymore.
  9. LONG but good stuff ANotherway Okay.. i'll break my previous post in simple terms. 1. You Had a perfect LOVE (perfect mate) 2. A tragic event caused u to hate one another. 3. U were beamed down on earth to learn to forgive and love the other person for that tragic event that split u up 4. U run away from this by f*ckin other ppl.. U think the more u f*ck the more u'll forget. (it's very painful so i dont blame u) 5. If u want to get back with this person (try to make it work) Live a life where u value urself as a beautiful person (no matter how many ppl put u down) always do good.. 6. and Viola.. ur chance to meet this person will come! However the actions that caused the breakup in heaven will replay itself exactly here on earth as in heaven.. So get ready for hell Forgivness and then the good stuff THE END
  10. Well.. U fell from grace (higher state of vibration) A vibration/reality where nothing but Love exists... where u are (have a light body) Free to do anything u want.. U are 1 with God then and it is the ESSENCE that u and your counterpart (twin flame) SHARE It is a (adam/eve) relationsip that issss beyond words or anything close to the thought of LOVE u perceive in this reality.. Yet it's somewhat the same U were at the beginning 1 flesh but then God split your soul into 2, total opposites. U don't remmeber this btw. It surfaces sometimes in ur imagination though. That perfect image of that "PERFECT SOMEONE" But u can't hold this thought for a long time because it dies out shortafter when your logical mind tells u "SNAP OUT OF IT" This is reality. Settle for what u can get here before ur grow and old and die. Peer Pressure from ur friends does the same thing.. (Tempt u into sellin urself short; makin u believe that the perfect someone is only imaginary) And this immoral society (commercials/Tv shows/the way ppl live thinking their relationship is based on love, but is really lust) doesn't exactly help u in believing ur imagination of that perfect someone. Well.. let me go on. So u fall and are reincarnated into diff bodies over a period of time (with/without ur twin flame) Depends on the lifetime. You settle ur Karma regardless.. Now you fell from Grace because God wanted to test if you know "FORGIVENESS/UNCONDITIONAL LOVE" This happend with EVERYONE (EVERY SINGLE SOUL IN THE UNIVERSE and BEYOND) No exceptions!! God made one of u sin to test ur LOVE.. Btw U have no idea what TYPE OF PAIN the split caused.. This pain makes a person Gutted out or Grilled alive feel like it's heaven compared to the misery i'm talkin about. Well... this inevitably made u hate GOD (hate LOVE) and Hate ur other half. And the purpose of life is to LOVE GOD Forgive your other half WITH UR HEART.. Idiots do it with minds.. and unless u can do it with ur heart.. it is not good enough. When u can forgive this with ur heart (takes a lot of time, years) U are on God's hitlist.. his Good side What happens afterwards when u get together (god will do it) PPl will regard the meet up as a coincidence (destiny so called) Well.. when this happens.. Get ready for Wild Beast sex 1000x than anything u did now.. When u make love to this person (GOD) pumps ur whole body and it becomes a big heart. U can f*ck for literally hours.. Unlimited cum.. Unlimited erection (--- U don't faint.. Ur d*ck grows a tleast 10 inches even if ur chinese and have a small one. U will believe it to be a miracle.. but it's not.. LOL. Girls clits get soo hot and full of BLOOD (Their whole body is actually full of energy) that they make the ALIEN3 Queen DROOl look like nothing. (-- very long journey. But this is what life is all about for everyone. And the TRICK!! to all this is that your other half (is trapped in ur heart) and at the same time somewhere on earth.. but in order to meet her on earth (God connect u to) U must be an all around Good person (SOUL MATE is far from this) I tell u the truth.. this present moment there are thousands and thousands of angels reincarnated on this planet.. U just might be one of them. Everything starts with the URGE TO LOVE.. There are 2 types of ppl.. Those who wait and believe!! and those who are impatient and give in. Patience is a virtue or s othey say and it is. Now.. what religions.... Especially the one where they arrage marriages from birth does.. is F*CK UP ppl. Jesus would call this "SATAN's WORK" because it imprisons everyone's freedom into finding their other half. Blah blah.. I could write a f*ckin book i swear.. ROFL Anyway that's it U fall because U stop believing in God. I got banned from ratemybody.com when some girl was invitin ppl for a cam session of her givin a BJ.. and i told her that no one wants to see a double chin burning workout video ..
  11. NO i meant eradication with Nuclear weapons.. All these religions teach the same thing in diff words. But the foundation of it is Christianity... (unaltered) See.. what ppl fail to realize is that there are many ways to find LOVE... U can either sit and meditate for 24x7 for years.. Or u can live a normal life in which u value yourself.. and u will find it. This is why Jesus came.. He came to teach the average-hard working person. Not some dude who has 2 much on his hands, sits around in a corner and starts meditating. Gimme a f*ckin break.
  12. Well.. the one that poisons everyones mind. The ppl who hide the truth are the ones who fear it the most. U just tell them the truth. I can't really say but i'll give u 1 hint.. U know jews claim that the peasants Moses lead out of egypt were punished for 40 yrs on a desert? They're stickin with this claim. (hates religion talk) Well.. IN reality.. ask yourself this. What is a worst punishmen God will give to a "PEASANT" who is born with nothing and labors for a crumb of bread. Is that not enough punishment already? HEh... EGYPT to ISRAEL is a very short distance which certainly doesn't take 40 yrs to cover. Month, 2 tops... I wonder where the water came from and food to feed them for 40 yrs.. heh.. See.. what really happend is that when Moses gave them the LAW (morale imperative) Know right from wrong they F*CKED up at it for 39 yrs thereafter. They NEver reached the promised land. HEH.. Promised Land is not Israel.... It's ascension.. Then because of they're ignorance jesus came.. rephrased the LAW (10 commandments) addin 2 additional ones.. and said that God is waiting.. Y are u still here? *SIGH* The only thing that changed over few thousand years is technology Not GOOD!! especially since we have the capability to eradicate ourselves in mannter of seconds. Well.. there u have it ppl. Time stands still. Dar. This and what i have posted on this msg board is 1% of what i know and shared. Hope this helps... I hate religions convos.. *SIGH*
  13. No sweat.. Sassyy ur a lucky lady.. Because you will witness Organized religions official destruction. Watch me make some f*ckin MESS at the Vatican. j/k Well .. at least someone here understands.. WHOOP!
  14. Face it Bro.. i can get more pussy from girls in my diapers ridin on a f*ckin tricycle, honkin my lil horn (BEEP BEEP) than u can get drivin a f*ckin Ferrari. Ur one of those casper lookalike pussies who doesn't have the ballz to approach and talk a girl so he stands from afar and looks at what he can't have. Loser
  15. What obvious? That ur on the internet cuz u can't get laid in real life?
  16. Imagine breaking the greatest news of your life to ur loving parents (assuming u do have this type of relationship with ur mom dad) MARRIAGE U are sooo happy and thrilled that u can't hold piss in ur undies. U think they'll share in ur happiness but the reaction u get from them is staggering and depresses u. This is how i feel sometimes covetoys.. Best i can explain it. Darlok
  17. U know what's sad and really depressing? Besides bbbbooom That society, humans overall need some sort of a catastrophe in order to change their beliefs. If nothing happens they are a bunch of ignorant fools. (not all... a lot of ppl wanna change this but fear they are nobody so y bother) However when something threatening appears (ex. wars, which are tragic events that take many lives) VIOLA!! FEAR overwhelms the govt, laws are passed and Constitutions/Bill of rights written etc... Now... small events like this do not AFFECT the entire World. Neighborhoods, States Now.. Logically speaking.. What do u think can change the entire world? A crazy man like Jesus? Well.. who listened to him Dude taught ppl about the LOVE u are all so desperately tryin to seek in one another.. the bible converted his teachings into a f*cked up religion. O boy... Btw... Smokesum.. No amount of books will ever form the foundation of ur faith. Y should it? it is only secondary information.. Unless you can dig it up on ur own from ur heart (primary source) all u will be doin is "memorizing" and everthing that u memorize u will forget because ur heart will reject it. Those ppl who studied the bible for centuries do not have 1 single clue as to what it's about it, nor do they have faith in it. f*ckin Hypocrites! What i did with my other posts is gave u a Key to ur own HEART, showin u the goodies behind it.... U are the only person who can Unlock it. Darlok
  18. darlok


    Yes, but just as a teacher, a good parent doesn't wiggle his finger and shake his head when his child does something Terribly stupid that almost took their life .. He'll raise his voice because he cares for u realizing he/she almost lost u Good teachers/parents point when ur slightly off the path, but when your walkin in the opposite direction they'll raise their voice so u can turn around and get back on it. Your definition of a good teacher is a LOSER who cares about no one but himself. Darlok "Because I live, you should know the end is coming"
  19. Dude I'm chillin.. A part of me wants to say F*CK IT.. to all of u and a part of me wants me to share things with u that are out of this world. I admit some things about Love I shouldn't have said; and didn't wanna say until that coool223343 copy and pasted from some advanced book shit he didn't have a clue about. Anyway.. as for me explaning things.. Well, i don't know everything. I do know of events to come though uhmm... I'm actually a lil afraid (not really afraid) but i procrastinating something which I must do Nooo.. not suicide.. i can't die.. HAHA. ROFL... *cough* j/k Not but something... I'm just hear to have a lil fun and educate some ppl on the reality of things as boring as that may seem. Don't think i take any pleasure in typin all this sh*t... Heck.. I never imagined i'd be doin this, but there is a reason i'm here and it sure aint to pick up chicks.. Anyway.. what i'm tryin to say is that few yrs from now, I wanna be able to see a person on a f*ckin street and say HI to him.. i don't wanna talk to bones nor do i like the wind to blow dust in my eyes. Themrs. The anti christ does exist.. It is someone who will show u many miracles and idiots will believe in HIM instead of believing in themselves. He will tel u that u are God's and sh*t.. and alot of other sh*t. But what's funny is that u all will know ME *sticks his tongue out* and i'll tell u the truth, not him ehehaha j/k ;0 Anyyyyyyyhowwwwww... L8r
  20. Hey smokesum honestly dude.. Lets get off the topic plz.. I cannot tell u a lot of things on here but U will hear everything in due time.. I won't be here for long though... to make a long story short "I'm F*CKED" no matter what goes and I know it.. and U ppl.. I pitty u (u don't know why yet) But i feel sorry for all here. and it's against my nature cuz normally i'm an asshole. Smokesum.. read my latest "LOVE" posts.. Ur lookin for Love right now.. u just don't know it. Everyone is. I'm no exception.. I found it though plz no one respond after this.. Thanks
  21. Alanis Morissette. Simple together What if God was one of us Darlok What's the difference between u and a corpse? He cheated by escaping misery, yet you are 1 in the same"
  22. darlok


    Darrel.. Thanks for lookin it up for me.
  23. darlok


    When a person does this.. he/she places their Trust in GOD (in other sense, their HEART) not blind intuition based on a strong feeling... Blessed is this person for Eternity for he is higher than angels or anything in heaven, because by doin this, he has become "SOMETHING" and now stands out in the eyes of GOD! At this point endure everything that is thrown at u and GOd will reward to u thousand fold. After u endure and finally FIND God in ur heart.. u will PITTY everyone who hasn't.. (-- natural thing.. it won't be called braggin.. But in their eyes it may seem so. Btw.. Cool22223443... Sex sustains for OO. We as humans can't comprehend this. U are NEVER TIRED of someone else (read my other posts) !!! (-- it is just impossible.. ;\ If u knew God u would know this. U underestimate the Power of Love for u do not know it. Darlok (always revising my posts because I'm in and out of the house" :\ and make sloppy mistakes.
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