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Everything posted by upjumpdaboogie

  1. SUSHI samba, si, si, si sleeping in or morning wood?
  2. I'm no Gloria Steinem... anyone read this book, what's it about? Ladies?
  3. nuffin worst den a selfish post-whore!!! share! share! share!
  4. neither, self-taught. not a touch typist (but almost as fast), not a finger/hen-pecker, either. one day... I just realized that I wasn't looking down (as safety measure) anymore... was kinda cool. I was interning at a publishing company at 19, and I called my boss over to show him... but, it's still pretty cool.. most laypersons are impressed... but I integrate backspacing, pretty seamlessly, too.
  5. yea, miss giovanni is a dime... now if the pictures would just load!
  6. in da boots, on da knees, 'in babies
  7. The wicked black, spiky over-the-knee boots or the ankle? I'm assuming... the over-the-knee..
  8. that's only helping your case, dear... I can handle second-fiddle Gucci... just not you :laugh:
  9. who knows.. a repeat performance might garner you a session wearing those boots... and only those boots.
  10. get the clapper.. lights on and off. sexual no-contact lap dance or platonic full contact massage
  11. nothing would give you greater pleasure...
  12. she don't know me vewy well.... do she...
  13. I better begin to nail everything down... sleep.. ha, that's a good one.
  14. don't worry, you won't need that much. toothbrush, should about do it...
  15. and by day {you think you're getting off that scott free}, you mean.... weekend... good thing we get that extra hour. if you're not sucking on an oxygen tank, dripping in a pool of your own juices.. then I haven't done my job... and you're free to go.
  16. if she can still walk *cough* stand *cough*
  17. yeah, cuz that's the only possible reason. you skinny prick
  18. 10:05 - Holy mashoogana it's cold out.. actually it's not that bad. I've got bagels, doughnuts and munchkins for everyone. Coffee and Juice. Everything w/ scallion cream cheese, poppy w/ butter&jelly for me.. Hazelnut coffee w/ cream and sugar... chow down.. Fridayites
  19. Holy mashoogana it's cold out.. actually it's not that bad. I've got bagels, doughnuts and munchkins for everyone. Coffee and Juice. Everything w/ scallion cream cheese, poppy w/ butter&jelly for me.. Hazelnut coffee w/ cream and sugar... chow down.. Fridayites
  20. condolances, honey... :empathy:
  21. That makes two of us.... and I did!
  22. Is there a Dr. in the house? What's your cure?
  23. 7:52 - maybe I'll stop by.. after friend leaves or come with, not likely to transit mid-game unless it's a blowout, though. love Rounders... Ed Norton rawks
  24. 7:42... - ignore my this or that, comment
  25. heineken... Reeni are you pre-gaming, aren't you supposed to be getting Crissy Pissy?
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