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Everything posted by kettleone77

  1. these message board arguements are so f'n lame. I cant believe I am payin any mind to this guy. This shit is through no more hiding and talkin shit. Leave a note in my locker next time cause this shit is middleschool. done.
  2. Look pal....why dont you stop by...be proved wrong and quit talkin shit already. If you really have some sort of issue, which you obviously do, then since you know me so well mystery boy then contact your woodbridge people. and Im sure we can RESOLVE it. Why dont we start with tellin me who the FUCK U are and what your fuckin problem is. Why do you care so damn much about the club...get a hobbie or somethin. Or be a big boy and talk to me not behind such a cool disguise, clubgodess.
  3. sunday is def gonna be sick....I have a whole crew comin in. Never heard velez yet either so im stoked. Definetly due for a beligerent sunday....wheres afterhours? Jose, You got to change your Avator, browse your comp for a pic(rip one from a web site if you dont have one) and save it.
  4. Damn Tina is hangin out.............dangerous .....sick even
  5. YO bro, you obviously dont know me or anything for that matter. I never beg for a fuckin cent and will prob make way more money than you......Being a Bouncer and all (no offense to real bouncers). You are gettin really annoying and lame already and i think everyone is sick of this gay shit. you obviously have some sort of problem and are tryin to prove somethin.......it aint workin. Its not my fault your girl comes here and, we get her loaded...............she tips well.
  6. i'm workin w/ you on sunday....heard morillo was rediculous, sure he was. you hook up w/ marco, that dudes cool as hell. Sleep was good times last night. Clubgod still runnin his mouth? I been askin around but nobody seems to know the mystery man...Shoulda came to level, check you tom.
  7. You know i'll be in the house to make your night hell brother...I came up with a new protein/atkins shot for you too so i dont wanna hear any cryin either. We might have to break out the gallianno bottle for your boy clubgod too huh? That fucker's like a baseball bat. Oh yeah is it summer yet...................
  8. CARL how do we do it dog. Another sucessful sunday night for myself. Had a bang up good time last night. Also enjoyed seein hotties tryin to walk on ice after you put the magic on em. My b day next sunday m'fer you know you are gonna have to get just as injured as me so be prepared......
  9. yo marco good times last night bro....thanx.
  10. Yo we been talkin about it for a while, and now we finally get a chance to do it up. Sundays are gonna be hot. We also get a chance to show all the rest of the industry's haters what were all about. Damn were gonna have a good time. BIzump.
  11. sounds like the right idea. is this one of the hottest spots in chi town or what cause im comin from jersey this weekend and wanna hit the best spots for friday sat sunday
  12. Thanks guys seems like cro bar is the spot huh? We got one opening in NYC this winter too. Im tryin to get a job up in there. Anyone know anything about the list there on fridays
  13. tonight at sleep MTV will be thre finding people for their new show room raiders. As usual Carlos Realm will be spinning and it should be another bangin friday. Anybody that needs guestlist or club info can PM or email me b4 8. kettleone77@aol www.clubsleepnj.com
  14. Im heading to chicago for the weekend of the 28th and was wonderin if anyone knows any hot spots off hand or afterhours. Hookups would be sweet too but any info would help. Thanks kids
  15. If anyone could help a brother out it would be appreciated. Im headin to Chi-town for friday nov 28th through dec 1st. I wanna scope out my team the bears baby and check out what kinda club-life chicago has. Gettin bored of working nightclubs every weekend here in jersey. Any kinda info would help from destinatons to guestlists. I could offer the same if anyone is out here in new jersey or new york. im stayin at some claridge like 15 min away from downtown cause everything right in town was booked but whatever. Again any help or club courtesy would be be huge. Thanks. J www.clubsleepnj.com
  16. -hey buddy I warned you didnt I! Anyhow happy b day and hopefully we'll see ya again soon I had a great time. J- bartender
  17. I didnt think it was all that bad. Home videos never come out like the real thing....not sayin i know 1st hand but i agree and would throw her one too.
  18. I know i had a good time and i also know the crowd is getting better and better. This past friday was sick. I'll continue intoxicating people and CARLOS keep doin what your doin............J..bartender
  19. I D K where to get it but I f'n want it. Is it supposed to be with her boyfriend who is my boy brian urlacher of the chicago bears?
  20. Ya know this guy will be up in there and tryin my damdist to get in the playboy party. Theyre sendin some honeys as well to promote it....damn i love promo girls
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