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Posts posted by zeonstar

  1. My girlfriend is from Georgia and I've always loved the southern accent. :love: She can recite a phone book and I'd be happy just hearing her talk. :bowdown: She usually hides it though. :yuck: Only comes out when she is really tired or mad.

    Come on honey... get mad. :bounce::bounce:

  2. Thanks for the congrats, I am sure she is the one I have talked about before on here.

    Thanks also for the advice. I have watched her masterbate and even helped her but it takes her forever unless it's just her doing it. We are very comfortable together, we have been since day one so that is definately a plus for us and anything we try. Friday afternoon she came over after school and we just did it out of the blue and it was wonderful. Nothing like being spontaneous. She was very happy. I don't know if she got all the way, but she sure had a very intense look on her face that's for sure and afterwards she said she could feel pulsing down there. If she feels this good now, she is gonna die whenever she finally O's.

    Anyway I think we are still doing fine but I'm always willing to learn ways to make it even better.

  3. Hey everyone, hope you are well.

    I was just wondering if anyone could point me to a few good sites where I could read some advice or techinques on how to get my fiancee to the Big O. She is one of those really difficult types and it's my job to (Happily) break the barrier. :-) I'm her only partner ever, so she is still learning, but I want very much to get her there. Any advice or idea anyone might have I would love to hear it.

    I am being serious and would appreicate some genuine advice. Thank you! :)

  4. Has any girl here ever had a case of Trich that just seems to not go away? My girlfriend is having this problem. She has taken a week (twice) dosage of the main antibiotic they give for this called Flagyl and we have not been doing anything waiting for it to clear up but it seems to of come right back again. I've been tested and even took the meds myself as a precaution, but it seems to be very stubborn. She might have to go back to the Doctor and get recheck we think. I am her only parnter and we are both clean so we're pretty baffled.


  5. Did anyone actually read my posts where I said she isn't hurting anymore and she feels very good, better and better each time?

    No, I'm not going to find another one. What kind of freakin' advice is that? Sorry she means just a tad more to me than a hole I can stick my dick in. Sex isn't everything, love is way more important to us, that is for sure. The sex is coming along just fine.

    I believe I came to the wrong place for advice, but thanks to those who tried to help.

    If a moderator could delete this threat, I really don't see the need for it to go on anymore. It's just going to cause a huge debate.

  6. *Bump*

    Things getting alot better each time but... come on can't a girl PM me or something? I'd like some input. :) Damn I love being with my baby... she is so sexy. What a thing to have to practice. I ain't complaining, believe me. :)

  7. I don't know if you are kidding or not but she is going to one in about a week actually. It's just for a check up though. When she made the appointment, she was still a virgin and we hadn't even met yet....

    But can any ladies please take some time to talk to me?

  8. Hey All,

    I hate to have to do this, because it will probably reflect bad on me but I really don't care. I love my girl with all my heart and I want to help her anyway I can.

    It would mean very much to me if a girl or two from this board could email me. I know you don't know me, but I would just like some private advice. I could post it I suppose, but I just want to concentrate on getting help, not being dissed possibly.

    Anyway I'm my girl's first and we have did it about a dozen times and well... it just isn't working really well for her. I don't know if this time frame is normal, if something is wrong or what. I just want to help her enjoy herself. She tells me what she feels but I can't really tell her if it's right or not because I'm not a girl and have never felt what she is feeling, so I need input from other girls who were at the point she is at one time.

    My email is zeonstar@aol.com. Ask me all you need to get all the information you need to help, and I will be very greatful.

    Thank you!

  9. Well just wanted to give a little update, maybe see if I can get some further advice.

    We made love 2 times this afternoon... just had a wonderful day. We have so much fun together, no matter what we do. Anyhow we did it twice and the pain is gone pretty much, but she isn't really feeling good yet. I don't know if she just needs to get use to it or what. She says it presses on her bladder alot, or at least that's what it feels like. We even tried doggy, but that really didn't help much. Haven't tried her on top yet. I've been going slow, getting her very turned on and all that, so we're fine in that department.

    Please resist urges to make cracks like I don't know what I'm doing. I've been around alot. Heheh. Just being with a virgin is new to me, and I really want to help her for obvious reasons.

  10. Thanks all for the input.

    I'll just do what I've been doing, taking it slow. I already to love on her alot, and she gets more turned on than any girl I've ever been with, I mean like wow! Do I really do it that much for her? When we are together I've been using KY, just to help her out but she could probably do without it.

    But ok... lots and lots and lots of foreplay. I can definately handle that

    And I don't have to worry about her wantig my credit card. She is the kind of girl who doesn't need things bought for her, she just wants me. We have the best times together. If I told you all how long we have actually known eachother, you probably wouldn't believe we were so in love. :)

  11. Hey All,

    I don't know if many of you know me, I have posted here and there through my ups and downs. I think the last time I posted my ex girlfriend has miscarried and then left me. I was not doing well, to say the least.

    Time has passed and I have moved on. I met someone so special I can't even put it into words, but let's just say I never thought a girl like her existed for me... but we found eachother and we are so in love. It's a wonderful feeling... and I'm so content and happy. We both are. I feel a real future with her.

    Anyhow getting to the point, I need a little input from some ladies please. She was a virgin when I met her, but we have since made love, making me her first... well obviously. It meant to much to me that she let me have something like that, and I held it in the highest regards. We have did it like 2 times now, and it still hurts her. She hasn't really had any pleasure from our intercourse yet. I was just wondering how long we can expect it to take until she starts enjoying it? She has orgasmed before, she has masterbated for years, but just never actually had sex.

    Just any advice or input would be nice. I want her to be able to enjoy it, because I love being with her.

    Love can be so wonderful, you know that? I guess all my heartache was for a reason, so I could end up here....

  12. I've been crying, believe me. I'm like a big blubbering baby. I've always been too sensitive. I've never had to deal with anything like this, so natrually, I'm doing it all wrong.

    I found about all this just as I was leaving for work yesterday at 2:50pm. I called it work of course hoping I would soon get to see my girl, Stacie. But I never saw her yesterday. She was mourning, resting, and in alot of pain. I mostly talked with her sister to be kept updated. To make it worse, I actually haven't seen Stacie since Sunday. So I have my normal amount of missing her in addition to all this.

    I guess last night they took her to the ER because she was in so much pain and she got drugged up.

    I'm such an idiot. I just finally talked to Stacie a minute ago, she was hurting again because the meds were wearing off and I was dumb enough to actually say I feel like everyone is trying to keep me from her. I managed to upset her on top of everything else. She said I could try and see her at noon a little while before I have to goto work but that I wouldn't be able to be lovey dovey to her. I took that the wrong way too, dumb immature me.

    As much as I want to see her, what should I do? Just stay away till she is really ready? I need to do the right thing here... no matter how much I suffer. I need to be the right way for all of this, I love her more than I could ever say and the last thing I would ever want is to lose her after all this because I didn't react right.

  13. Just wanted to thank everyone for thier support. I'm not feeling much better and I'm going to have to work today... great I really feel up for THAT. :-(

    I'm sure I'll be ok soon. I hope so. I'm mostly worried about my girl though...

  14. I am fond of her son who is 7. He isn't mine but we were all going to be a family... everything was planned. We were going to be getting a place right around the time the baby was born. I hope we still will do that, but who knows when. Stupid me my girlfriend is in pain and I'm worried about when I can live with her.

  15. Hi everyone,

    Most of you don't know me, I have posted a few times here and here but it's been months.

    I just wanted to ask everyone to think of me and my girlfriend. We found out today she miscarried. She was a little over 3 months along. This was going to be my first baby and her second. I hope we can get through this... I have so much going through my head right now.


  16. I'm 24 and had sex once with a 41 year old late last year. I also had a sex fling with a 35 year old about half a dozen times.

    My steady girlfriend now, the one I love, who is having my baby, and I'm going to marry is 30. So I guess I'm sticking with a 6 year difference. :) We never think about out age difference though. We get along and are happy, so it really doesn't matter.

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