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Posts posted by zeonstar

  1. Should I just stop posting my stories or something? :confused:

    Just so happens I saw her today and she was happy to see me. She had been wondering why I had not called her, and I told her I never got her number so she gave it to me. She was on lunch so we talked for a few minutes. She told me to call her tonight so that's what I'm going to do.

    Turns out she is not a club girl, the night I met her was her second time to one ever. Since I am really not a clubber myself (No kidding huh?) This might work out. She seems to like me... sober even so maybe this one will go somewhere. :)

    Do you ever PM back Legend? Have a good one man.

  2. For no apparant reason, I feel like posting a story about my night this past Saturday. I don't post much in the sex section, certainly nothing long (for long ass posts of mine, goto the Polly Esther's section. :)) But anyway felt like telling this story. I doubt many will give a damn. :)

    So I went out to Polly's on Saturday after work which I don't usually do because Saturday's are always TOO packed, but I had a bad night Friday and didn't want to sit at home and think about it, so I went out again. Did a few rounds of the place and I soon ended up on the backside of the 80's section dancefloor where I saw my friend Brandi there. Brandi is just a girl I know from the club, we see eachother alot and just became unspoken friends. You know that kind of thing. Anyway Brandi was dancing with 2 girls. One was her friend/roommate, the other as I found out was a girl she had just met and kind of adopted. It turns out the girl was suppose to come with a friend, who backed out at the last moment to SLEEP (What the hell?) so the girl being all dressed up, went anyway and like I said Brandi took her in as it were. Brandi introduces me to everyone and pretty much pairs me off with the girl before I have time to agree or reject to the idea. I didn't mind though, the girl was quite the cutie and her name was Shauna by the way.

    The group of us spend most of the evening together. Shauna I noticed right away was pretty far gone and she told me very soon after we met that she was a happy drunk... and she sure was. Ok skipping ahead to when the place was closing, we all were trying to think how the heck we were going to get Shauna home. I had just met this girl and I usually don't get involved in things of this sort, but there was NO way in hell I was going to let her drive home... and of course Brandi wasn't going to either. Originally Brandi was just going to take her home but Shauna really didn't like that idea, she didn't want to leave her car or some such thing.

    We are outside, Brandi is trying to talk to Shauna, trying to get her keys which she is clinging too like they are a million dollars. Meanwhile I am trying to hold Shauna because she is squirming to get away, thinking she is ok to drive! :eek: LOL YEAH RIGHT! Finally we get her keys, and her license and she tries to tell us where she lives. I promise her we are going to take care of her. For some reason, I really like this girl! Heh heh. So We have one address on the license, and another she is TRYING to explain to us. We decided I am going to drive her home in her car while Brandi follows to take me back to my car after. I look in her glove box and see her registation and that has the address she has been telling us, so that is the one we goto.

    I'm driving a girl's car while she is half passed out in the back. Just when I think she is totally out she pops up when a song she likes comes on the radio. Damn it was funny! :D Anyway her place isn't hard to find and I get her there. She says she is going to sleep in her car for awhile before she goes in. But us coming up wakes her dad so Brandi tells me to get in her car (She hid me!) And Brandi says something to Shauna's dad who seems to be laughing about things... which is good. Still I guess I was hit just to be safe. Although I was a total gentlemen and took care of poor drunk Shauna. :) Seems Shauna is ok so we leave and I am taken back to her car.

    I never had a chance to get Shauna's number but when we were dancing and talking she did tell me where she works and to drop by. But she hasn't been working, she has been off. :( I hope to see her again before she totally forgets me. I wonder if she will be glad and greatful to see me and how I helped her. I would hate to think how her night would of ended if my friend had not adopted her. :eek: :eek:

    One more interesting note, and a big part of why I wanted to tell this story. As I said we had to get her license to try and see where she lived. All I can say is HOLY SHIT. Shauna lost some SERIOUS weight! The girl I had been dancing with was an adorable, sexy, and cutie of a girl of probably 120 lbs. The girl in the license looked nothing like her. It said 260 for weight and the license was made in late March of 2000. Wow and wow again. She did a wonderful job on herself. I guess Brandi knew a little about, they had been talking before I showed up. Seems Shauna is new to clubs too and that was like her 3rd time going to one. She seems like my type. :) But anyway she looks incredible. Would of never ever guessed she use to be a heavy girl.

    Oops I think I carried on a bit too much. Update if I ever see her again.

  3. The following story happened Friday and it’s now late Monday night and I still can’t stop thinking about it. I am hoping getting it all down may help. Comments are welcome just please go easy on me. This all hit me very hard and I don’t think I will be able to fully convey why. Many I’m sure will think I am over reacting… but this is just how I am.

    Legend I hope you are reading this. This truly belongs in this thread.

    I’m sure some of you have read my post about lacking confidence to talk to a girl and all that. Well when I went this past weekend I wasn’t dwelling on that. I just went after work to relax, dance a bit, and just see what happens. I didn’t plan to talk to anyone or even trying. I just went. Got there at my usual time of midnight, did a few rounds saying hi to the workers I know and then ended up at the bar in the 80’s section to say hi to the sweet bartender I know and get my usual boring cherry coke. She was busy on the far side of the bar so I just listened to the music and waited.

    Out of nowhere this girl and her friend pop into the free spot to my left. The girl immediately beams me a smile and says hello. Being the dolt I am I at first quickly say hi, smile, and turn away. But then I turn back and realize that this girl is so very cute. She is saying something about getting on the bar to dance because the bartender (I different one, not my friend) wont give her a drink till she gets up there. The girl says she has never did something like that, and points to all the skimpy girls saying something like “Look at them, that is not like me.†But the bartender shows her a step and she gets up on the bar and dances right over me. She calls it whoring herself but she is definatly having fun. I feel awkward for awhile but I keep looking up at her and she smiles at me every chance she gets. Some guys come and go looking at her but most of her attention is on me. Meanwhile her friend is down next to me talking to her and me some and I catch that the girl I’m looking at is named Kelly.

    Kelly talks to me while she is up there, saying she has never did this before and to look how she was dressed. She was indeed not dressed like a clubber. She has on a long sweater and pants. I could barely see her neck! Hehheh…. But still I found her soooo pretty. She kind of danced seductively at me and I of course was loving it, any awkwardness was dissolving more and more every minute. She would bend down so I would touch her butt which I did of course. I ask her if she is going to come down and dance with me on the floor sometime and she assures me she will.

    Soon she gets down to rest and I get her some water. She holds me and hugs me like we have been a couple for 5 years or something… and it feels totally right. In other words, we cliqued right away. She was clearly into me and it felt wonderful. I tell her I know the DJ and I can get a song requested for her. She wanted to hear Hungry Like The Wolf so I go get it requested. I don’t recall if it was that song or another song, but we eventually got out on the floor dancing where things just got better.

    Most of the time me and her danced and a few times her friend got behind me but I was kind of oblivious to her, I was just paying attention to Kelly. I don’t know if this has ever happened to anyone, but when I was with her the world kind of dissolved around me. It was just me, her, and the world ended there. Seriously her friend could have been rubbing my crotch and hardly would of noticed. Kelly would look into my eyes, touch my face and come close to kissing me but tease me. It was torture kissing. But it felt so good. I can honestly say I can’t think of another time someone was so into me.

    I want to add now that yes she was drinking but I do not believe that is what made her like me. I’m pretty sure she knew exactly what she was doing and feeling. Especially with how the night ended as you will see, she had her head on straight.

    She asked me how old I was while we were dancing and I tell her 24. She goes on to ask me if I like older women and she reveals she is 29. It stuns me because she does not look it at all and it also doesn’t bother me one bit. I find out her friend is her room mate and best friend. Just little small talk things.

    Anyway it felt wonderful to dance with her and I have no idea how long we danced. I think it was about an hour but I pretty much last all concept of time.

    The following is where everything goes to shit so I need to try and explain why I felt the way I did and still do. First off Kelly herself was just so warm and sweet. She made me very comfortable and made it very clear she liked me a lot. I’ve been pretty into girls, I honestly will take to one easily… maybe too easily but I feel it was more with her and this one of the key reason they ending to the night slammed me so hard. I imagine we all have an ideal person we would like. I like the skimpy sexy girls as much as the next guy, but I adored how Kelly looked. She was a brunette, shoulder length straight hair, and dressed as I said above. She was wholesome yet had a sexy side and I just find that so appealing. If I could map out the girl I would really like to end up with… that is pretty damn close.

    Okay now. The place is closing and Kelly says something that I can’t remember right now. I think it was something about heading outside. So I tell her I need to grab my jacket from the DJ booth and I casually, almost as an afterthought say that I need to get her number. I’m leading her by the hand to the DJ booth and it takes me a moment to realize she has just said something like “I’m sorry I can’t.†It doesn’t fully register and I keep walking to the DJ booth and get my jacket. Then I stand next to her and I ask her again. I frankly don’t understand what she meant so it’s going to be hard to explain it here.

    She says something about not separating her life here and her regular life. That she just can’t do it. I think she mentioned something about being 29. Not our age difference, just that she was going to a club for a good time. I’m already in a daze, still not fully registering what is happening. I mutter something like “They say don’t meet people at a club it’s a bad place... I guess they were right†and she agrees or something. She does make it clear that it is NOT me and that she likes me very much. She also says she would love to see me again… see me THERE again. After a moment of futile explanation we head outside to meet her friend. By the front door there is a little alcove to go into to stick your face in so you can get your picture with inside that Brady Bunch square thing and she says she has had her picture taken in here before. I say something random like this would be a good place to kiss and she really fully kisses me for the first time. The bouncers see us and heard us outside and we head to their car.

    Kelly says she needs to go to the bathroom bad (and by the way she was hopping up and down I believe her) so she tells me to meet them at a nearby Denny’s. I say something like I don’t want the night to be over yet and she says it’s not or something and gets in her car.

    I head over to my car and drive to The Denny’s. Little did I know it’s a popular after Polly’s place and it’s packed.

    But Kelly and her friend are not there. I waited 20 minutes, spending most of the time talking to my brother (on the phone, he had called me for something) trying to hold back everything from sinking in. Maybe it was too busy and they went somewhere else. Maybe she didn’t want to see me anymore. I just don’t know. But oh my god it hurt me.

    That is pretty much the end of the story. Besides how I am still feeling. I’ve told a few friends about it. A few think she is married. I guess that is possible, but I just doubt it. I do not think that was the issue. Just for some reason she would not let herself know me outside of the club. I wonder if she knows how much she affected me, or that I can stop thinking about her. I wonder if she liked me a bit more, would she of made an exception and wanted to see me away from that place?

    I don't know. I don't know why she affected me so much. How the night ended came out of NOWHERE. If someone offered me a million dollars I couldn't honestly say I would not have forseen the night ending like this. When I was with her, getting her number and seeing her again was such an afterthought. I didn't have even an inkling that it wouldn't happen.

    I realize now this is still bothering me pretty deeply. I went back to Polly's Saturday even. Can you say idiot? I went kind of to just get away, I didn't want to sit home and dwell but I admit I a large part of me was hoping I would see her again.

    I ended up having a very interesting saturday night. I wont post about that now... but I probably will later. It was quite a night. Not bad, and not great but it was interesting and it got my mind off Friday for a few hours.

    Does Kelly have any clue what she did to me? I can't believe she did this on purpose... no one is that cruel. But oh man it stings. How am I going to get over this? I dwell, I know. A large part of me wants to see her again so bad. Hoping something will develop. Can an attraction like that really be for nothing? I don't know...

    Sorry for the novel,

    Zeon. (Adam)

  4. Damn. And Damn again.

    That is all I can say about what happened to me last night. Believe me when I tell you I can easily add in my version of The Biggest Mistake to this thread.

    Legend I don't know if I feel like posting this for all to see but I could really use someone to talk to, if you are ok with that, drop me a PM. This one hit me very hard.

    It amazes me how a night can go from SO good to bad so quickly...

  5. Finally able to write back! You may of heard about that excite@home thing... well it affected us. :( No broadband internet for a few days for me. I so hate dial-up. I haven't had to use it in like 2 years! Anyway...

    Are we trying to see who can make longer posts now Legend? :D In that case... blah blah blah... J/k Ok seriously let's get to this.

    I know what you mean, long postings can get quite long but hey nothing wrong with people being able to express themselves and say thier thoughts. I wish more people would do it. I hope you had a good time with your visiting friend. Always nice to have company. :)

    Believe me, all the time I goto Pollys I do try to watch girls signals. Since I don't talk to anyone that is all I really can do. I try to read them to see what they may think of me, but obviously I'm not very good at it. I seem to only get beat-me-in-the-head obvious signals. (Like a girl just coming up and dancing with me. Legend you don't ever ask a girl to dance? Really? See I don't know if I could do that. Going back to the nice guy thing, it just seems politer to ASK them rather than just doing it. But then again I know what your point is: If you read the signals right, asking should not even be needed. Right?

    Girls never do anything they don't want? You sure about that? :) I mean if a girl just looks at me for her FIRST time, isn't if she looks again (or keeps looking) that I should pay attention to? I mean her first look couldn't of been intentional if she is just noticing I am there. Make sense? You mentioned touching a girl to see how she reacts. What kind of reaction do you look for? I have brushed by a girl walking by touching her back on purpose and all I really notice is them looking back to see who did it, not really looking at me good or bad. But another problem is I don't hold eye contact long enough to really see...

    About that story and the girl I talked about. One thing important I forgot to add was after it all ended I did not dwell on it or anything. It was a fun ride and nothing more. I was very proud of myself for that because once upon a time a girl doing that like she did would of got me so sprung on her. But that time that didn't happen. I knew she was drunk but I just had a little fun. Remember she chose me, I just went with it. Saw no reason not to.

    I'm about as clean as you I am happy to say Legend. I don't smoke, don't do drugs, and in fact I don't drink either, except maybe wine on a family holiday. That's it. I have no desire to do any of that stuff. Maybe I NEED to drink to get loose enough to talk to a girl... but that is just something I rather not do. I want to be myself... not plastered. (Besides I wouldn't know what to drink anyway! :D)

    When I asked why she picked me, I think I worded it wrong. I meant it more of a statement, trying to be positive about myself saying that she HAD picked me and not another guy so maybe it's something about me. KNow what I mean?

    You mentioned another thing that I had totally forgot to mention. Bringing friends. One thing I was going to tell you way earlier about myself is that friends basically give me courage. I am and always have been more free around a friend. So if there was a girl I liked, I could more easily talk to her, and should I get rejected I can shrug it off, because I still have a friend to go back to. Now here is the problem: I really don't have any friends here in Sacramento. I know that sounds bad, so allow me to explain.

    I've been in Sacramento about 5 months after getting out of my relationship. I found a job almost immediately but the thing is I have REALLY bad hours. I mean I work 3 to 11:30pm Tuesday Thru Saturday. So not only do I work late, it cuts into my weekend where I don't have much of one. Basically I don't have time to meet people, like guy friends. I mean there are a few guys at work I know, but we aren't really close enough to goto a club. I do have one friend I met at the club named Mark but he doesn't go alot. I tried to call him this past weekend but he never called back. I have several longtime friends I've know 10+ years but they all live 100 miles away in different directions. I've even tried meeting some new friends online saying clearly I am just looking for some new friends and how I have weird work hours but no guy has responded, they all think I am gay or something. Little paranoid if you ask me. But anyway I totally agree about bringing friends, just a matter of getting more. Perhaps I'll try to talk to some of the regulars there more. There are alot of guys I see that I remember and we usually even say hi or whatever.

    Well anyway on to my most recent Polly Esther's outings as promised. I'm sorry to say there is nothing to report as far as me having progress, even though I did go with everything I have been reading here in mind. Still Friday was particularly fun.

    First night I went was Thursday. The club was only half open (The 80s half was packed and open, they didn't have the 70s half open.) But I went and did my thing, besides talking to Rick the DJ I trolled around to see who I liked. Believe it or not there wasn't much there on this night. I honestly wasn't feeling the courage to talk to someone; I could feel myself staying in my old ways. As you mentioned, it's good to try and read a girl. I've been trying to do that for a long time, seeing how they react. I don't think I could ever go up to any girl that hasn't even noticed me and talk to her. I like to try and make some eye contact, get a clue or a smile from them, like a signal that says "Hey I wouldn't mind if he talked to me." But I didn't see anyone notice me Thursday.

    Maybe it just wasn't my night. If a girl has clearly seen me and seems to like me I can usually get myself to talk to her. Not always but sometimes. I don't want to just set myself up for an awkward rejection, walking up to a girl who hasn't even noticed me till then and see some kind of horror on their face as I talk to them. No thank you.

    I kind of danced with one girl that night, it wasn't official we were both just kind of there and danced. We weren't together by any means. I never even touched her.

    Oh that's another thing. When I do dance with a girl, I hate the ones you feel uncomfortable to touch; the ones you can't even hold and dance close with. You just dance in front of each other with your arms up, not even looking at each other much. That's only happened once or twice with me thankfully. But if a girl is going to dance like that, why even say yes. Sheesh.

    Now onto Friday, which was a lot better and more interesting, even though I broke Legend's rule and I again really didn't make much progress. Same story as Thursday I went around trying to make contact with a girl and it wasn't happening, I circled the place over and over, both sides, stopping to dance once in awhile.

    At one point a girl started dancing with me. I could tell right away she had been drinking but as I said before, why not go with it sometimes? She got real close to me and looked right at me, like a dead stare into my eyes. I felt weird at first but I fought it away and just kept looking back at her. She was with a friend who had found her own guy to dance with but the girls kept fooling around and dancing with each other and me and the guy just kept smiling at the whole thing.

    The girl I danced with was named Michelle, her friend was Julie and her guy friend was Dave. (Wow I remember all that.) Me and Michelle probably danced for an hour straight. She had a bottle of water she kept pouring on herself, Julie, and she poured it on me once! That was a little shocking.

    What happened last night could actually be added to my list of "Shit that doesn't happen to me¨ because it fits there very well. I had a good time I have to admit. So what if she was a little drunk, I still had a good time. I could not believe what she did to me though. She danced close to me the whole time, often grinding her behind into me. I was in a state of arousal the whole time which Michelle noticed and told Julie at one time and Dave later told me he knew (Julie told him) when me and him were alone at one point and they went to the bathroom. No shit I was aroused, Michelle was actually grabbing and rubbing me several times while we're dancing. Who wouldn't be aroused?

    The night with them ended very abruptly and honestly not how I had expected but might as well be honest and tell the whole story. Basically the place closed. Michelle has said something about not having a ride. She MAY of said something about Dave offering, I really don't know. All I know is I went to the DJ booth to get my Jacket, I was away maybe 30 seconds and I went outside to meet back up with her and they were gone. The 2 girls had a 3rd friend with them who went to get something to eat, I don't know if she came back, or maybe Dave took care of them.

    Like I said I was a little upset at how it ended, to be totally honest I thought I might be going home with this girl who was all over me¡K but I didn't and oh well, it was still fun. I still need to put all this advice to actual use! maybe tonight I'm going out again. I'm getting too addicted all over again. I usually don't go on Saturdays.

    Thanks for reading my novel. Paperback will be out in January. :D

    Thanks Legend and everyone as always for the input.

    Zeon Star

  6. Hee hee. Did I get you Glow?

    See I am very perceptive!


    Old Skool Legend

    Trying To Be Quiet During Sex

    is very difficult

    my neighbors are still complaining about last nite

    were u moving furniture or something?

    yeah i guess we were moving furniture, haha

    and the yelling??


    damn preskription i shoulve never told u i like my hair being pulled!

  7. Me again. :-) Legendary thanks so much for the reply. Let's see how I can do with the follow-up.

    First up where you been? Been hoping to PM you or something but haven't seen you online since you wrote in this thread. Guess you got busy again.

    I'm glad we both like the long posts. Believe me I can talk alot... and therefor type alot too. :) Yeah I sure am in a vicious circle. How do I get out of it?

    1. I know what you mean about the unattainable girl. I should not think that any girl is like that. Sometimes though, that isn't the girl I want. They may have that bad attitude look. Believe it or not, I am not always interested in the hottest girl. If she looks kind of bitchy... no thank you.

    2. I don't want to be who I am, I want to be someone with confidence. LOL. Ok I know what you mean... but still. Maybe be myself + a little braver? That would be nice. Man it's funny you mention the dorky guy getting the girl. Just last night there was this really... we'll say odd looking guy dancing with this really cute girl. Of course there were only 5 people in the club, so maybe it was a lack of options but still... it makes your point.

    3. Don't be so nice? You mean be more aggresive, as in just walking up to a girl and asking them to dance? Or even kind of easing up to a girl who is already dancing and see how she reacts? I watch other guys do that and it seems the success rate is low. Some girls respond to it, others totally turn away when a guy tries that. That really ins't my style though. If I am going to do anything, I am going to ASK them. Unless something happens that I am getting clear signals where I know I don't need to ask.

    4. I don't think I should use that "Girls are like dogs" analogy when I am out. Probably wont go over too well. :D

    I know this is all sounds easy, it really does. I just got to swallow my fear and try it. Start out simple, try asking ONE girl to dance and go from there. Hell like I said before I have did it, and I had good results. So hell if I know what my problem is. I'm in that circle of going and not doing anything, not taking any chances. For all I know the girl of my dreams may of been there waiting for me to talk to her.

    I'm by no means a cocky or confident person (Obviously) But there are some signs that basically are hitting me in the head saying HELLO! You obviously have something going for you, at least to some girls. I mentioned before that "exceptions" happen to me, well here is the story of one of those, which is probably the most unique club experience I've ever had. I file this high on my list of "Shit that never happens to me."

    *This happened over a month ago and it's kind of a blur.*

    It was a Friday night, I was there alone doing my thing as usual, mostly visting with my DJ friend Rick. He starts to play one of my favorite songs to dance to, Billie Jean so I get out there. Not even 30 seconds go by and this VERY sexy girl grabs me out of nowhere and pulls me into a sandwich with her friend. There seem to be about 4 people dancing together in this. I feel akward at first but go with it. Soon the girl pulls me out and it's just me and her dancing. She is looking RIGHT into my eyes, moreso than I can ever remember a girl doing and I just look right back. I wasn't shy about it or anything. Then she starts nibbling my neck! This has all happened within a minute of first dancing with her. I go along and do the same to her. Soon she is straight up kissing me and I'm pretty much in a daze by now.

    I can tell she is kind of drunk by how she is moving and she keeps saying sorry. I tell her it's ok and we keep doing our thing for a bit. Now it gets weird.

    Out of nowhere this very aggresive guy just cuts in and pulls her away and dances with her. No way in hell am I going to start anything for a girl I don't even know, I dance on alone, trying to show that I am cool with what's going on. He almost immediately kisses her and basically they do what me and her were doing. I'm kind of watching but trying to stay cool, I'm about to ease myself away But the girl keeps grabbing me and keeping me with her and him! Then she dances with me, and back to him. Over and over. He kept dancing with her from behind and the whole time she is staring and smiling at me. At one point we are both dancing with her.

    I probably should leave this part out, don't want anyone to get the wrong idea. But at another point he was kissing her neck and she kissed mine, at the same time!

    Suddenly she practically runs off the dancefloor taking ME with her. She says she needs to goto the bathroom so I wait for her. But then she comes out with her friend. She says "I found my friend, she lost her ID have you seen it?" I say no and she goes off and that is the last I am with her.

    I go back to the DJ booth, reeling from the whole thing and I soon see her dancing with ANOTHER guy. She was obviously kind of drunk and a little slutty but she had still chosen me to dance with. That is my point of this whole story. Some girls must see something in me. She didn't have to pick me to dance with, but she did. What do you make of that whole ordeal Legendary? (Or anyone else who reads this?)

    Anyway I gotta get ready for work. Im going out tonight and there will actually be people there, so I will try something tonight... ask one girl at least!

    Thanks again for the input.


  8. Hey all and legendary,

    God I'm lazy. I meant to reply to these posts 3 days ago! Well I think it is finally time.

    Legend, I am happy to reply to your posts. You take the time to write them, least I can do is write a little too, especially if it is something I can relate to. Believe me I can write long messages too. I use to write what emails I called "Novels" to my friends. I still do to people I have that much to say to. But nothing burns me up more to write something long and get a short reply. Grrr what the fuck? Can you say more than that? I think.

    Man you sure are someone I can relate too. I know exactly what you mean about how you met your girlfriends. Just about every girl I had in my life I also met in some unique way, no one of them did I mean in any normal sense. My list of girlfriend's probably isn't as long as yours sadly. :-) But I was in a relationship that lasted over 4 years. In fact... I was married. Bet that shocks you huh? I'm too shy to talk to girls but I managed to marry one. LOL figure that one out! Why aren't we together anymore? I'm sure you are wondering. The short end is we just drifted apart, married too young. You know the typical reasons.

    I've heard that stop searching and you will find her thing... but I am so damn impatient!

    -Zeon Star

  9. Don't worry I thought this thread was going to be about the OTHER PDA's myself. Heehee. I was wondering why anyone would post about those in the sex section.

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