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Posts posted by zeonstar

  1. Hey Legend and everyone.

    How have you been man? I'm still doing great. I've scarcly been on the internet in weeks because I've hardly been home. Tonight is the first night 2 days shy of 3 weeks that I haven't been staying at Stacie's after work. :) She needed some time to study and clean so I will be going home after work tonight.

    Thinks are still wonderful with her of course, drop me an IM Legend. I miss talking to you.


  2. I dated my ex/current wife exactly 1 year and 10 months to the day we got married and we were married a little over 2 years before it went south. We still are married, I haven't filed yet but overall it was just over 4 years.

    Definatly learned alot. I see me and my girlfriend now going alot further.

  3. Well since me and my girlfriend are in love I could never just straight up want to emotionlessly fuck her, there is just too much love between us.

    However the last few days while I have been at work she has been sending provacative text messages to my Cell phone. :-D It's been fun!

  4. Love!

    Love is the feeling my girlfriend gives me all the time. When I am with her, when I am holding her. Even when I am not with her and am thinking about her, it's always there. I've been so happy since I met her, she is like a dream come true.

    The other night after we had made love she fell asleep directly on top of me, laying between my legs and on my chest. I dozed off a few times my self but for over an hour she was asleep on me and I was in absolute heaven. If I wasn't already in love with her, I would of been after that. It was just perfect. Love is the total feeling I have for her. :)

  5. Hey Legendary! Good to hear from you.

    Well if you read my last posts in the "Confidence" thread, you partially already know what's going on with me and my girlfriend Stacie. It's been 3 weeks today that I met her... but it feels like much longer.

    Things are wonderful, and have gotten even better since my first posts about her. This past Friday was a very special night for us and one that was very hard for us to wait for. It was the first time we made love... and even more important it was the first time we told eachother that we loved eachother. For the week before the night we both hinted that we were going to tell eachother how we feel, so I knew it was coming and I think she did too.

    We were in the room kissing and she stops to tell me she has fallen for me and is in love with me. To hear her actually say it just stunned me... and of course I finally got to say it back. The night was wonderful... went by fast though.

    I definaly see a future with her. For once I love a girl and every feeling I have for her is returned. I never thought I would find this again. She has not loved anyone since her Husband who died 7 years ago and the fact that she chose me to love just means the world to me. I didn't even have to change for her, she loves me how I am. All that going to the club and everything, and I find someone who likes me now. I always knew deep down the kind of girl I would really want would like me as is... and she does.

    Even though I cheated and was introduced to her by a friend, she is techinally a club girl who wanted a serious relationship. :)

    Speaking of the club. I had to goto Polly's the night before me and her big night to meet my friend Brandi to give her something since she was helping me prepare the room. For the first time ever, I had NO desire to be there aside from meeting up with her. I stayed a bit and said hi to a few of my friends who had missed me, and I told them what was going on with me. That was the first time I had been back since the night I met Stacie there, 2 weeks before. Usually when I would meet a girl there, I would be right back the next night. There was never any real connection to make me think "Ok this girl likes me, I can see what happens between her." But of course, that happened with Stacie. I'll go again of course, with her. it's her favorite club too and I want to go back with her, we just haven't had the chance.

    Hope to hear from you soon Legend. Don't work too hard bud!


  6. Originally posted by glowdancer

    first everyone gets naked

    the point of the game is to see who can stay without their nipples getting hard the longest

    meanwhile the participants can do whatever the want to try and get urs hard

    Oooh the visuals I'm getting right now. *Smacks himself* I must be good. I have a girlfriend now. Say... I can play with her... :-D

  7. The girl I started seeing and just fell in love with (see my other recent post) happens to have a 7 year old boy. Doesn't bother me one bit. I adore her and he is a cutie so I'm fine with it. There is no dad to ever deal with, he died about 7 years ago.

    I'm my girlfriend's first love since him. I almost feel I'm not worthy of that... but she sure seems to think I am. :)

  8. Heh well I'm too tired to say anything. It's really hitting me how little sleep I got last night and since all I have to look forward to now is work (Woo-fuckin-hoo) I can't get a second wind.

    I think I'm gonna hop in the shower or something to wake up. Cherry Pepsi will be my good friend today...

  9. Well it's the day after...

    and I am sooooo happy. The night was wonderful, but went by too fast. But we made the most of our time making love. We also told eachother "I love you" for the first time and it was a little surprising that she said it first. :)

    I was kissing her and she says "I've fallen for you, I'm in love with you." I was happy stunned. Me and her will have to get away like this again soon, when we have more time. :)

    I'm in love again! Could not be happier. :)

    I'm going back to my cloud now.

  10. I will be having a wonderful night tonight, that is for sure.

    Tonight will be the first time for me and the girl I've been seeing for a few weeks. Let me say that waiting has been killing us... but we wanted it to be extra special. Ah the things we do when we are in love....

    I have a room reserved at the Hyatt. She knows we are going to a Hotel... but has no clue we are going there... Can't wait to see how she reacts. I can't wait for alot of things... :-D

    Just wanted to share...

  11. I love to kiss my girl. :) Our first full on kiss was New years Eve, and after that kiss all our feelings for eachother started to take off. She had a little hang up about me being younger than her but that all went away after the kiss. I still can't believe how well it went. :)

    We do some serious kissing. That's all for now... till Friday. Our special night. Will be our first time... you know... :D

  12. You know you really feel something for someone when you torture yourself and not give in to sex so you can wait for it to be special.

    Friday night will be our first. :)

  13. I was with this girl on New Years too. That was the night we really started feeling it. It was the night I first kissed her too. Still shocked at how well that planned went. Usually my plans backfire or don't turn out. But kissing her at midnight went perfectly. New Years was only our 3rd time meeting. We met Last Thursday, had a date on Sunday, and then of course New Years. We talk alot and are also so comfortable together. I love that...

    Believe me I'm not the most positive person in the world, but I really feel this one isn't going to end anytime soon. This is the first time in a very long time that it's been thos good and actually been MUTUAL. I can just tell by her giddy little moods... and I put here there. Our mutual friends see a change in her. There is a picture of us posted in the Polly Esthers section that one friend says shows all she needs to see of how we feel.

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