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Posts posted by zeonstar

  1. Ok this post probably wont win me any popularity contests, but maybe I can get some input and or advice. Best way I can express myself is online. Least I can't see anyone if they don't like how I am. :)

    First of all the only club I goto is Polly Esther's in Sacramento. I usually go on Thursday and Friday nights, after I get off work. I work till 11:30pm so I have about 2 hours to be there. I go because I like to dance to the music, I go because I have alot of friends (mostly the staff and DJs) that I have met from going so much, and I go hoping to meet someone. Believe it or not I don't go looking for a one night stand or casual sex. I don't want that, I want something more. One night stands don't happen to me anyway, for obvious reasons you will see as you read more. :D

    Weather I want someone just to dance or whatever, here is the problem. I have no confidence to talk to a girl. I don't know why I don't, girls just intimiate the hell out of me. I'm not bad looking, I'm told often enough I look good, and I am definatly what you would call a "nice guy." So I have the severe lack of confidence and I really don't know why. Sometimes I am amazed I goto a club at all and manage to dance. I use to be real shy about that, but obviously I got over it. When I goto the club I see a girl I would love to talk to or dance with, but what do I do? Nothing. I will look at her till she looks at me and then that's it. Yeah I know that is quite sad.

    One of my friends has tried time and again to help me. "They are just PEOPLE" he says, "walk up to one and ask them to dance! You wont explode." Sounds easy sure. But he himself has NO trouble with women at all. So easier said than done I say. There was this one night a few months ago where I got this surge of courage. I don't know how I got it or where it went, but that night I asked 4 girls to dance... 3 said yes. Even the one that said no didn't get to me because I saw that someone was with her when I walked away (He was just coming back.) So I have did it, and survived, why can't I do it again?

    Bet loser is going through alot of people's minds right about now huh?

    When I go now I've gotten in the habit of waiting for exceptions to happen. Like a girl clearly looking at me or just coming up to me and dancing. It does happen, just not alot and I know I can't always wait like that. It happened just last week actually. A very sexy girl was dancing near me and I was thinking "Oh gee yet another one I can never talk to." I kept looking at her and she looked right back with big smiles. After a few minutes she danced right up to me and we danced for a minute. Nothing because of it, I never even got her name but it was nice.

    I seem to know what my problem is, I just don't know what to do about it. What keeps me from talking to a girl? I have absolutely no reason to be like this. It's not like I've been rejected 100 times or anything. I would like to hear some opinions and advice, see what some of you girls have to say. Just be nice please. I posted this for help, don't be cruel. :) Help me come around.


  2. Legendary,

    I really respect you for posting that whole story. You actually remind me alot of myself. What happened to you I could totally see happening to me. It seems to be we are alot alike, heh we should talk sometime.

    Why is it we are so taken with one person, and not the next? I have put too much into a girl I met at a club on more than one occation, but I never learn. Someone may give me a look or a smile and I just read way too much into it. I know that's not the best thing to do, and I am learning. :)

    Legendary mentioned something that I often think about. I've heard time after time that a club is not a meaningful place to meet someone for say a relationship. But why can't it be? To be honest when I go I am kind of hoping to meet someone... maybe someone special. I am not really counting on it, but I wonder if it could maybe happen. If I go there looking for that, doesn't it stand to reason that at least SOME girl there might be there for the same reason? True I may never pick that girl, but she must exist.

    We all goto the club for fun... some of us must go for more. I do. Like I said I'm not really counting on it, but if it happens that's great.

    Anyway I commend you Legendary for posting that story. That was an interesting experiece to be sure and I think you handled it well.

    If you ever want to talk you can PM or IM me. I probably wouldn't be much help, but we can always exchange experiences. :)

  3. I don't think I could of described the 3 levels of sex better than regularqueen. That breakdown was just how I feel about sex.

    Fucking: You're horny and need to get off. There is no emotion other than lust.

    Sex: The next level. Still horny but with more feeling and something stonger is probably looming. This is probably with someone you have been seeing for awhile.

    Love making: Can be the best there is, happens when you are in love of course. Even when done gently it can feel better than hard sex or fucking. It always depended on my state of mind.

    I was with a girl for 2 years and then married to her for 2 and we were very much in love. We did all the variations of sex, just depended on our moods. There is nothing wrong with casual sex, if two people like eachother and want eachother.... more power to them. Have fun regularqueen! :) Do what you are in the mood for.

  4. Fairie,

    I'm very glad I could help you. Sounds like we like Pollys for the same reason. I'm kind of shy about dancing, I haven't been doing this club thing for long but one of the reasons I like Pollys is because I know the music so well and that helps me to want to dance.

    You may be there nexy Friday the 23? I'm sure I will be too. I always like Fridays. Like I said my DJ friend Rick works that night. I think he will be doing the 70s room that night. I prefer him in the 80s room but they all got to rotate. :)

    I'm a little confused. Do you actually live in Sac? You said you live in Natomas but I thought you were in the Bay Area? I should hope Natomas means something to me, I live there! I live on off 80 on Norwood. If you do live here, you really drive all the way to SF weekly? Wow. I'm from the Bay Area. Born in Hayward, and lived in Fremont 3/4 of my life.

    Well break almost over, I'll check back in a few hours. :-)

  5. Hey again,

    Thanks for the reply. Let me see if I can help you out. You have to keep in mind though I am in fact not a clubber, I don't goto a whole mess of them, Pollys is the only one I goto. I first started to go once after I got out of a relationship to try and meet someone new, then I got addicted and just kept going. Now I know half the people who work there so I keep going to visit with them after work.

    I work till 11:30 Tues - Sat so I usually go after work. My favorite nights to go are Thursdays and Fridays. Thursdays only half the club is open, there isn't enough people to have Pollys and the Culture Club open so only the CC is open. I was there last night and it was pretty packed for a Thursdays. Fridays are pretty good in my opinion. That is my favorite night to go. My DJ friend works the 80s section and I always enjoy what he plays. The place is packed good on Fridays but not so bad you can barely move, which is how it is on Saturdays. (I don't like it THAT packed.)

    The club in general I say is cool but then again like I said it's my only club. I don't know how it would compare to the SF one.

    I do not know the address but if you know Sacramento I could give you directions. The number is 916-922-1975.

    I hope I helped you. Write again if you need anything? Just wondering, are you M or F? If you wanted a partner to go, I'd be up for it. With how late I get off work, I usually go alone. But often I meet up with people I know there so it's cool.

  6. Hey All,

    First off I'm new to these boards so just wanted to say hi to everyone. I'm a 24 year old guy living in Sacramento CA. I goto the Polly's here weekly, usually Thursday and Friday. Just wanted to see if anyone else who goes uses these boards. Let me know...

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