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Everything posted by sauvee88

  1. And they're playing the Orioles... They're history is Cal - end o story... ok... go see the Udon eating phenom.
  2. So just be like a Philly fan and root for the one that's winning!! :D
  3. Can I vote? :D I suggest the Sox - two teams with history playing each other - at least it will be interesting. AND there's always Nomah. The NUN would like that...
  4. Hey along those lines I could root and claim the Bucs, Skin's, Devil Rays, Yanks, Rangers... etc. But... I've always been a Phillies fan - and I've always rooted for the Yanks too - hey you get to choose one team from each league I say. Although Cleveland has a special place too as I worked there interning one summer - had a place literally right across the street from the park - used to watch the fireworks go off all the time. Vic - don't tell anyone but I root for the Bucs when they don't play the Eagles. But as Teriaki gets to chose from a whole multitude of sports teams from LA area - yeah they've had a good run of it. I guess there isn't much of a discussion on that topic then.
  5. You might need to back that up with some of YOUR teams... then there might be a discussion.
  6. That was it?? That was the "Big" come back?? Come on - I mean after 10,000 plus posts I would assume there would be something better than that...
  7. Sweet - like a good white frosting huh??
  8. Wouldn't want to ruin that pastey complextion huh??
  9. Yeah until the playoff and then Chemo will choke
  10. Amen Brother!!! Sing it again!!!
  11. Flyers Rule..... That is all...
  12. Why?? You hoping your guido friends show up??
  13. :laugh: I guess it never hurts to ask huh??? Why don't you just take your medicine and pay the $20? Avoid the line and have an extra hour to 1.5 hours of drinking time before the rest of the "comped" people get in the door??
  14. :( you were around?? :D
  15. I'm trashing the junk box in hotmail - got something I think some of you will find rather humorous An email from Larry offering "Free-Debt-Evaluation" Well shit - if it's from Larry then I guess that's the LEAST he could do...
  16. Did someone say something about cookie??
  17. Danny Howells Glad I gutted it out till I did but by the time I left I was beat - the heat was killing me and I wasn't in the mood for the acidy beats he was playing - although they were damn good I just wasn't Great to see ya k...ken - didn't know you were coming. and I found tini at the point when I most needed her energy - kept me there for another hour!!!
  18. American in Georgetown check out 1789. It's rather good and a neat little place. It can get rather crowded though, but still worth a look. Italian - well there's a place - or there used to be a place right across the street from The Palm steakhouse down town on 19th Street - I can't recall the name - but it has numerous awards - hands down some of the nest Italian I've every had. Do NOT go to The Palm though - the SUCK at cooking filet mignion... basically had a 2 inch thick hockey puck - and I order it Med. Rare. Fuckers :mad:
  19. Well since I can't get mad at her... how about I get mad at you??
  20. Yeah that was my first thought and then I remembered it's Jenn - can't get mad at her....
  21. Yep. and the preparty too!! :D
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