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Everything posted by sauvee88

  1. When's it come out?? Or who has it?? :D
  2. You know what they say about feet...... please.. please don't hate...
  3. :confused: seriously... why DO I pay taxes....
  4. :mad: OK it's all fun and games until someone crosses the line.... and now that I feel quite ill - it time to go back to work
  5. wrong time of the day to post this... let the Charles StinksGood jokes start rolling in....
  6. Get in on the fun or get out of the way
  7. It does make sense.... but let me explain it for you: You = no license No license = No driving No driving = RIDE Have you figured it out yet punchie?? Oh wait you do have the cinderella license - to and from work.... how's it feel to be 15 again?? edited for spelling...
  8. bad choice of imagery..... considering you can ONLY ride in anything
  9. I'm getting tired of this.... so from my heart to yours - FUCK OFF!!!! :laugh:
  10. yeah - thanks.... it makes all the more sense now..... must have been running out of smart ass comments - cause that one was WEAK!
  11. Hey... it appears my spinsaikel to english translator is broken today; think you could perhaps translate this one into something resembling english?
  12. It's the image..... chicks dig the bad guys.........
  13. Why do you love him so much... honestly it's only the DT fans that feel the need to argue with everyone that doesn't agree with them. The more I read some of the posts and everything the more it feels like (nerd term) The Borg.... "You must asimilate"... Now I'm not saying that everyone is like that... it just feels that way. 1 - People are entitled to their opinions and 2 - its a message board - for christ sakes - read the other threads and you'll see that nothing gets taken seriously here. You can practically count on one hand the amount of seconds it will take for a Glow thread to get hijacked and someone complaining about that place - do they give a rats ass?? No - cause they're making it hand over fist - if you don't like it go somewhere else. But everyone is entitled to their opinion. Just let it be....
  14. Him using the flashlight to kick people out - now THAT'S not boring... :laugh:
  15. :eek: imagine.... no more vulture!!! :cry:
  16. IMO - you take up just as much of the floor.... I can't even begin to tell you how many times you've stepped on my feet...
  17. Ok... Ok... on topic for a couple minutes here.... 1. Cell phones - I dunno about his Friday crowds but the Saturday crowds - I've never seen anyone abuse a cell phone - let alone bother someone with using it. Come to think of it the only time I saw people using one - literally talking on it was during Talla's set - and mostly it was people warning their friends to turn the hell around and run for your life cause Talla was draining your existence with his shoddy crap. 2. There should be a tryout for glow sticking. It's not like you can twirl so that's out - but if they're going to let in people like the last three idiots I saw - picture three dudes - all with their shirts off - one lying on his back one with that dudes head on his crotch sitting cross legged and the third guy standing over them - all three flailing their arms around wildly - well then keep your freaking glowsticks - but if it's someone good and with lasers then I say go for it. I personally like the photon lights - it just looks neat. But I guess it does pull in those "undesirable" people... 3. Really though - he does need to change the name of the party - "Be yourself"... yeah - if you conform to my rules. I understand it, but the title is just all wrong. Call it something else. Something that goes with what he's trying to promote which is the music and not a lifestyle. But back to the real reason this whole thing got going.... sangria party at tini's??? Wish I was there :(
  18. She hasn't agreed to anything yet... post away...
  19. Ken promises to stop - but only if you let tini post that pic
  20. HEY TINI!!!!! Aren't you supposed to be in NYC today?? :confused:
  21. You just wasted my time with this drivel.....
  22. And I would have to do that why??? According to the shorter Korean guy we're the same person...
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