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Everything posted by doubleplay1970

  1. maybe when i am old i will. as for you , yu should think about sueing for being a moron you could probably get billions based on the amount of stupidity you portray
  2. this coming from miss smoothness and grace after drinking:laugh: j/k
  3. i love this guy especially because he has no clue as to what hes talking about. Maybe hes just jealous. I mean do you own a set of tables or decks. Im sure you dont. JOe is a really good DJ. I wuldnt call him low rent how about maybe someone on the rise. Im sure rydell or santanna or denny didnt commmand tons of cash right from day one. Joe seems to be moving up quickly. If he has friends helping him well thats what friends are for. Especially in this business where it seems everyone loves to be a hater. Give credit where its due. There are tons of good DJs out there spinning at home or for friends parties yet Joe is doing riverstreet and cherri so somehow him doing 2 spots seems to think hes got to be doing something right. Above all of that Joes a nice guy one of the few around the business. Id like to see him inXS on a friday especially then he doesnt have to compete and people can come and see him without having to make choice between him richie and denny. besides in the little guido haven of Seaside it would be nice to have a guido spinning LOL:laugh:
  4. im goig to see my lawyer and see if i can sue factory for me being able to be subject to an atmosphere of sin and degridation(sp) ill sue them for the club. then i can out the flag in front of my house :laugh:
  5. sometimes i wonder if you dont eventualy have to sue someone just to get your money back :laugh:
  6. i agree its played out but i do get a rise when someone says " yeah but this is a different mix wait util you hear it" its still the same base for the song and its still played. wait 10 yrs then remake it lol
  7. its funny but still not right. this is a public forum and who is to say who can and cannot use their own freedom of speech. you have the right to call every black person or any other persona racial slur just like they have the right to immidiatly beat your ass for doing it :laugh:
  8. Well now im kinda pissed. I go to the same gym. i took like a month off then i hurt my back so i havent been there in over 2 months. Im pissed only because that gym sometimes can be like a morgue. It would have been nice for some sort of action. Something to just get a laugh for a minute as some freak gets a beat down. my other comment why do guys grab chicks asses and shit. OK if its your woman and you arent in public. grab until its swollen. Do these loses think they are going to go strolling through bunka or something and grab some hot chicks ass or tit and think they are actually going to turn around smile and ask if you can take them home right there and fuck them. I mean lesson one is grabbing an ass is only going to lead to getting your ass beat. If i was in a club or anywhere and someone grabbed my lady in any way i can guarantee id end up in jail for a long time. no way anyone would disrespect my lady like that.
  9. i agree sleep is overrated. ill do it when im dead togiht whats good R Bar REALLY good looking crowd and sick music. $3 drik for night club employees/ bar employees
  10. Industy @ RBar tonight No Cover full menu Music by Mark Amatucci Bobby Mcallister $3 drinks Great looking crowd sick Vibe come party after the games or drown your sorrows with tons of shots
  11. For me the worst combo was Armenio and Bon @ disco. one standing on each side of me giving me shots and when i asked what it was they wouldnt tell me they just said " drink it" no clue how i made it home that ngiht
  12. SO who is going to do the picture of one of the meatheads fcuking the sheep in the ass. I suggest the sheep stay out of rural ares or it will be BAHHHHH ooohhhhh HAAAAAAAA harder bhhhhaaaaaaaaaaaaby :laugh:
  13. yeah my pop was half a dead beat. he was aruond sometimes but the reasons when he wasnt was understandiable later on when i got a lil older. Was nice though when he came around it was like christmas all the time. Divorced parents is sometimes good. Id get grounded and not allowed out. So when the weekends came and i was going to see my pop i could go out because he would tell my mom " you grounded him not me"
  14. im in for the weekend. noting until R Bar sunday night ( awesome party anyway) Tonight im staying in and cleaning my house since 4 this after noon not even half way done. If i dont ill be embarrased while getting my ass kicked by a woman Tomorrow maybe the cafe by my house if not bounce first from club couch then to club bed.
  15. when i was like 13 -15 i got 50 bucks a week so i could put my money i made in the bank for a car. then my pop bought me a car anyway lol
  16. kewl i won an ward this will come in handy. theres a dip in my basement floor. So my washer is unbalanced. i was going to float the area but now i can just prop it up with my CeePee :laugh:
  17. id need 3 or 4 hrs then id probably end up in jail sin city plus me = bad combo
  18. FU to procrastinatinf (sp) all week.Nw i have like 3 fulll hours t make my house spotless before i get yelled at. id say FU you the officials too but idont know what you are talking about for some reason i hve this mental block and cant remember anything from sunday afternoon.
  19. i dont have a radio the valet guys keep stealing it :laugh:
  20. i think id rather pay the 50 bucks. i talked to some friends we might go like 9 or 10 am but never know what happens sat night. i dont wanna spend 40 and maybe not go id rather spend 50 because im there. theme parties lways sound like a good idea until its time to go and we think of how over crowded its going to be
  21. SALVADOR (really its salvator- italian) isnt it Salvatore in Italian i know 5 people named Sal and none of them are Salvator. ROBERT m English, French, Scandinavian Pronounced: RAW-burt Means "bright fame", derived from the Germanic elements hrod "fame" and beraht "bright". The Normans introduced this name to Britain. It belonged to three kings of Scotland, including Robert the Bruce who restored the independence of Scotland from England in the 14th century. The author Robert Browning and poets Robert Burns and Robert Frost are famous literary bearers of this name. Also, Robert E. Lee was the commander of the Confederate army during the American Civil War. JAMES m English, Biblical Pronounced: JAYMZ English form of the Latin Jacomus which was derived from Iakobos, the New Testament Greek form of JACOB. In the New Testament James is an important apostle, the brother of the apostle John. According to the Book of Acts he was beheaded by Herod Agrippa. Another James is also mentioned in the Bible as being the brother of Jesus. Kings of England and Scotland have borne this name. Other famous bearers include the inventor of the steam engine James Watt, the explorer Captain James Cook, and the novelist and poet James Joyce.
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