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Everything posted by doubleplay1970

  1. ill keep it for like the third option first got to see what else is available
  2. hmmm drink chicks and hot women might have to think about that
  3. i agree id much rather send flowers or smething to someone for no special reason other than to make them feel special at any given time then because a day on the calander says so
  4. every now and then you got to take the but im just going to start bobbing and weaving like tyson lol at least ill save money on flowers this year instaed of getting ripped off like everyone does every year
  5. a friend of mine is starting a new business. its in tampa but a good idea. Bain n Boobies its a charter fishing boat that includes everything even the topless women. im sure all the GO GO hounds would love that
  6. theres one or two people i wouldnt mind having dinner with just as a friend but right now nothing . im just going to get through platinum and maybe bunka this weeknd and deal w next weekend next week but im sure there wont be any but i wouldsnt mind a but im sure i wont even get a maybe just a :laugh:
  7. 69 unless shes not good then sex all the way
  8. got in from work today and there is a package on the steps addressed to me. so when i opened it there was a sweater wrapped up in there like a present. but didnt say who the hell sent it :confused:
  9. is this kinda like prom king and queen. maybe there should be a prom and yearbooks too. :laugh:
  10. id take a bad day right now at least thats 24 hrs i been having a bad month
  11. over all i think CP went down the tubes in the last few months alone. alot of the people who posted in the summer dont even post. everyone is a hater and its like being in high school again
  12. see now if i knew how to dance..............................
  13. that is quite annoying just like the people who say they dont like a certian person or somthing and next thing you know they are all buddy buddy with them
  14. prime hit me up on your ist bob f + 3. not sure if im going yet. got to wait to hear from my friend and see if shes going w her friends. hopefully there will be some lil hotties there
  15. happy b day brian. if im at deko small possibility and figure out who you are ill buy u a shot. and dont worry joe keeps teling me hes going to make me puke too. then again i havent seen him since he said it so who knows.
  16. i know the first jump is ALWAYS a double jump. that means you are trapped to someone. an instructor. im def going to pay for the video
  17. yeah im down. ill find out the 411 from my cuz on where it is and all maybe ill see u sat @ bunka
  18. hmmm well i can fly the plane for you guys lol well unles its a couples thing
  19. skydiving ???? i think this summer im supposed to be doing that with my cousin he said its pretty good but only the first time or so then it gets boring. i just like flying so im sure ill love jumping
  20. hmmm denny @ deko sounds good. last wek sounded good too until my friends decided to go Go Go instead. sorry not givig my cash to women just cause they smile and shake thier ass.
  21. eh kinda seems like valentines day this year is going to suck ass anyway
  22. i dont agree in only ask what you want to know the answers to. got to take the good and bad. if you only ask what you wanna hear youll never know the truith. without offending anyone because im allowed my own opinions one day people meet someone they might spend the rest of their life with. my chidlrens mother will not have slept with everyone and their brother my friend mike loves slutty chicks. i met him through his wfe. no one knew him before he met her. i can see why he likes her because just about everyone of my friends screwed her. but thats his right. im not into people like that
  23. i guess thats eeveryone individual opinion. im ot going to be with someone who has been with like 209 - 30 people. some people may not mind that i just wouldnt
  24. i think its a good topic. i think the bst time to ask is before you sleep with them. nothig wrong with asking in the first week. some people dont mind how many people someone slept with. Som people do. Also in todays society you have to protect yourself. there is always a risk but somehow im sure the less people someone has been with the less chances of catching things or whatever.
  25. like you just dont feel like going out. like you dont want to go to a club or anything. im sure im getting old lol
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