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Everything posted by doubleplay1970

  1. i agree with notallthere partially. NYC was dying. Guilani killed it. Gone are the days of limelight tunnel and twilo. Think about it the last year or so it was almost factory or nothing. not like the days of choosing if you wanted to go to factory , tunnel limelight palladium twilo or roxy. it was like 1 or 2 good clubs. A friend of mine has been to amsterdam london cancun A just about everywhere. I use to ask how the clubs were and he never sounded thrilled. He would say when you are use to the best club scene in the world the rest is just ok. Now NYC has fallen to the bottom. However i dont think jersey scen will ever be on top. Not that we dont have good clubs. the state isnt set up for it. We dont have places or the people to fill them like NYC had. If we had 4 clubs the size of exit or factory they would all go under no matter who was spinning there. I will say musically now and who is spinning its never been so good in jersey as it is now so in one way we are kinda spoiled.
  2. not having someone for valentines day is no big deal. its just a day. its nice if you are with someone but if you arent its a meaningless holiday. Sometimes i think ts just a day that if you dont buy things for someone you are having sex with then you arent haveing sex that night lol. I think id be happy not to have someone for valentines day but have someone all the time after that. Sometimes this single shit sucks. Although i did try to make a friends valentine a lil nicer since she is single and such a great person inside and out
  3. im sure it will have something on jersey. so many jersey people go to the city now they wont. the truith is the last of the NY club scene IMO is dead. Not really knocking other places that are open. in the last 10 yrs you think of the hottest venues in the city and they were probably limelight tunnel factory palladium twilo and exit. well exit had a short run but at one point for a while it was still an over packed hot spot. the only place left now is roxy really. i mean webster hall is open but its too touristy and commercial now. I hear the court date is this week somehow i think the clubs may get an injunction and be able to at least stay open for now. im sure security will be tighter. I know factory only got shut down one time for one night somehow i cant see it just closing that quickly look how long it took to close limelight and tunnel. I do think before they can just shut them down they have to prove that not only were drugs being sold in ther but the club knew it and let it happen. For anyone who has gone and brought stuff in they know that even though security does a good check you can still sneak things in. Its also hard when there are thousands of people in a club for the ecurity to make sure there are no fights and then on top make sure not one person is doing drugs. the only way to stop drugs in clubs is close them all at once. They seem to go hand in hand since 54 or maybe before.The sad part is because i been around long enough they should be happy the way things are. These people dont remember the 80 and early 90s when clubs werent getting closed because of drugs. They were getting closed because people were getting shot and stabbed and whatever. i mean god forbid someone goes to a club and drops some pills and everyone seems to get along. We would never want that. Besides the governemt doesnt let us enjoy whats good for us. they let us enjoy thngs they can control and make money from. I think there are less people that died deom E than from alcohol in one way or another. just my 2 cents
  4. i love the rangers but holy shit lets see how much money can we spend not to win shit. i mean all the talent they have and go no where. kovalev back to the rangers is to me like burnitz back to the mets. did nothing there left did well will come back and stink it up. well i hope im wrong but i just think certian people cant play in NYC
  5. first off i was using deko as an example just first place that cme to mind. Second dont take shit so personal. IMO i just think if someone doesnt like somewhere they should say nothing or just say it wasnt their kinda place. i will say i do remember you saying how good limelight was TGE. As far as the gym i was there last week, i think i saw your sorry ass lol. but bust at work this week and before that i wasnt allowed to go. Somehow i thnk it might have been a problem im out of work 2 months with a partially torn dsk and im at the gym lifting. but i will be there hard core possibly tomorrow ngiht depends on when i get back from this lame ass doctor. nothing was worse than walking into work and hearing about 5 people say i got fat
  6. Every time you mention something abut a club it either sucks or there is a but. Deko was great but it tok too long to get a drink or it was too crowded. just seems like you love to hate everywhere but places in this area. IMO factory closing and Exit kinda sucks only because since Guilani was elected the NY scen which use to be the best has gone to shit. not saying factry was still in its hey day but it was still packed all the time. Since Guilani came in until now w bloomberg his buddy Tunnel limelight palladium twilo factory and exit are all gone. thats a pretty good list of clubs for when theywere in their prime. whats left Roxy and ??? as far as major clubs that can fit 2000 + people. NY club scene needs a makeover. I mean not everyone should do drugs but the drug clubs were always the best clubs to be in best vibe best DJs Etc.. btw ohio state sucks just cause you won it one year means shit. 1 win against miuchigan in how long ??? gloat now get it all out it might never happen again
  7. yeah it sucks. not only cause i liked factory but it seems since guilani took office and now bloomberg they have done nothing but fuck up one of the best Club Scenes in the country and even a top one in the world good going guys:mad: limelight tunnel twilo exit factory palladium hmmm next they will shut down starbucks for too much caffine in the coffee
  8. crobar opens i give it two weeks before you are hating on that place too
  9. no i didnt i have slept with no one from CP
  10. i have winmx but never used it i usually use kazaa as soon as im done with what im downloading im going to see how win MX is
  11. i cant believe im acually saying this but i actually agree with jpdd. like i said before getting hurt oly makes the one thats right more special. who gives a shit about valentines day. its only a day someone put out there for guys to have to spend cash on women and for people who dont have someone feel like shit. athough im sure trojan stocks soar around this time of year.
  12. Thats cool. no one whoknows me would believe it but for 9 yrs i played the drums and 3 played the bass. All in all i wish i learned piano instead
  13. like 6 of my friends called me saying how it was soi fucked up they closed factory and all this crap like where are they gpoing to go now. the funny part is none of them have been there since JPs b day last year. if it never opens i want the flag. think it will look good in front of my house:laugh: :laugh:
  14. i agree w you im just a glutten for punishment i think. as far as getting shot well a paper cut is nothng compared to that
  15. dude spoken perfect. i was bent about my ex but later realized why was i bent it wasnt a good relationship and glad it ended. but there is one person i can think of that i was seeing that seemed lke a life long happiness but it just didnt happen leaves you wondering why you see something so good that you are never going to have
  16. well said laurie. I just think fantasy is true. its a matter of finding the right person who is your fantasy. its whats at the end of the journey that mkes us push to go on. i guess what really sucks is finding all you ever dreamed about and not having it. did that 2 times. once for 10 yrs and i gues in the end we both fucked up. she was almost all i wanted. then found more than i ever wanted and it just didnt happen. But we all move on find someone who makes us happy. I can look at my mom she had it pretty damn rough for a long time. in the end it was all worth it. MArried my step dad and they been together for i think 15 yrs or so i think they might have gotten in like 3 arguements. ill take that one every 5 yrs. Now years later she has everything she could ever dream of and she deserves it. ( not like me and my bro didnt get alot too 4 wheelers snowmobiles airplane the whole nine gooo Pop lol)
  17. :laugh: ha ha but its true. it might hurt to love but i guess all the pain one day miht be worth it because when you find someone who wont ever cause you pain it makes it special. Thik about it if everythng ended good and everyone was always happy how could being with someone be special. it would just be whatever. i cant believe i just said all that man talk about growing up.
  18. i kinda agree with you. sometimes as much as it feels bad when its done you think it wasnt worth it. after 10 yrs w someone i look back nd think sometimes it wasnt worth it. I guess its a matter of finding the right personmy parents are like the happiest 2 people in the world so somethngs got to be right there. i still think the guy who said its better to loved and lost then never loved at all was full of shit. but i guess if the right person comes just make sure not to pass it up
  19. love isnt so bad just got to find the right person. when its not right it sucks. when its right maybe it swallows lol
  20. favorite adult toy hmmmmm id have to say a clit LOL sorry but its true
  21. me retire what hell no just been busy wth something else. next weekend i should be back in action. well not fri night but saturday night the old ass alcoholic will be back LOL
  22. my friend Ian told me about it like 4 or 5 yrs ago i think so i checked it out. that was when it was just Clubnyc. i didnt even realize it was Club Planet until like a year ago when people were calling it that onn the board
  23. Wouldnt just about everyone be in the Attention Seeker to one degree or another ??
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