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Everything posted by doubleplay1970

  1. we all love women but they are still more screwed up then men. treat someone like shit theyll chase you forever. treat them nice they think u ar kising their ass. So basicaly you have to be an ass to somone you like. Then one minute thy want one thing the next they want something ele. I dont mean one peron i mean it seems like every chick out there . and 90% of them cheat anyway
  2. Lets not even go there women are 100 times more screwed up then men are
  3. whoa a good review lol j/k ohio state sucks
  4. saw the guy at metro the first time i wen there it was hysterical i thinkim going to have tosee how metro is on a regular night NYE nd Luz was a bit over packed. tongiht ill be the old guy @ bunka
  5. whas his crap about binoy joe armenio and sergio being good promoters last time i went there i had binoy an joe holding m and serg beating me with a balckjack. ok wll at least they took me inside and ot me drunk first. seriously deko is always a cas act as is abyss. when i had a prblem w valet joe had ut in a call first thng the next day and when i called abss they already knew about it and everything was done to the best of thier ablity. And onc you are insdi they really tae care of you. think they get commission on Taxi service too :laugh:
  6. eveything for the night is just about setut is not goingto be for about a month or so. i still go to work out the $ and all.but im spinning te night
  7. ahhhh drunk nothing like going out hotwomen r bar and white castles. altouh i got hme and yakked the castles amost as soon as i walked in bt it still satisfied the crave
  8. anyone like it?? its coming soon this april more info to come !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! gonna be a hot thursday night party
  9. Ex are Exs sometimes just because the timing isnt right. at a different time you might feel what you want is the same but then again nothing cures the last one like the next one
  10. God belss the plastic surgeon kinda looks like one of the people who will be out for my b day this weekend :D
  11. had an FU this moringbut now i jus have a thank you. to hot implanted chick who wanna hang out and give me their numbers its going to be a very happy b day this weekend
  12. ahhh seeze sde umers .olythig i miss about myEx was her fmilyshouse 2 bloks from tempts
  13. this is good news now i anmake it 5 yrs straight goin to actory fo my b day. maybe the last trip ever
  14. T joes bathroom union squae diner parking lot at noo te my office desk my parets back yard toss up
  15. Definaly sick of double standards i a one on one thing its to me just because the person has an" im better than you" attitude and for that they can go screw if you ask me. Fuck that
  16. i know and the name isnt even me. all the s about in the last months if i was going to make a different name i would have done it long ago. See no reason to hide beind a name
  17. orry but this is the only ne that ihave i have no idea who the gaythread person is it is not me.
  18. somehow i wonder if any of that is your business and im not bitter about something that is in the past
  19. being on club planet cost you ? like going out nights you never went before or buyin shots for people you never knew or whatever .....
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