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Posts posted by doubleplay1970

  1. Originally posted by roddigga

    whoa, whoa, whoa, no one said anything bout kicking ass, "mikey"...............midget tossing is a sport, falling down the steps, and singing slinky, "it was just an accident officer"

    see here doubleplay your just another hater who has this stereotypical view on people that you don't even know.........

    as far as ass kickin, i never kicked anyones ass or started a fight, but like i've said in the past "it was all in self defence" so simmer down superman, b/c the phone booths closed!!! i wanna see a doubleplay roll call now everyweek stating were you will be, so if i'm ever around i'll stop in look for the big S for superman and we'll do some shots, chugg some beers, and bump our chests together and show the world that slinkies and 100%beefheads can coexist............................

    yo man its all cool im just playing around. unless someone did harm to my mother or a girlfriend or close female friend im not fighting anyone its not worth the price of the legal fees. shots beers sound cool bumping chess hmmm i got better things to bump lol. but if you consider me a slinky its by choice.

  2. Originally posted by jerrycxtacy

    good point doubleplay!!! but i already spoke to vip & badass.. everything is A-OK! :D

    Its just a little, stupid misunderstanding! Good luck on sat! see u there..

    badass, u will be @ the door right??

    by the way, is it 18 or 21?? and whats the dress code & cover??? info cuz info!!! :D

    well my only advice ( imnew to this scene only been around 16 or 17 yrs) use a cell phone or a land line phone not a message board. shit go for a friggin drink but never air dirty laundry in public. no on ever wins that

  3. Originally posted by roddigga

    you will be the 1st in line during midget tossing, our record is about a good 30 yds joegio sure flies pretty far for a meathead....................w/ your stupid question and comments i think we will easily break that record!!!! good luck and i hope you enjoy our x-mas present, included in yours, i have asked our little elves to pack an extra cucumber for your pleasure!!!!! say it with me doubleplay "I'M A SLINKY"

    the best thing about meatheds is when you see one start with as you call them some "slinky" and the slinky totally rips them a new asshole:laugh: :laugh:

  4. Originally posted by rdntheshortbus

    You have not been doing your reading pledge....

    A true meathead knows that the "needle in the ass" theory is simply an old wives tail...

    You slinkies have not yet learned the theory of symmetry...

    Spot shooting is a requirement... this allows you to bring up your weak points and balance out your build, in an effort to achieve a well balance physique...

    2 demerits for stupidity

    4 demerits for speaking without being asked a question...

    well i am amazed that at $19.95 you can sell a program that works for every single male on the face of the planet. There goes the whole theory of genetics huh ??

  5. Originally posted by SPYGIRL2

    Good old backwards thinking...lol

    As far as staying home, I am with you, I don't know how some people do it....

    yeah well i now can see why people who arent working sit around ll day drinking beer. Id have to get drunk and pass out to get through the day.

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