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Posts posted by doubleplay1970

  1. Originally posted by jpdd810

    It is you you moron!!!!

    always looking for drama arent you.

    want drama i dont need to hear shit form a piece of shit like you.

    oh what are you going to try to embarass me in front of a bunch of

    people i dont know. go ahead be my guest maybe well play who can embarrass who more

  2. Originally posted by njdionysus

    Oh yea and one more......

    :mad: FU: to DoublePlay who replies to every other post on the Jersey board, get a job! :laugh:Michigan sucks! :finger2: By the way, I think Tammy has revoked your membership at the gym. :eek:

    i got a job which led me to thius. sitting in the friggin house all day suppose to be actually lying down becaus of a slipped disk. there is an FU for ya.

    oh yeah and FU to NJdionysus for only posting about shit he thinks sucks:laugh:

  3. Originally posted by velvetrope

    what the hell, i finally meet a girl that i want to be with and we go out for a month. i am 21 and never really had a girlfriend that i like alot. so now she says she is to scared and to confused and just want to be friends. girls are so confusing these days. so hard to find a nice girl to stay with. ahhhhh it sucks




    Originally posted by latinaz

    why cant it be

    I like you

    You like me

    your my boyfriend

    Im your girlfriend

    - seems simple enough




    preach on

    here i thought it was just me.

    well at least i know im not the only one.

    all these people i think we should all do it like we did baseball teams when we were little

    just get to gether ok ill take you .... yeah ill take her... ok il taake him until everyone is taken :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

  4. i thik exit has a great set up one of the best. too bad i dont think it could ever be the same. Not how it was. that would mean bringing back the old crowd. half the people i know or met there arent just married but have kids and all and arent into it anymore,. so it might be hard t get the crowd back in there

  5. this year i am finally not going clubbing. dont care how sick richie is or santanna or denny. rather spend it with my friends.

    so rather then spending a couple hundered bucks going out with a bucnh of people i do or do not know id much rather spend it

    I a 2 story house party with my friend frankie spinning some sick shit and about 100 people i know for a long time. guess im gettng old. friends dont like clubs anymore so for special times got to mak exceptions for the people who have mattered and always will matter

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