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Posts posted by doubleplay1970

  1. i think everyone needs to take some happy pills or get aid. so much hostility on the boards lately.

    As far as going to factory early in the am. i always for some reason find it hysterical. kinda like everyone else is going to church and im going clubbing. :laugh:

  2. Originally posted by mystify82281

    yeah definitely....... how old is he?!?! like 17???? i bet he milks his fame for all it's worth...... :tongue:

    im sure he needs some way to meet women.

    he has got to be the shittiest character on the show.

  3. Originally posted by mystify82281


    I have this pair of Sparkly Silver VERY HIGH shoes - VERY corny-looking but kinda sexy......... (i wore them last halloween when I dressed up as a transvestite spelling!?)

    I'm so down to wear them!!!!

    hmmm freak night at Exit.

    i can get passes i think.

    then i can wear the really stupid shiny silver shirt i bought at bang bang 3 yrs ago and thought looked rdicilous when i got it home

  4. Originally posted by mystify82281

    YEAH HE IS! Both on and off screen....... He came to some club up at my school, and was sooooo drunk he was passed out in the corner the whole night!!!! They had to drag him outta there!


    now thats classic.

  5. meadow def kows mama soprano wants to get it from furio.

    paulie needs to at least get slapped if not whacked.

    they did make a refrence to the russian so who knows if we see him next week.

    couldnt believe Jonny Sak told tony h want carmine out.

    now all they need to do is whack carmine in a resturant in the city and it will be really perfect.

    loved when Tony thought the kid was Gay

    Aj farting slightly humorus only cause he did it to his sister and said " dood"

  6. Originally posted by cmb1975

    I wanna get laid. ;)

    yeah well dont ask santa for it. i been sking that fat fuck to leave hot naked chick under my tree for yrs. guess hot naked chicks dont come special delivery they are for pick up only.

    for christmas im getting

    a shop vac

    a chop saw.

    antique kitchen table


    back surgery lol

    dvd player

    Cd Decks

    and a big fat bonus from work

  7. Originally posted by hunnie818

    I did absolutely nothing this weekend! :mad:

    I was a complete book-worm all weekend....SCHOOL SUX!!!!!

    Least u had a good excuse. i was stuck on a couch all weekend near cats whuch i am allergic to. to only find out today i might need back surgery. there goes the holidays lol

  8. Originally posted by deeelite1

    Nice Lil Review You got going here.. CAN WE PLEASE TALK ABOUT DEPECHE MODE ITS NO GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD. :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce:

    And, Moloko,

    AHHH Lustral - Everytime Whoa..:hat:

    would have liked to hear the depeche mode but still glad i didnt answer the 3 am phone calls

  9. Originally posted by bmw4jay

    Actually this theme party has less rookies. Most of the people that go have been going for quite some time, and go for the music and to chill with their friends.

    i can agree with that but there are alot of rookies at theme partis and it gets just way too crowded

  10. Originally posted by xj8mike

    Why do u all put your bodies through that shit! How do u all function the next day, I'll never do that shit again. Grow da fuck up already club rats :blown:

    dont mind putting my body through it. always function the next day

    Just way toooo many rookies @ factory theme parties.

    jacked up cover , overcrowded and half the people only been there like once before

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