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Posts posted by doubleplay1970

  1. IMO big rooms are rough in jersey. small rooms easy to fill. if you need 2000 everyweek to make it look good gnna be tough. afyet all if it isnt a full place no one is going to like it going to say its dead. other than that what do i care its as close to walking distance as im going to get .lol

  2. i hate hoboken. its like 50000 people and my friggin ex wife in my closet.

    only place ill go is where this guy i know spins and asks me to come to so when i can ill go. other than that ill avoid it like the plague especially after getting yelled at by a cop for going the wrong way on a one way LOL

  3. Originally posted by ibclubbin

    Platinum has some sick hottie bartenders.......

    Maria :clap::bootysha:


    IB i agfree and disagree with you.

    First platinum hands down has the hottest bartends ( sorry Zee but you are Zee not a bartender to me so u dont count lol )

    but i disagree cause Erin if friggin hot.

    Donna is in a class of her own. That dont count either because its just not fair that someone is that good looking

  4. Deko is a relly chill spot on thurs nights.

    good music good vibe. great place to go for a warm up for the weekend

    deko sats is a different story. It just plain sick some of the best if not the best music youll hear. great crowd and a freidnly staff. get in touch w jarmenio or binoys for guestlists.

    if you havent been there you probably should go its just that good

  5. Originally posted by latinaz



    Zee i use to hang where u live when i was like 18 and loved it. I dont mean to put it down because i have friends around there but when i lived there like 3 yrs ago i hated it and i am from around there almost my whole life

  6. prime u really from brooklyn ??? when i was a lil baby guido we lived in bensonhurst.

    As far as being an idiot. i agree. but the valid point is I LOVE PLATINUM . why its not everyother place. its not who spins the sickest version of the same song everyone else has spun 5 million times. i will admit i love going out but if i hear the same shit wed - sun it get played fast.

  7. hey man i know it sucks someone messed with your woman but one person doesnt make a club. there are alot of bouncers with attitudes. I dont think any club can help that. I recently had a problem with something taken from my car. While it went unresolved i can say the staff at Abyss was amazing how they handled the situation. Early the next day one of the promoters was on the phone with the club when i called they knew all about it and did the best thye could on thier part to assist in a matter that was practially out of their hands. I do think Abyss and Deko have the best staff any club can offer. i know if i had a place i woud surely run it modeled after the job that everyone from demetri and kosta right down to the last person there do. They definatly listen to what their customers have to say and do the best to keep us coming back. i am sure that will be resolved quickly. Haave a happy thanksgiving

  8. Originally posted by hunnie818

    Go to her house...kick the door in push her to the ground and step on her head...


    Go get your stuff and before you leave crack her in the jaw and then drop-kick her in the throat :punch::D

    damn woman u arent from staten island are you ?? LOL

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