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Everything posted by doubleplay1970

  1. we are such a nutritious bunch huh
  2. and you bitch at me when i have popcorn for dinner
  3. shaddup and get in the damn kitchen where a woman belongs :laugh: j/k
  4. u think you are funny huh just for that comment im going to fill my truck up with gas and drive 16 hours to your house and come kick your ass. ill be there by saturday so wait for me LOL
  5. what did everyon have for lunch today i had a delightful cut of roast beef with some mashed potatoes i am sure they were instant not made frm real potatoes and also had a side of spiced corn with a buttered roll and an A&W root beer. This not to be confused with the real Beer that i drank in multitude last night.
  6. uhhh whats for dinner and am i going to or from it :laugh:
  7. hype the guy in your sig kinda looks like you but he dont have a tie on :laugh:
  8. hmmm u wanna go out with a bang this weekend think we can arrainge that :hump: :hump: :hump:
  9. i saw thje pic i agree. but is she bangin enuff to get into the exclusive club 25 ???
  10. joe put me down plus one i mayb go depending on what my woman wants to do and how i feel about sahit afdter i speak to the valet people
  11. ok now i think im going to the store to get some food since u guys made me even hungrier. wonder what im getting tongiht for dinner <HINT HINT RAPTURE>
  12. im going to look later but i doubt it broke. just they way things were. one keychain missing and a key on the fron seat of an entirly different key ring on my front seat. Im really not going t blame abyss for this except maybe they should offer self parking as deko does for those of us who really dont enjoy valet parking. I hope when i speak to abyss about it they are at least a little more friendly about it than they were last nigh.
  13. at this moment anything. i just woke up im hung over and there is only ketchup and mustard in my fridge.
  14. clubplamatt i dont knwo what we talked about because i dont even remember meeting anyone last night. I dont really blame the management. I did mention something to them when i got my keys back and they shrugged and said we didnt see a keychain and that was that. I thought that was unprofessional. I will say over all Abyss and Deko and the best run places. ITs not that i have anything against them. I just cant see really going somewhere to enjoy myself and have to wory are my things being taken from me while im inside. I use to lose my lisence weekly in abyss and it was pretty funny because i would always get it in the mail a few days later. Im just kinda pissed right now. i understand them holding me off from leaving after drinking too much. Then to have it missing and thiking maybe it fell off. Getting in my car and seeing keys on my front seat taken off the key rings i knew someone stole it. Now i have to go change locks in my house and everything.
  15. Ph8il i always enjoy being arund you and many thers unfortunaty i dont think ill be going to abyss or deko again anytime soon. read my review and maybe you will understand . i am VERY upset at some things that happened this evening. I just can see no way i could ever go back to either club or stand behind either. its a shame especially because i mrore than most support and defend both clubs to no end but i just dont thikthat is possible anymore
  16. I alomost had a good time tongiht. IF anyoe kows mw and know how i feel about the Abyss/deko staff well i am sorry to say this. I willNEVER patronize or defend either of these places again. I wasnt upset hainvg them refuse to elt me drive home because they felt i wasnt sober. i would actually applaud them. however i dont appreciate my personal belonging being stolen from me. My keys had been taken from me so i would not drive at that time. However when i did finaly get them back the keys for my job along with a very expensive Gucci key chain that was given to me by my Godfather who has since passed away was missing. I know it had something to do with whoever had gotten my car because one of my car keys was sitting on my front seat. that would tell me that whoever got my car had taken the heirloom keychain. So for almost the last decade i have been friends with employees and hve alway supported and even befrore employees have defended Deko/abyss well i no longer can patronize or defend the establishments because it is now my opinion anything you leave inthe hands of the staff will most likely not be returned to you and will be stolen. So I would hope someone who is a friend of mine in the establishments will step up and get what belongs to me back. I doubtt that will ever happen so i doubt i will ever feel comfortiable in patronizing, defending or telling anyone anythig good about these places. i am sorry for the way i feel but what was taken from me was very important to me and i am sure will never be returned. So to everyone that enjoys Deko or Abyss have a great time just make sure you dont leave anythig personal with them IMO you will never see it again I apologize to serge binoy joe armenio phil and more than anyone a personal friend Matt Mango but i just can not see ever going back to these places as lng as you hire staff who will take something like a key chain from someone. Especially since what they tok meant more than anyone knows
  17. if being chased i bet i can run alot faster than any man alive lol
  18. ok now that i can type and breathe again how about i behave and just blow my nose in your pillow when u arent looking ill just blame the slime on pepper. oh man imagine someone got sick and puked in your pillow case
  19. we should set up a collection so whoever gets bailed out we can get them out and to the nearest alcohjol ASAP. as far as passing out i recall u biting it early last fri night. nothing better than getting woken up by pepper licking my face. afterhours @ my suite in the edison this year afterhours until we see naked breasts on the beach from my room then its off to the beach lol.
  20. :laugh:wait until this weekend ill make sure im sick lol maybe ill get some bubbles coming out
  21. i have this strange talent for fucking things up lol
  22. tara you are just loving this attention huh
  23. booked my room 10 am this morning Mothers lock up your daughters the boys from jersey are coming to town ( they might wanna put locks on those lil bars in the rooms too u know we will empty all the alcohol out of those and anything else we get uor hands on) hmmmm bets on who gets arrested or kicked out of their hotel LOL
  24. well there are times i may be boring but i am sooo far from normal.
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