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Everything posted by doubleplay1970

  1. guess alot of body parts taste like chicken. it doesnt smell like fish doe it :laugh:
  2. u and me both lol oh i forgot the dome and metropolis in motreal metropolis is sick or it was dont know if its still there
  3. hmm how about my neighbor asking me what i do every fri and sat when i leave like 930 and come home like 8 or 9 in the morning. uhhhhh ummmmm hmmmmmm i go out lol
  4. just back away from the compute slowly and delete the bookmark. LOL
  5. davisG another great job of keeping the crowd moving last night
  6. First of all I dont stare at you. at least we agree on eachothers skin crawling. If you think youll always look good next to me thats fine. Helps your big head. But i guess thats relevant with everything else. I dont know why someone would say Your Boy i dont like even being connected to someting like that. You dont need me it seems you hvae enough boys to occupy your time. The rest ill just leave alone because ill use better judgement and some class
  7. you know what i say about me is one thign im not going to post things how anyone does any amount of drugs its just not right. I dont know why you have to always make these personal digs. i made a simple joke ,no one thinks you look 38. then again i guess you just appear to need to put someone else down to make you look better is that it ??? you obviously dont take a joke too well. although i am quite sure you will say something back to try and insult me and make you look good.
  8. thats fine with me because believe me it all goes both ways. But im sure you should know that just think it would be wisest to leave significant other comments and things about drugs off the board. I know since you are stictly a drinking girl right.
  9. Joe I have to definatly agree with you on that one 3 of CPs finest.
  10. I look like i went to hell and back hmmm ill take that as a compliment considering where that came from and where the compliments of people telling me i look about 25 come from. Plus the fact no one ever believes im 32. I wont touch the girlfriend comment simply because you dont want me to.
  11. i had a good time always nice seeing steve r barry gracie ysolt prime gary carlos steve . ctowd was going all night. agai i failed in my goal for friday night. i did not stay sover and did not go directly home. Oh well thats platinum for ya. Like anyone leaves that place sober. Big shot outs to MAytt Mango, Danny and Mark Anthony for stopping in and getting drunk w me. Shot out to Spygirl, dont know how you did a review so early i just woke up. At least i figured out how to get home LOL. See most of you tonght and all of you next week i cant believe it was 700 -800 people or something but it was definatly a good crowd
  12. never never listen to a buckeye fan :laugh:
  13. wow i thught you were about 38 :laugh: j/k
  14. considering i got a DWI think she knew that one. Was in a lot of trouble when i was younger so the banged up part she fund out about. Now if im tired she thinks im all fucked up and starts saying she wants me to get a drug test . lol last weekend they came for a visit they got here like 2 hrs after i got home. we went to eat yet strangly i wasnt hungry.. i was kinda out of it but more tired than anything. think she kinda got an idea but wasnt really sure. my mom is pretty hard to pull anything over on.
  15. if it makes u guys feel better i havent been in work since tuesday at like 9 am home with a sprained ankle so they tell me
  16. ok when i use to go to exit we use to crash in the car for a while. this way whoever was driving wouldnt fall asleep. god knows i wasnt staying up while he drove. so i use to hte waking up like 10 am jumping ut of the car to fix my self tuck inthe shirt and all for the ride home. and there are people walking down the street looking at us like we live out of the car
  17. hmmmm i got to say when my car woudnt start and i was outside on the street people coming out walking their dog going to church it was like noon time i was like damn i lok like such a druggie to these people or once went to a store and got smokes and some chick look at me like i was possessed
  18. i agree with that there are places ill get mangled and places i would never get mangled
  19. somehow i dont think those mangled really care
  20. isnt that how most things are though do t fr a reason then all the copycats come out
  21. sunglasases in a club hmmmm 2 reasons one u are THAT banged up and need to hide the eyes 2 keep em in the pocket or jacket. walking ut of factory after 11 rs into the day light can be brutal
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