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Everything posted by doubleplay1970

  1. u figured out where we are meeting up yet or what the deal is ???
  2. damn missed a good night. was suppose to go promised someone i would but kinda had something important come up hmmmm monopoly ysolt i will kick your ass in monopoly or chess lol
  3. i cant go to the gym i told you to snd me directions i forgot. and so you know i was just on yahoo sports so i dont live non the jersey boards. if mich beats o state who loses more out of it
  4. you get to sit in cherri and watch O state get the cherri shit kicked ut of them saturday :laugh:
  5. life would be so much better if it was the other way around girls chased guys and tried to get them in bed and all. didnt care who they slept with either. id be such a whore cause i put out and im easy.
  6. lets just hope she didnt drop her stash in some juicy fruit lol have a buch of crackheads walking around lol
  7. i work for a company owned by Wrigleys we make all their gum base and send it to them for coloring and flavoring
  8. T & A in a Go Go bar hmmm teasing and alcohol lol
  9. real fake as long as someone is happy who cares
  10. saying that and a pool on here.... hope you like company. you might get roommates you didnt expect lol
  11. depends can it go down as justifiable homoside then i got a list and will be back later lol
  12. See thats what scares me. I am 32 and still party the way i did when i was younger. i go out until like 2 or 3 in the morning and jump up 3 hrs later uot of bed full of energy. Mon and tues rolls around i get a "good nights" sleep and im dead to the world the next day dont want to get up dont want to do anything. knitting club hmmm ill pass but woodworking shop sounds like a good idea or jacuzzi club ( maybe next yr when i get one in my yard )
  13. i think after i get my bonus time to find a new job. they fired this chick who worked in our cafateria today. reason: someone found a dirty needle in the ladies room turned out she was shooting heroin during work
  14. nothing wrong w E rutherford. just dont think everyone wants to drive over an hour when we can meet in the middle. ok hows this warinanco park. Dec 7th 1 pm ( so everyone can sleep in a lil after fri night) if agreed ill try to think of somewhere ij the park to play
  15. i am doing TGE sober. well im going to try and not getting mangled on party favors either. ok so what so ill be the only person besides the police ( and even thats debatable) to ever step foot in limelight and not do favors. Figures the one TGE i can stay out until sunday and i decide to clean my act up figures pregame jersey or NYC ???
  16. i think everyone goes through ups and downs. im not saying i am ready to give up going out. i think id just prefer to spend my time more with someone doing other things. my last single friend is getting married and someties it makes u think. All your friends dont go out because they cant get sitters or their wife is pregnant this or that. Sometimes just makes you think to trade in the dancin shoes and look towards settling down ( well for me again lol ) As far as getting to old to go out i dont know about that. My parents retired and are not even 55 and i think they have more fun than i do just they are out in clubs and bars or getting mangled like alot of us do.
  17. sticky maybe its sopmething about the age. kind feel tired of it myself. tired of the endless nights, spending tons of cash the attitudes and everything that goes along with it .
  18. there is warinanco park in Linden/eliz thats the border of north and south jersey. dont make it all the way in old bridge or up in east rutherford make it easy for everyone
  19. i use to go to go go bars with friend who was female she didnt mind until she got a job as a shot girl there. it lasted at least 1/2 until she told me she needed me to tell the manager she wanted to quit right there. use to live in uncle charlies shooters breathless and cheeques. now id rather be shot than go give some chicks my money just because they flash their tits. Tey do that for free everyweek at platinum so what the difference
  20. never afraid to speak to a woman. Why should you be either they are interested, not interested and say it nicely , or they get an attitude and show you just why they are alone. the only time i wont is if i check someone out and wait more than a minute or two to aproach them. then its kinda too late they can smell fear and its over. i think if women are interested they should approach a guy let them see what we have gone through our whole lives. Let themhave all the wondering and crap run through their head.
  21. usually on TGE i take it easy just somewhere in jersey with my friends and get home like 3 am. Luckily i havent lived w my parents in a long time and didnt have todeal with the coming in late and hearing it when i get in. This year however i can stay out all night. parents moved 3 1/2 hrs away so i wont see my family for thanksgiving. Although dont think ill be cracked out either not doing that shit anymore
  22. me too nothiugn to bad anyone ever do the castle sober???
  23. REo but do we like the food or think we do because we are so trashed we will eat anything
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