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Everything posted by doubleplay1970

  1. you know what jen grow up if yu and some otehrs think i look like fool for whatever thats fine believe me you dont think u make a fool of your self more often than not
  2. as far as i see it. i just dont like certian personality types i see is all. where jen goes she has the right to her opinion. She can talk behind my back and slam me all she wants then slam me on here while she PMs me and tels me to call her she has something to tell me. I dont need shit like that. I had nothing against jennifer until she decides to slam me and needs to make herself look good or whatever. There are ALOT of nice people on here. i just said certian things bother me is all
  3. I think CP has run its coarse for me. Not saying ill never read it or post here or there but im not going to waste all this time on it. There are some things over the last month or so that kinda got to the point where it gets me sick to my stomach.
  4. hmmmmm i think id wanna grab someone who i said has nice T & A lol
  5. hey this post might sound a lil fucked up but i dont think its any worse than girls who go out and meet guys and only wanna date. not that there is anything wrong with that but they only wanna date so they have someone to take them out all the time and htey dont have to spend thie own money.Or they meet a guy ina club and flirt with them so they will get free drinks all night. I mean i just see it as at some point there has to be some give and take. Dont mean to offend anyone just playing around. Starting a lil drama LOL
  6. who i was seeing is still awesome just not seeing her. as far as me having STD doubt it. Just im done with being the guy who does dinner and the flowers and treats someone special. I use to be evil and it was alot easier so i just figure fuck it being nice doesnt work and after going to dinner movies flowers whatever spending all this cash here and there might as well get something on my return right ??? sometimes a slightthing sets somethging oiff in someone to think a different way. I dated alot of nice girls and some scumbags too. Just came to realize beingf nice and shit gets you nowhere and as good as i am at being nice imjust as good as being a dick
  7. im in at 7 everyday i must have charecter like a muther foker or maybre im just a charecter
  8. ok so i meet this chick last night how many dates do you go on before you try to get some ladies how many dates under normal circumstances before you put out. my guess is like 2 ,3 tops
  9. what good is that i just wanted to see you in next to nothing shaking that ass :eek:
  10. deko thurs nights are really good good crowd good vibe a lil crowded but still a great time
  11. man that gio dude is spinning there im just going to go to the movies or bowling or someting LOL
  12. if im lucky i see them for christmas so i dont think ill be wating leftovers
  13. well this year im missing it and they better not give me shit i just dont feel like it bah hum bug
  14. uhhh scuse me missy i had a picture for u sat night where were you
  15. Just dont be that old person in the club that everyone looks at and says, damn that guy is old! Soon enough you get married and you turn in your vip cards for Home Depot credit cards.
  16. cyn get a job with Zee u got nice T & A lol :laugh:
  17. told you not to put those deck in the car and spin while you drive see what you did
  18. if exit 135 isnt w central than neither am i considerig i havent lived here long and grew up at 136. but id say its 140 and up is north the rest is central
  19. hmmm id play trouble but thats my life story
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