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Everything posted by doubleplay1970

  1. you mean you were kidding when you said i dont care sitck em up your @#$ for all i care. tis isnt funny Doctor asked on a scale of 1 to 10 10 beng the worst pain how bad is the pein id say about 27 right now
  2. well we have no music at work. some people bring radios but i would need a really lud one to hear anything and im not fighting over what we listen to all day rather no music than hip hop and the Flavaaaa LOL
  3. i guess things just changed. family moved kinda far away so they arent at my house for the holidays not going to decorate so that no one sees it because im away for the holidays. i do this every year at this time then some how bounce into it i dont wanna be the only ass on the block with no decorations lol
  4. im not really into the holiday season the past few yrs. sucks i use to be Mr Christmas but maybe i will
  5. i dont think so. i am dbating weather or not to put up a tree soon or if at all
  6. well now to situations beyond my control ( trip to the ER today) i will not be going anywhere but a new spot called the bedroom. or maybe one call the couch. but thats about it
  7. i just dropped food all over the floor reading that thanks
  8. i would love to see limelight too im sure ill catch it soon. All my friends are going to see our friend @ exit. and limelight well you know how it is lately. im sure ill read all about it
  9. i just thought it was funny ecause she was pulling drinks out of her apron and pockets and everything didnt think thats what they intended when someone invented the strolling bar.
  10. the best part of the night was when i saw you look like you were going to rip the waitresses head off for forgetting your beer and she turn around and pulls it out of her pocket. just me kinda got a chuckle out of the way she did it
  11. im just having some fun. keep my mind off all the cash i spent this weekend. I do give myself credit i didnt get wasted at R Bar and behaved at an afterhours party im sure i wasnt invited to even though i was dragged there.
  12. ok the next day sucks when people tell you things you did and you dont remember i do however remember the first 5 or 10 minutes of the nght
  13. my three words for tongiht no more drinking !!!!
  14. you mean we have to aprty another night. my poor liver i thought i did a good enough job on it last night
  15. Prime happy borthday. Good thing i tool it easy lasy night huh? well you didnt look like you were too far behind. tongiht the saga continues .....................
  16. We did a shoit of SoCo lime or was it a different Bob i do nt remember that at all. Holy fucking platinum. Fridays are waaaay tooo much to be kicking of the weekend
  17. i will def be at sound factoy classics how can you miss that
  18. i am apologizing for causeing childish drama. im sure there are alot of people on here who arent fond of me there are some that are. i didnt mean to make drama about going off of CP. Everyone knows it gets a little addicting. There are also somethings that bug me. Also NJDynosis made a point about me sitting on here when he hasnt seen me in the gym in 3 week, hes right i have neglected friends and doing other things because i come in here and sit and post like alot of us do. As far As JPDD810 is concerned........ im a big enough person to say sorry for saying bad things on here. i was out of line im not clueless to the fact you have things against me. Right or wrong neither of us needed to air it on here on both of our ends that was a little immature. Neither of us know eachother well enough that it had to be aired anywhere. i hope no one responds to this wasnt my intention. just want to end drama.
  19. you know what brian you are right. im not a nasty person. dont even want to be nasty to jen. i try to be nice to everyone. just always seems to be trhrown in my face. doesnt pay to be nice is what i see
  20. i think im ging to let this go im not going to get nasty and its going there in a hurry. like i have said before guys dont win these things because guys will always defend a chick. Second what happened with me and someone else is none of your business or anyone elses
  21. i never said anyon is fat someone said i have a blow up doll next to my bed i said at least it isnt fat. if i implied someones fat i apologize. ill say it this way i NEVER HAVE and never will have intrest in a FAT person.
  22. you know what jen you are absolutly right. i am a fool . See the reason is because when a very close friend of mine made a comment that his opinion was you act like a slut i should have kept my mouth shut. not because i think you are but i guess i shouldnt have defended you to the point where he and i arent talking. i am also a fool for even getting into this on a friggin message board this is just too childish for me.
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