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Everything posted by doubleplay1970

  1. i just wanna know where those damn kids that always wanna shovel are at. i cant shovel but looks like i have to.
  2. thinking about going havev plans but if they were to fall thru def go to bunka
  3. thought the same thing when i sw it got t crack the colunm, make sure it looks as if it wasnt enered with a key and make sure there is enough damage. bent frames always work.
  4. hunnie the new rockstar. no going out inthe snow for me. walking to the store up the street is going to leave me on the couch for 2 days lol
  5. dopt go home down plainfield road its friggin parking lot. i wanna know what happened to those damn kids that use to come around asking if you want your snow shovled. my back + shoveing = trip to ER
  6. R BAr deep and sexy sundays DJ Mark Amatucci $3 drinks to anyone who works in the industry. Music drops from 8 pm to 2 am no cover for anyone great food sick music everyne gets mangled
  7. hmm turn back the odometer. always an easier way.Dan IM me when you got like 2 months left on the lease ill also need a copy of the car key. nuff said
  8. he said fuck her she dodnt come see me spin lol just kidding. i told him i knew you that was about it i was too busy working
  9. ok sorry hunnie i got to let everyone in on your lil secret HUNNIE CANT REALLY DANCE see its a cover up. she just dances around someone she is mad at. makes it look good gets mangled and then pops them one real good. the dancing is a cover up so it looks like an accident. then she doesnt get kicked out by the bouncers :laugh:
  10. yeah you got the arm swing down like friggin mike tyson thats not a fling its a knock out punch :laugh: i talked to frankie last night
  11. dont know where it goes. where it came from. everything goes in cycles. Its similar to the way people danced in the late 80's and very early 90's. So i guess the cycle came around. as far as people from cali and stuff not dancing that way. well th NY area has always had the best dancing around the scene and always will. there was a circle of people dancing at WMC last year. some guy said to his chick " see hose guys dancing they are from NY" she said how do you know so he said no one dances like that unless u are from NYC
  12. migh t be looking for one next week if the deal is right. cant come today too much snow but let me know and ill come over next week
  13. what things would everyone like to see in a club ???? drink / shot special lower covers ???
  14. hmmm i jsut woke up and didnt realize it snowed until like 15 mins ago now i got to figure out how to shovel this shit
  15. should tooch spin yes or no
  16. i agree w Dan its got to be tooch or giorgio. Anything less and it wouldnt be acceptable.
  17. tara the free exit trip isnt looking good. think he was saying only if there was a storm something about blowing or something lol Rio was good though. was eh until a ton of gogo girls walked in. cant wiat for next week. actually some chick asked if we have a naughty girl contest will she get kicked out for being naked. I would have said no but its my friend mario's chick or one of them lol
  18. i cant post im an outcast so i dont post much
  19. no i didnt talk to him yet. ill se him toingiht when hes spinning. well soon there will be a dance contest hmmmm or a ladies hot bod contest havent decided which one yet but i will make sure to let him know even though tara didnt come to hear you spin she wants to know if you cn get her and some friends in Exit for free:D
  20. hip hip op hip hop anonomys damn you he always gets the easy ones big daddy.
  21. u are just too damn twisted i mean that in a good way. can i drop off a few bodys to help fill the holes. my freezer is getting full
  22. hunnie yur friend is spiining tonight i bet if you showed they would let you help with the male hot body contest. i think they would wanna know ahead of time though because they would want to raise the cover $1 to cover hlmets and an emt outside incase you put somone out cold dancing:laugh:
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