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Everything posted by doubleplay1970

  1. i do believe in God i believe in heaven and hell. i actually use to go to church alot. Probably shoudl have kept going. might have avoided alot of troubles. i can definatly agree with notallthere. my brother and my uncle are both protestant ministers and sometimes i think about it and say what if they are wrong. what if they spend their whole lives living one way believeing in something and the last thought they have is " oh shit i was wrong". i mean every culture has some sort of religion and afterlife why is ours right and whos to say it isnt. i guess thats where the word faith came in right. think its forever confuising
  2. grew up in linden and lived in rahway use to hang with some woodbridge twp heads. mostly colonia
  3. Dan sorry for your loss losing someone is never easy. My condolances to you and his family and all of his friends.
  4. think thats a crock of shit. she didnt grow balls until she fell for florio because she needed to latch on to someone else. she just let it go because she needed his money not anything else.
  5. one day i was thinking it would be great if someone invented a lil thing like a dentist has that has water and you can spit it out and rinse into. this way a quick toothbrushiing and rinse without getting out of bed so you can actually face one another lol
  6. i dont know how Carmella could be someones idol. i mean the chick took his shit for years and years. until finally her spoiled ass decided even though she had all she wanted she couldnt have taken anymore. then later said she woudnt have minded the cheating if he paid more attention at home. So in other words she didnt care if she shared as long as she got equal attention. the bitch should have dumped him the first time she ever caught him cheating except she knew she woul;dnt have been rich. im sure she stole tonys money for her safety net when she wanted to leave.
  7. i booked mine seperatly i knew where i wanted to stay so i booked a room the minute i got an email from WMC with the dates announced
  8. next time chuck the diaper in the DJ booth lol
  9. prime i heard sat in some peoples perspective was funny someone was playing bartender and DJ at the same time.
  10. that what i smelled at rbar j/k :laugh:
  11. these two guys that were friends of a friend were like that. thewy would be in the mirror for hours.make sure their hir was perfct kinda lke if it were numbered in case one was out of place. then they would like help eachother tuck their shirts in military style so it was perfect and shit. I was like damn what fegs and they still never hooke up
  12. it would take me all of 3 or 4 weeks to have a better body that brad shitt
  13. nh o skillz required anymore exit 131 is easy to navigate from lol
  14. im not worried about 8% body fat id be happy to do one sit up or walk on th damn treadmill
  15. dude thats a definate but to live at 5% or less in unhealthy at least thats what a friends doctor told him. even pro bodybuiders gain weight when they arent competing and lose to get define when they compete
  16. hmm well i dont think most people get ready faster than me shower to out the door under 15 minutes lol ok well maybe 1/2 hr. as far as diesel and 6% body fat giood luck finding it. most people say they have like 5% but really dont. a friend of mine bounces between 4 and 6%. his doctor tells him to make sur he tries to keep his weight up. he doesnt kep it that low on purpose just his metabolism. anything under 5% can cause health risks. Body fat is an insulator. So basically if you got someone with 5% fat youll be spnding tons of money on nyquil. think about it 250 lbs @5% is only 12 lbs of fat in your whole body not enbough to keep it insulated cold or warm so you get alot of colds and fevers
  17. dont get all mad im just playing:laugh:
  18. i agree w perns shorten up the posts too much to read
  19. excuse me. uh ummmmm like u never made any comments on anyone slighty ( ok majorly) over weight
  20. nah not a catch i just do it out of nessisity. if i dont no one else will considering i dont live w my family. ALthough i bet my roommate could cook good if you saw him you would understand that lol
  21. oh i missed that must have been half asleep from all the drama. i think the writers should read CP they would get some good drama ideas lol
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