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Posts posted by therunner

  1. sure, come on down.


    Sorry to hear the news :(

    Where are you? Have ass, will travel.

    BTW, I just had my best sales day ever!! I beat my best week ever in just one day today!! the fucking roller coaster of sales is awesome - Last week I was thinking about finding a new job - and now I'm thinking about blowing the doors off next week. It's amazing, the harder I work, the luckier I get.

  2. you dont need that site for in a pickle.....

    -pick·le ( P ) Pronunciation Key (pkl)


    An edible product, such as a cucumber, that has been preserved and flavored in a solution of brine or vinegar.

    -A solution of brine or vinegar, often spiced, for preserving and flavoring food.

    -A chemical solution, such as an acid, that is used as a bath to remove scale and oxides from the surface of metals before plating or finishing.

    Informal. A disagreeable or troublesome situation; a plight. See Synonyms at predicament.

    -Baseball. A rundown.

    Fuck websters!! What the hell do they know?

  3. yeah, metaphors/cliches can be seriously annoying sometimes. what's up with "i'm in a pickle?"

    but seeing ducklings in a rockette-style kickline would be quite entertaining :aright: .

    How the hell does one get "in a pickle" I've seen some shit on the internet that someone had "a pickle in" but to fit yourself inside of a pickled cucumber - Impossible. Unless of course it's a really big pickle or you're a really small person.

  4. this is what I was curious about.

    It would be nice to see them donate more than half of the earnings (actors/actresses too) to the families and charities..

    NOT just opening weekend. If thats the case, I'll buy the bootleg dvd before I pay for a movie ticket because if this is just pure profit then that just sickens me

    So every movie about a tragedy should have the proceeds donated to the tragedy that occurred? BS

    Think of all the movies that cover some real life issue and that all of those movies should donate to what the issue is? Bullshit, what about all the war movies, movies about AIDS, Cancer, dirty cops, drug dealers, you think the proceeds to Scarface should go to the DEA to help fight the "war against drugs"

  5. i always thought it was a reference to getting things in order the way ducklings follow their mom in a straight line.

    you're the big winner for the day - Two Gold stars

    But I agree with not saying, "getting your ducks in a row" why not say, "I'm trying to sort things out."

    Getting ducks in a row parallel to each other would be hard as fuck. I mean, just getting them to follow on another in a straight line would be tough, but to get them to line up shoulder to shoulder, I'd like to see that.

  6. diet and exercise - exercise more than anything for me. I ride about 100 miles a week on my bike, run about 25 and eat whatever the fuck I want except pork, no pork at all - digusting animals - and I do eat beef in moderation. I don't drink, I still smoke (unfortunatly) and I feel physically fine. My last Check up with the DR was two weeks ago and everything was A-O-K. I could've used a prostate exam though (my DR is a little Indian Queeen that I'd bang till the Bramahs came home).

  7. no. only because i had to wait sixty years for a pearl harbor movie, but only five years for a 911 movie...

    Tora Tora Tora

    Released 1970

    PT 109

    Released 1963

    This is the Army

    Released 1943

    The Fighting Seabees

    Released 1944

    Flying Tigers

    Released 1943

    I like all war movies - so I'll probably go see this one too. I hope they don't have Ben Afflect in it.

  8. I have the GI Bill, the Disabled Vet Grant, and a few others I could use. But I don't want to go back to school because even with the grants and the GI bill i'd still have to work. And when I get out of college, then what am I going to do. I certainly couldn't work the job I'm at now if I was smart enough not to work it. But it pays good money and I all I have to do is put up with a lot of bs.

  9. oh the K holes I've been in. HOLY SHIT. I can remember one when I was at Vinyl and was setting on a speaker and staring at the lighted EXIT sign thinking, "This is the only way out" and I kept staring at it because I knew the place was going to catch on fire and I would have to jump on peoples heads to run to the door so I could make it out. Of course it never did burn down, but I did come out of the hole. I made it long enough to go back to the VIP and sit and talk with Danny Howells who was just as fucked as I was. I remember telling him that he fucking rocked it out at "HOMELANDS" the month before. He just smiled and said "yeah i did" when I got home I looked over the set list and he wasn't even at homelands.

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