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Everything posted by liqidtouch

  1. no im too bent from lastngiht im talkin online right now with Cracka A55 CeCe get at me and join the NEW lounge discussion we going to EURO tomorrow and thers something funny about it hit me with the IM
  2. OMG sweety plz forgive me itotaly forgot and was only thinking of everyone i met at metro ill haveto rethink it all now and place you at the top HEY? WAIT? ur not at TASTE?
  3. i dont know whic hdj is your friend but ill be spinning for a little bit there also tomorrow hit me with the instant message already this is starting to look like a chat room:laugh:
  4. who have you finally recently met on CP im asking cause it seems that in the past few weeks all of us have been out at the SAME places as eachother so who did u meet lately? ERICA...most important LOCK16 mochi69 THE HYPE TREW GUY CARGUY CARUCH SPYGRL -- ive seen you before for shure-- where have you worked? HUNNIE818 -- watch it with those GLOSSY RED LIPS GRL- ya killin me! DIBS omg who else im just testing the memory here
  5. too bad you cant go back in time and make a choice not to start going past that line with eachother--but at least you have something very special here and its VERY important too... the 2 of you have history as friends best thing obviously to do is go back to the friends thing if you both agree to try it-- if it all works out- its will go back to as if nothing had changed but in all fairness i think you guys should be true to yourselfs and be friends not just leave eachother alone
  6. disreguuard my spelling tongiht it sucks im tired but not enough to goto sleep
  7. its too late for him now since he saw the cards AFTER the fight and incidant hes feelin guilty and that can take some time to get that feeling out of himself- he might be feeling not only like he probably instigated the breakup but also like HE let YOU down by the way he took your caracture theres really only 2 ways ot get him to stop callin you 1 is quick just dont answer anymore (not even online) eventually he will stop 2) answer him where ever, talk about nothing make sure theres those moments of "uncomfortable silence" and during one tell him "look this is rediculous, we're not going to get back the what we were so we should stop... right now..before this goes on too long and one of us hurts the other......" not totaly on those words but you know the concept im sure..
  8. now that you let more info abroad about it its just seems like there were a few conversations that you guys should have had and didnt--- what do you think?
  9. best type of fighter is the one that walks away from a fight and has WON that fight w/o even gettign physicall
  10. part A) its not really much to think about-- if hes running away then he (HE) wasnt feelin serious and at that point finally realized that SHE was feelin that way- tendancy is ot take the easy way out -too bed not ALL of us are grown up enough to actually SAY SOMETHING!! i mean whats the deal here? do they think that if they say to the grl "im sory but im not really feeling the same as you and i think its best that we end this" what? of the grl says NO then he cant leave? jerks part i dont think (for me) that it would scare me off- it depends on way to many factors in the relation ship i suppose cause i would end up talking to her to find out if theres some psycological reason that has her show feelings in the way she does-- whatever the reason is- its not WRONG- in fact it most probably ....JUST THE WAY YOU ARE...... i like that song
  11. YO dog i seen this place its off the HOOK holly crap bat -man i got season passes for it for this year YOU NEED COMPS? YOU NEED COMPS? coat check on the back of the couch bro - no prob and the bartender is my uncle (hes got one tooth but he can count really good)
  12. i didnt i didnt!! hell when do i ever? uhh well since i didnt have a valentines for yesterday i went out to a cloupel spots with some female friends and made sure THEY had a good time being valentineless also.... your welcome ladies HI TIZZZ!!!!
  13. at least everyone is using spell check see you next week brian
  14. i especially like the part about no lies . no games . no bullshit
  15. Bro i dont know what yor problem is but what do u think i am? some F-in rookie? i saw you put that shit in my grls drink lastnigh at metro bro and thats why i called you out off the floor... just cause she dont want you rubbin your filthy ass on her,, u get all twisted and try and pill her? WTF-- yea so tell me? how did u like me smaking your drink all over yourself buddy? and YES!!... i walked away from a fight with you-- thats right, so what?!! the ppl at metro- are good to me cause im good to them.. what did u think? i was going to fight you in there? bring your ass to taste tonight so i can put you on front street you little BITCH I'll be at the bottom of the stairs by the velvet rope does that narrow it down for you enough--- just cause theres 500 ppl in the place does'nt mean that i dont watch out for my friends and if i see you near anyone i know- you ass in on front street buddy im callin you out YOU'RE A PUNK A$$ bring your ass tonight so i can give you a matchin pair of ring marks on that BUSTED lip from last night too.. oh ? WHAT ? you need a comp for TASTE? no prob i got you on the list just walk up and say "ill be on the front end of LIQIDs FIST tonight thank you" NOW WHAT!?
  16. now thats looks inviting:) nice work jerzeysicilian very informative:yes:
  17. New party...give it a try...completely renovated inside 3 rooms........3 bars...... 2 shots/2beer all night long... ladies free all night every night Riddler will be selecting ladies for his dance NYC calendar. worst thing that can happen is..... ....... you dont get involved:eek: :hat:
  18. take broadstreet exit from RT 3 go towards bloomfield not clifon keep going til the street comes to a " T " make a right :this is the continuation of broadstreet: go about 3/4 to 1 mile further and look for a sign that says BELVILLE AVE - make left ( if u pass a church- you just missed the street) go til yuo see the A&P parking lot and drive on in:hat: <~~~party time ATTN: MAXIMUM!!! lets all stay "professional" here ok... if u dont like the way someone handles their own promotions then dont bother getting involved with it--- if Mark isnt right by bumping his own thread your not being any better of a person by NOT being a good sport-- we are all out for the same thing here guys the party and the "head nodd"
  19. well whatever you been up to stay safe your good ppl and i just came across your name somewhere- hopfully soon well be able to talk about that one not here ill be at metro tonight peace
  20. say CHEESE!!!! what up Kosta man how u been?
  21. forgot to add a couple heads in here George my appologiez eric r + 5 jennifer +3 serena +1
  22. single here and no no valentine for tongith (same as most)
  23. dont worry miss thaang "birds of a feather.." im in the same boat
  24. im sure youll find a body for tongihts events angel-
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