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Everything posted by liqidtouch

  1. thanx DG and might i say:aright: OMG to your Posts: 14630 HOLLY shit that alot!
  2. can i be honerd to STRUT MY STUFF as well? i mean im a guy and all but i gotta have SOME kinda stuff right? com'on help a brothuh out
  3. well no DUHH didnt you see i said "if i remember correctly..."
  4. o kgood then i wasnt losing my head- im not the only one that didnt see her there<>< found out who u were NOTALLTHERE- sorry i didnt come up and introduce... too many ppl lastnight- i cant believe thati walked in with 35 cds and they werw all gone in a flash... thanks metro tribute review to ZEE and the rest of the CPers
  5. i just had to let all you in on somthing!! this is good for the men and ladies and since some of you never goto the SEX forum. you should really pay attention to this one!! making HER feel it too
  6. true indeed- METRO gets better everytome i go- im almost mad i wont be there for NYE but i gotta do my thing SORRY METRO- PLZ DONT BE MAD
  7. OK to all that dont know (guys mostly) and ofcorse some of the ladies to a wamans needs!!
  8. for those that have been misconcieved, mislead, or just never took the time to learn about it. A woman has 5 YES FIVE G spots - the G stands for Dr. GAPHENBURGE if i remember the name correctly. Ok fellas and some of you woman lovers- u though getting "her" off was as easy as up front? NOPE! think again- the 5 g spots on a woman are as follows: w/ how to make them work best: 3 internal ( inside the vagina) 1st is just inside about 2 inces against the forward wall best with direct pressure (hitting it from the back w/ both of u standing and doing it slow with LOOOONG strokes makes this work well-) 2nd is deeper (higher up inside) with a finger you can feel where the skin inside changes to X-TREMELY soft - like theres no resistance- works best with man on top - deep hard ANIMAL SEX thrusts!!) very pwerful, for some reason there are sensory nevers here that are related to the movment of the lower body so pressing the knees against the bed near her head- and going rapidly with force will drive this into a frenzy. dont stop when shes done- PM me if u want to know why fellas - cause this is a good one that we all should know about!!!! 3rd one is almost ficticious. it is actually the side wals of the VAG opening near the top- about 1/4 way down on both sides. tongue dont work here so stop that- makes her think u have no idea what ur doing!! this is totaly for the hands of a couple that likes to play (do itwhile havin sex) or use the penis only - but u have to be well endowed, VERY WELL ENDOWED) like me heh heh- this one is just a little here and there play- just to relax and caress- dont think that u gotta work this one to make her scream- she wont. those are the 3 internal now the anal? this is so deep - it can ONLY be reached analy- some woman have trouble with this one, how does it work? easy WITHOUT TRYING TO KNOCK OUT HER FILLINGS FROM BEHINDE!!!... just hit it the way she likes from the back- and ladies , freaky lasies... NO VIBES HERE!! u can actually break something with the numbness sets in- you wont know til later that day so dont even try. and the last one? we all know it the MAN IN THE BOAT (it looks like that alittle ya know) the clitoris ... man in the boat? ha ha ok whats a few other names you have heard for it?...
  9. ZEEEEE!! where were you lastnight? i couldnt find you - did u miss out? - i would think so cause i saw NO ONE on top the bar- and no true HOTTIES in the catwalk. might i add a HELLO TO STARDO - sorry aout the misconception (boy / grl ) MIS DIVINITY <~~~~ did i spell that right? awsome grl to meet- nice to see you there--and WOW WOW WOW TO your friend (ehh ehem!! that does NOT post on CP!!) whats the deal with that now? explaine plz!OMG SHES HOT!! DAN FURYY WAS IN THE PLACE - man u got wasted LOLHAHA HARDCORKROCK! thanx for the drink kid - lost you later on though JOSH? did u find yor phone? DID ANYONE FIND A CELL PHONE LASTNIGHT AT METRO?!@?!@ stardo? how was yor friend again.._.. im sorry i forgot- plz tell them to get at me (PM) BIG MAN!! BRIAN1500 did everyone say hi-ho to him- if not- then ur missing a good guy< you frorkin corke skukers> CYNSTAM- always look good grl - saw you start to WOBBLE alittle huni HA HA cant believe i didnt put this one FIRST (hunnie818) YOU are a 911 -- emergency danger!! danger!! this grls got it goin on an on an on , on an on an on, check the flyness out - till the breaka breaka dawn!! LOOKING AWSOME sweety- damb icant remember who was with you? angelishious? MY GOD theres too many in here!! i have to go i just haveto go! missed you latinaz LURIE619??!! whos yor sister again? i met her lastnight too but forogt the name she uses.. im so bent! can u tell? i think i ran into OH YEAH!!! BUCK!! what up kid!! and KOSTA!! MY MAN!! ok now its comming back to me little... dont worry about whats said on the boards KOS- itsall in fun and games til SOMEONE THROWS A BRICK THROUGH THE WINDOW!! .. now where did that come from?... JK bro - have a good NYE anyone else? if i didnt mention you? YELL AT ME with AOL instant messanger screen name djliqid but just remember i love you... ok?... i mean ok?.,,,, ur not mad right?..
  10. yea im workin it out when u comming to METRO anyway
  11. INTRUDER Elves Rebelion Where do Icicle's Come from? Carrots or dildo's? The kinky reindeer Rudolfs payback Emergency STOP Have you been good this year? Go to the toilet before we go!! Anyone seen that elf?
  12. now thats a owman with a mind i can REALLY respect!! watch out for YELLOW icicles HEY ZEEEE!! yuo got some cool CIGS going on tonight!!
  13. LOL i mean EWW i mean LOL i mean.. ahhh NEVER MIND god dambit
  14. THERE YA GO!! now THATS what im talkin about!!! WOO HOOOO
  15. eh HA HA HA yea sure i did i sent it MAJIC RIGHT NOW MAIL you ll have it enxt week huni
  16. oh the weather outside is frightful but you mom is so delightful and u think that shes not a hoe well.. she and she blows and she blows and did u ever kiss her goodnight it taste like dad in the morning i feel asleep in her huge thighs ALL the night long i was warm!! a tad delightul mostly so frightful the way men run away- its a swellllll time i hit the beeeeehinde and we did it in a 6 man sleight. ....
  17. i think this is what your talking about? BRITANNYS BOOBS true RAPTURE they slowthings down - who needs em- thanx for the info HUNNIE and the help naked
  18. im passing out a bunch of cds atr metro friday night- let me know who wants- i have a few reserved already so ... dont miss out- RICHIE's already got his - so how about the rest of you? and GEORGE- dont worry- ur is a special one-
  19. my personal fav is tieing ones hands behinde them with a 7 inch bar at the elbows making the arms stick out straight- from the wrist ropes they are hung full body weight is on the sholders and wrists in an opposite position. with a somewhat sharp object slice the skin along the bottom of the ribcage- stick ur hand inside as they will remain alive for this... grab the liver and one kidney and pull slightly until they are dislogged from what binds them- rech downward into the intestine and start to remove them- all this and they will still stay alive (unfortunaly) take a rubber glove with pins going out of it and once again caress the inner domain of the body dont forget to kiss them before they lose consiousness..
  20. ur right HUNNIE this MIAMI deal is MUCH slower then the other boards- not to bash so dont get it wrong peeps- i pop in here on and off but i see the samethings on the boards- its like no one is really talking at all- no matter where i am in the USA or EUROPE i just go straight to the NJ boards
  21. i just did it for about 3 hrs but mine was a wall of sound
  22. at about 15+ an hour i am usualy the friend that has the money but im NOT tight with it- when someone needs i give its all the same to me give something for nothing to a friend and it comes back in trust friendship and an honest relation 10fold- hell at one time in my life i was taking home about 600+ a week cash- man i couldnt SPEND all of it fast enough
  23. i hear when you get married- you loose your 3 S's 1st savings 2nd sanity 3 SEX alter on you loose the STYLE in your clothing HAVE A GOOD ONE BRO- wanted to make it to FL but thats out til next year
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