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Everything posted by liqidtouch

  1. no we havent sweety ill see about leaving a few with GEORGE - he'll have 2 for ya tell him your CP name. or get me direct at metro- ill be the only guy wearing a silver spandex shirt - blue baggies - and a sweater around my waist- dont hesitate- pm me for my number so i can let you know when im getting there - we can meet outside if thats easier-
  2. <~~~ and what is that now? sorry huni - i dont go for the VIRTUAL kiss gif's gimmie the really deally on the cheak--
  3. MONDAY- drag ass aroung the kob till it starts to stiffen - workout 2 hrs TUESDAY - start thinkin of the end of the week - this is good for tightening the neck muscles as u look skywards in thought WEDNESDAY = workout 4 hrs - eat lost of food- make no exemptions - there is NOTHING bad to eat in this diet Thursday - get laid probably 6 times in this day as u will enjoy the sleep it brings later - eat lots of food - and practice new dance steps for metro firdaynight workout 2 hrs FRIDAY go dancing at metro from 1030 til 3am when you get home get on CP for about 1.5 hrs (relaxation) then listen to some underground techno supplied by DJ LIQID TOUCH from you online radio station saturday call me and well get yo the special treatment in NYC sunday? whats sunday? where did this day come from? leave me alone!! im sleeping
  4. ok im scared now- are we about to loose ANOTHER great CP head? someone tell me whats this about?
  5. s-ok sweety just didnt know if u got caught in the quick drama and didnt see what i left for ya
  6. attn NOTALLTHERE have you seen this and bye the way FCUK YOU U U U U U for notallthere~~~~>NOT ALL THERE PROFILE
  7. if i remember right it means theres a new post in that thread since last you viewed it after that if theres enough responces it get little lines above the folder ( means HOT FOLDER) then there are other descriptions too
  8. not to let any good oportunities pass me by- except ALL people for what they are- not what characters they poses- get a tatoo on my forehead that says"no i dont have any drugs- and NO i am not gay" keep myself on track financially and phsycally also in ties with my family for the entire year. also starting this friday- present myself moer to strangers and ppl that know me and havent met me yet.
  9. Girl dont even try it- i saw you last week and yes, YOU!! are average, and ya know what? theres ABSOLUTELY NOTHING better than that!! thats my opinion anyway-so ZEEEEEE!!!! i hope you have a HUGE EGO cause you really look that GOOD!!
  10. can i do it too? its an excuse for me to show off my winter sexy boy legs
  11. 29 male NJ at the WAYYY NORTH end- in a place called the twilight zone WANTAGE Nj
  12. doesnt have the PUNCH i was going for- would have come out better if i was able to find a LIST of all the NJ members:tongue:
  13. as i sit here in front of my screen- watchin CP go by... reading about themes. reading and posting new pics for all to see- to see what is LIQID to see what is me, to all of my CP heads that will undoubetly read some will just shrug this- others will take heed. this is a family in other words, in more words or less, we of the CP messege boards we are truely the best. to GEORGE for messing our heads into a spill of drunken maddness, and sorry DJ DAN we all know your sadness, to the BUS that rides it seems through ALL the boards, giving his 2 cents to the newbies that want FREE RIDES on boards. to XRAPTUREX my true true friend- i will never lose touch with you- all the way through the end. TO SOLAR, MISTIFY, ANGELISIOUS - CRACKWHORE - CYNSTAM- and - HUNNIE all we really needed for some time now- was glorious girls like you- TRUE and FUNNY BRIAN1500 ??? well? what can i say?! big man on campus- always ready to play badassmafuka? ur a trewguy FOR REALL like a SPYGIRL2 that has signal-e technology that maks you incredulous, and a BAD ASS FOR REAL!! to all the newbies that made it!!- i got much respect confidentialen is the way i keep it, and muzik thats Dee Phunk e is how i CREEPIT this is a poem to all the CP heads to all the CP ppl and all the CP threads GIVE a BIG SHOUT to yourselves for we all have something nice here- i swear if i didnt work- id spend all night here- so again i say hello to you all that i know- and those and the ones i did miss-- MERRY CHRISTMAS DJ LIQID TOUCH
  14. plain and simple- your a sweety- look for my little CP lymrik- your in it.
  15. Hunnie? thats your on the right but whos on the left GRRRRR to ya both
  16. looks like MISTY aint sleepin tonight- i think i came across 1000 posts from you tonight sweets- whats the DEAL- r u ona CP benge? and to magellanmax yes thats me bro- HA HA HA LOL thanx i think- i usually get that i look like ROLAND GIFT (the lead singer from the fin younge cannibales - singer of :SHE DRIVES ME CARZY..... LIKE NO ONE ELSE... mysti? u hitting metrom friday? we never met yet..
  17. This ladies and gentelmen...... ....is DJ Liqid Touch this last pic is a party NEW YEARS 99-2000 - you host & dj.... DJ LIQID TOUCH
  18. im already there bro ill hit you up with the music u asked for.... Eric R (liqid touch) + 4
  19. AARHHH !!! NO NO NO and i thought that at least YOU'd be in my boat <><>
  20. AM i the only one that got this? i think its kida FEM though CONGRATS! You're a Jello Shot! Quick, painless, and wriggly, you tend to get people messed up without delay! You're an absolute essential for any party, just like toilets. Buddy Icon:
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